
Basketball: Journey to be the G.O.A.T

As memory fragments of soul shards from later generations merge with Sakuragi Hanamichi. Watch how he'll navigate in the world of basketball to become the best in NBA and to find out about his dreams, desires, love etc .. Ps: This is a non systematic novel. Here MCs growth will be gradual other than better physique, iq and senses due to fusion of souls fragments... Only the character name of Sakuragi Hanamichi is taken as the MC of the novel. All other plots and details are my own creation.

Trivan_OP · スポーツ
14 Chs

Settling In

The basketball court at the University of Florida buzzed with excitement as a new wave of freshers gathered for the tryouts. Anticipation hung in the air like a charged electric current, blending with the unmistakable scent of determination. 

In this sea of hopeful faces, one stood out – Sakuragi Hanamichi, a tall and athletic player hailing from Japan, injected a unique energy into the mix that caught the attention of everyone present.

The court is painted in the vibrant hues of school spirit, sneakers squeaking on the polished surface, and the rustling sounds of players stretching and warming up. As the freshers exchanged glances and shared nervous smiles, Sakuragi's presence raised more than a few eyebrows among the recruits.

His distinctive appearance, wild hair defying gravity, seemed to announce that a force to be reckoned with had entered the arena. The subtle whispers and stolen glances painted a canvas of curiosity, as the others tried to gauge what this Japanese recruit might bring to the table.

The atmosphere was charged with the unknown, a mix of excitement and nervous energy, as the players prepared for the tryouts. Sakuragi, seemingly unfazed by the intrigued glances, laced up his sneakers with a determined look in his eyes, ready to showcase his skills on this unfamiliar court.

Even though his static and dynamic talents were exceptional, there's a deep-rooted concept that Asia is a basketball desert. So a skilled player emerging from there is not in their imagination.

The gym was buzzing with excitement as the coach blew the whistle, signalling the start of the team tryout game. Freshers were scrambling around, trying to find their footing, passes were going astray, and there was an unspoken tension in the air. Amidst all this chaos arrived an Asian player, Sakuragi, with conspicuous red hair, adding an extra layer of uncertainty. Some of the players exchanged curious glances, unsure of what to make of him.

But Sakuragi, undeterred by the initial apprehension, focused on showcasing his skills. The first few minutes were a bit shaky for everyone as they tried to find their rhythm.

However, Sakuragi's distinct playing style began to emerge as he aggressively attacked the boards and showcased his agility on the court.Whispers and murmurs spread among the teammates.

"Who's that guy? The tall one with the wild hair," said teammate 1, pointing at Sakuragi.

"I think he said his name is Sakuragi. From Japan or something," replied Teammate 2, squinting to get a better look.

"Japan? In our team?" teammate 1 exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah, I heard he's a big deal back there. But can he play?" teammate 2 said, shrugging his shoulders.

As the game progressed, Sakuragi's performance became increasingly compelling. His defensive tenacity disrupted the opposing team's plays. His powerful drives to the basket and occasional mid-range left defenders bewildered. Slowly but surely, Sakuragi was turning heads and winning over his teammates.

Impressed by his skills, teammate 3 said, "Did you see that dunk? Who knew the guy from Japan could ball like that?"

"Seriously, that was insane. Maybe we've got ourselves a secret weapon," nodded teammate 4.

Sakuragi, with a grin on his face, intercepted a pass and dribbled through defenders, executing a powerful dunk that echoed through the gymnasium. The court fell silent for a moment, and then a ripple of applause spread among the players.

Teammate 5, impressed by Sakuragi's move, said, "Hey man, that spin move you did—pretty slick. Where'd you learn that?"

Sakuragi replied with a smile, "It's the Sakuragi Spin. You'll be seeing a lot more of it."

"Sakuragi Spin, huh? Catchy. Let's see if it works in a real game," said teammate 3, smirking.

As the tryout game continued, the chemistry among the players started to evolve.Sakuragi's charisma and on-court prowess were breaking down the initial barriers. The teammates, initially uncertain about the newcomer, began to recognize his potential to elevate the team.

Coach Kruger couldn't help but admit,"Sakuragi brings something different to the table. We could use a guy like him.Also, this kid is something else. He's not just a showman; there's substance to his game".

The assistant coach next to him nodded and said, "And did you see how he rallied us during that timeout? We need that kind of leadership. The players are also responding to him. We might have found ourselves a diamond in the rough."

Even first-team players, observing from the sidelines, took note of Sakuragi's impact. The team, once a collection of apprehensive individuals, was gradually forming into a cohesive unit.

The final minutes of the tryout game saw Sakuragi orchestrating plays, setting up teammates, and showcasing a versatility that surprised many. The dunk that punctuated the end of the game left an indelible impression, and the gym erupted in applause.

Teammate 5, slapping Sakuragi on the back, said, "You're one hell of a player, man. Welcome to the team!".

Sakuragi replied with a grin, "Thanks! Get ready for more dunks and spins, my friends. We're gonna rock this season!"

Fast forward to the post-tryout banter. Sakuragi spotted some of his teammates on the sidelines. Already having some hilarious conversations with the starting PG Dan Cross and PF Andrew DeClercq, he couldn't resist a shout.

"Sakuragi magic on the court, fellas!" he called out.

Dan Cross, with a smirk, replied, "Magic, huh? More like a spectacle. Hope you don't break the rim with those dunks."

Sakuragi laughed, "Well if the rim can survive my dunks, it's a keeper. By the way, I'm Hanamichi Sakuragi, but you can call me the Dunk King."

Andrew DeClercq, grinning, chimed in, "Dunk King? That's a bold claim. Let's see if you can back it up on the court, Sakuragi."

With a confident grin, Sakuragi responded, "Oh, I will. Just wait until you witness the 'Sakuragi Slam.' It's going to be legendary."

As the banter continued, Sakuragi, Dan Cross, Captain Craig Brown and Andrew DeClercq formed an unexpected but entertaining trio. Little did they know, the combination of skills and humour would create a dynamic that fueled their success on and off the court during the upcoming season.

Following the intense tryouts, the gym fell into hushed anticipation as Coach Kruger stepped forward, a confident smile playing on his lips. The players gathered, their eyes fixed on the coach, wondering who would cut the first team.

Coach Kruger stepped forward, announcing Sakuragi's selection to the first team. The gym erupted in cheers, and Sakuragi's teammates welcomed him with a mix of excitement.

Amidst the echo of cheers and the vibrant energy of the gym, Sakuragi found himself embracing his teammates. Teammate 1, with a sly grin, whispered congratulatory words to Sakuragi, welcoming him to the prestigious first team.

Teammate 1: You did it, man! Welcome to the first team.

Sakuragi's face lit up with a triumphant grin as he couldn't contain his excitement.

Sakuragi: Thanks, everyone! Get ready for some Sakuragi magic!

Coach Kruger said while raising his voice,"Sakuragi, your energy, skills, and leadership on the court are exactly what we need. You've earned your place on the first team, but remember, this is just the beginning. The real work starts now."

Sakuragi answered while nodding, "Coach, I'm ready. Let's make this season legendary!"

After the announcement, Coach Kruger motioned for Sakuragi to join him for a one-on-one conversation on the sideline. The gym buzzed with a mixture of excitement and curiosity as the teammates continued to celebrate the selection of the new first-team member.

Coach Kruger while placing a hand on Sakuragi's shoulder said, "Sakuragi, great job out there. You've shown tremendous potential, but this is just the beginning."

Sakuragi replied while nodding, "Thanks, Coach. I'm ready to give it my all for the team."

Coach Kruger still smiling,"I can see that, and that's exactly what we need. Now, I want to share a few thoughts with you. Your playing style is dynamic, and it brings a unique energy to the court."

Sakuragi sheepishly grinning, "The Sakuragi style, Coach!"

Coach Kruger also chuckled, "Exactly. But, Sakuragi, I want you to focus not just on the flashy plays but also on the fundamentals. We're a team, and every member has a role to play."

Sakuragi while listening intently modestly replied, "I get it, Coach. Teamwork is key."

Coach Kruger emphasized,"Absolutely. Your leadership and passion are infectious, but I also want you to be a student of the game. Study your opponents, learn from every experience, and adapt your game accordingly."

Sakuragi nods and agrees, "Got it, Coach. I'll work on the details."

Coach Kruger then advised seriously,"And one more thing, Sakuragi. Embrace the challenges. This is a different level of competition, and you'll face tough opponents. Use every game as an opportunity to grow, both individually and as a team."

Sakuragi (determined): I'm up for the challenge, Coach. I won't let you down.

Coach Kruger patted Sakuragi's back and said,"I believe in you, Sakuragi. Your energy is a game-changer, but remember, channel it strategically. The first team is a responsibility, and I know you'll rise to the occasion."

Sakuragi (grateful): Thanks, Coach. I won't take this opportunity lightly.

Coach Kruger (smiling): I know you won't. Now, let's make this season one to remember. Together.

As Sakuragi walked away from the conversation, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. Coach Kruger's advice resonated with him, and he is determined to blend his dynamic playing style with a deeper understanding of the game.

As he walked off the court with his new teammates, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and gratitude for the opportunity that awaited him in the challenging yet promising world of collegiate basketball under the guidance of Coach Kruger.

While walking, the evening air is crisp, and the campus was alive with the hum of college life. He couldn't help but replay Coach Kruger's words in his mind.

As he approached the dormitory building, he spotted a group of teammates hanging out in the courtyard. Laughter and joy. filled the air.

Sakuragi couldn't suppress a grin – he is now officially part of this brotherhood.

Teammate 1 (giving Sakuragi a playful nudge): Dunk King! You killed it out there.

Sakuragi (grinning): Thanks, man! Get ready for a season full of highlights.

Teammate 2 (clapping him on the back): We're glad to have you on the first team, Sakuragi. It's gonna be a wild ride.

Sakuragi punched raising his fist, "Wild and legendary, my friends!"

As he went to the dormitory, In the hallway, he passed by Dametri Hill, his starting Center, who gave him a nod of approval. The initial scepticism had given way to respect, and Sakuragi is determined to prove that he belonged here.

Sakuragi's roommate Greg Williams, also a freshman who had witnessed the tryouts, was sitting at their desk, scrolling through his phone, he was also selected as a substitute.

He looked up as Sakuragi entered, a curious smile on his face.

"So, you made the first team, huh?"

Sakuragi while leaning against the doorframe, "Yep, the Genius is officially on the rise."

Greg replied while smirking, "Guess I'll be rooming with a basketball star."

Sakuragi (laughing): Don't let it get to your head. I'm still the same guy who can't cook instant noodles properly.

Greg (smiling): Well, basketball skills aside, it seems like you're making quite an impact here.

Sakuragi is now reflective, "Yeah, but I can't help thinking about my friends back home. I miss them, you know?"

Greg comforted him,"Change is tough, especially being in a new country. But look at it this way – you're creating a whole new chapter in your life, and who knows what adventures await?"

Sakuragi nodding to himself, "You're right. This is a new beginning. I'll make the most of it."

"And hey, if you ever get homesick, we're here for you. Basketball brotherhood, right?" Greg joked.

Sakuragi said smiling, "Basketball brotherhood it is."

As Sakuragi settled into his room, he couldn't shake off the feeling of gratitude for the opportunities that lay ahead. His mind drifted to the faces of his friends back in Japan – Rukawa, Mitsui, Ryota, and, of course, Haruko. He missed the banter, the rivalry, and the bond they shared.

But now, he is creating new bonds, facing new challenges, and embracing a different kind of basketball adventure. The journey in the U.S. has just begun, and while he missed the familiar faces and rhythms of Shohoku, he is determined to write a new chapter filled with enough highlights, and perhaps, a touch of homesickness that made the victories even sweeter.