
Basket OF Death

Rouy, a little boy with a bloody past, finds himself in another world, alone, with a void in the time of his life. here our MC try to get for himself a happy life but he find something he shouldn't, and because of it he become the enemy of the entire world, come with me to see how will Rouy pass these difficulties, challenges and how he will become the master of his destiny.

Barto_D_Raqi · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Unknown Ring

Rouy was setting at the campfire alone after the old man left him with only some useful information

'what with the stingy old man? I can't complain anymore though'

'now what to do? I need to go to Life And Death Bridge as fast as I could.

right let's check my status'

{Name: Rouy}

{Age: 15}

{Job: traveler through space}

{Level: 6}

{Race: Humen}

{Stranth: 10+169} {Mana: 370.8}

{Intel: 25+181} {Aglity: 10+37}

{HP: 1092+200} {Stamina: 10+120}

{Attack: 223.75} {Deffend: 152.5}

status point:15

{Skills: Heartless Pain(S). Transition through space(SSS). blessing of the void(S).thunder judgment(D-Ev).Light steps}

{Title: Pain Challenger. Tears Of The Dead.Survivor noob.Fear Breacker}

'oh, I got a new active skill, great, and also 2 titles.

let me see them'

{Light steps}:

you gain 30% hast and the flexibility of the serpent body for 5 Sec.

cooldown: 30 sec

Cost: 35 mana.

title: survival noob:

you can't even survive in this condition? what are you, noob?

+5 Stam.

title: fear breaker:

there is always a time when you need to surprise yourself and your fear. at that point, you will find your will

+2 Str

+6 Int.

'that very useful skill to escape or dodge some close-range attacks'

'But I don't have any experience with fighting, I need to practice on my way to the hill that old man told me about it but not here, of course, this place a hell on earth'

After he saw his new skill and calm his mind about what to do, he turn off the campfire and was ready to go.

At that time it was already sun start raising from the east.

'Good time to start my journey ' like that he starts his journey but trying his best to be more careful and fucose, don't want to start fighting recklessly and be at the same spot as the last time or maybe even more measurable.

finding some clay and putting it on himself and covering his body with grass, trying to be more careful and be part of the jungle.

During the years of war and grief and while they were moving from one location to another to escape from dangers, he learned from his mother that they had to hide in order to survive and reach safety.

the thing he didn't know in the danger zone most of the monsters has high survival and preying skills.


Meanwhile far away from The Life And Death Bridge, 7 day walk distinct, a village located very near the life forest.

from outside the village, you can see the defined walls are very rusty and weak like it has been attacked by a herd of monsters multiple times.

inside the village you can see most of the residents have badly shaped bodies, kids on the street don't have the energy to play around and you can feel there need for food to support themselves.

In the middle of the village, there is a huge luxurious building, at the center hall,

a man with a stupid face in luxurious clothes can be seen stepping on the face of one of the residents and saying to him" It is a great blessing for you, O slaves, I am not killing you. What you have collected during this month is not enough to pay your taxes This thing makes my mood sour" (stamping the old man's face hard)

"Now, how do you compensate for your failure?".

Two strong-bodied men stepped forward, preparing to draw their swords, Meanwhile, we can see the old man drenched in sweat and trembling with fear on the ground He tries to beg for mercy and he says "Please forgive me, my lord, but the agricultural land is small and cannot bear the cost of the taxes that you demand from us".

A frown appears on the lord's face and he draws one of the two guards' swords beside him, With one blow, he cuts off the old man's arm.


"There is no benefit from your presence You can make up for your mistakes with death".

a girl's screams are heard outside as She storms the hall, kneeling on the floor, begging for her father's life.

Lord's eyes gleamed as he gazed at these crumbs with lust, He says "you have a girl with a good body I will forgive you this time, but you have 15 days and if you didn't pay the tax you know what will happen" looking at the little girl when he completes his words.

Hearing that, the old man's expression changed and he forgot the pain in his arm as he struggled to stand in front of his daughter He begs the Lord to leave his daughter if she is free and take his life, his daughter also hides behind her father when she heard that.

then the Lord says "I don't need the life of a low dog" He orders the guards to throw them outside.


5 days later, Rouy saw a lot of beasts fighting each other and feasting on one another. there are even some intelligent beasts that noted him but they saw him as an ant running away from them and didn't have a danger on them so they let him be.

'damn it, I am sick of this damn grass, I want to eat meat or anything delicious....ok don't be greedy, anything eatable will be fine'

at the time he was trying to eat some weird grass he noted the ring in his hand,

'what with this expansive-looking ring? It seems very pricey'

he takes it from his finger and starts playing with it trying to figure out what is so spatial about it.

'what is it?'

{Name: unknown}

{skills: unknown}

{status bonus: unknown}

{effect: storage ring:

you have a 20 items slot.

'wow, that scares me... what? this is the legendary storage ring in all video games? coooool'

after thinking about it that featherless bird is a little cute indeed'

'now how to use it?' he takes the grass in his hand and tries to touch the ring with it, but nothing happens.

'then how? let's try it this way'

thinking to put it inside the ring, "toooot"

{you got: earth essence grass.}

{earth essence grass:

ingredient used to make high potions and some rare medicine.

'hah? this tasteless grass is that great of use? I will collect some of it like this, that's not it, the real deal is it worked as I thought hahahaha.

'now how to get it out? the same thing right, let's do it'

in his mind, he thought to get the items in the ring out, all of it not just the grass.


a huge body fall to the ground in front of him and besides, it was the grass that he put in the ring moment ago

"holys#$%" he almost pess his pants from fear when he sow the serpent in front of him with all the blood all over its body.

"that the baby f**ker who almost kill me" kicking it with his feet time and time and swearing out loud.

after some moment he stops and stares at it for 5 second



"meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat" jumping happily with tears, finding he already have meat with him all the time passed.

let's calm down for a second, I have a long journey and I need to separate this bi**ch for pieces for the journey.

looking all over his body to find something to cut the baby serpent with it and make it ready for storage and cooking any time.

after 10 minutes....


shouted out loud, 'what to do now, what to do? oh right I can use my skills, hmm i have just one may have it work'

thinking the serpent has a very hard body and may need to try judgment thunder more than one,.

standing 5 meters in front of it taking a deep breath and drawing the way he wants to cut it in his mind.

"Judgment Thunder"

1 sec... 2sec...3sec

it stops growing after 3 seconds "here we go"

throwing the spear at half a quarter of its body, when the spear touches the body






"my meat... my meat "crying and shouting out

"it's all gone... my meat is gone,awoo why my life is so miserable"

standing up with a pale face looking around for a tiny part of it to eat, "there is one."

jumping to the ground and grabbing the peace of meat half-foot size, trying to tell himself this is better than nothing, and he stands to look for more but hears a loud noise from far away.

immediately he knows he is in danger, and after a second he hears another voice from another direction.