
Basilur: Project Tea Cup

Uriel is a commoner that always been interested in learning, and after reading a book of magic, his dream is to be a Mage. There is one big problem, schools, and academies of magic are only for nobles. --- I will apologize for any grammar errors, English isn't my first language. Cover in progress.

Suky_Amaky · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Winds of Change

Her week was probably the most tamed from her colleagues. Friday night Callus almost left a homicidal Ayal, but the way they talked the next day said it all, Ayal won the conversation and left Callus with a headache.

At least she got a peak in how the Bauer was doing, something good she got from covering Elizabeth class.

It was good to see mirth shimmering in Ayal's eyes. Even after a year, seeing real emotion and not mute in his eyes was a thrill. Ayal had been surprisingly expressive that time, but it never held the real emotion.

She knows with time he would heal enough to keep expanding his world.

Astonishingly, Dalen looked a bit more… present in classes. Whatever happens, she needs to know what it is and if it's a good idea to keep it going. It's something apart from Kees. Lady Valley was like always at the top, but also absent mentally in her class. She would have given it because something happened in the winter for them, yet most of the changes were in the middle of the week.

At least Lady Margaux is still the same, except that this year she looks more put together.

Ayal was complaining about his students in class eighth, some did the three, four more exactly and one was Soubirous. Less than a half did two and a half miles, and five persons combined had done the least. The standout achiever had been Bauer, who had run a full six miles before wednesday, and his score of the Periodic Table quiz was in third place.

Ayal was frustrated with the results of the quiz.

She could clearly see the way Ayal was already making mental plans for his students, he still loves teaching after all.

But she can understand how tired it can make one, she was so exhausted that she fell into a deep sleep, a nightmare free sleep. Saturday morning dawned bright and clear, the sun falling close to her face, waking her up. The sheets slipped across the bed when she sat, the blood curdling sensation of wondering what time it was and whether she'd missed breakfast.

The sun was high. If she just brushes her hair instead of something, she will make it down to breakfast, before it is too late for their cafeteria to close and change to lunch food.

She doesn't want to buy something.

– Slept long, I see – said Ayal, voice sarcastic when she shuffled into their cafeteria.

– Well – debating between sarcasm or truth – At least the sleep did something for me, more than it did for you –

– Charming – Madam already looked done with them.

– He started it – scowling as she sat next to Ayal, he was smirking into his tea.

– And I'm doing you a favor. I think I have supplanted you as the least favorite teacher this year – She piled eggs and pancakes onto her plate, glad that the food hadn't been clear for the post-meal fruit and coffee.

– Yes, heard about it – Madam just sighed – It's bad when the children think training the body is ill-advised –

– Ill-advised my ass. To train the mind, they must train the body –

Ayal is not going to back up from that, and even without that, any student that tries to dismiss it sets themselves up for a losing battle.


He was lost at what to do now, apart from the other thing the chemistry professor left to solve (he could swear that he has heard something like that once). He leaves the running for studying days, it relaxes him and clears his mind for the other day, also he sleeps very well those nights.

He already wrote and sent the letter to Liam, now waiting for an answer.

Bernadette is unknown, they didn't plan anything for Saturday or Sunday. Kees and Sean are from a research group and they have things to do. He is still doubting about joining a research group, he doesn't even know the names of one.

Maybe in the library there are some novels?

That sounds like a plan, he could later try to find a garden to read it in calm, he has kept some cookies from breakfast.

He didn't find any novel but a history book he hasn't read will do. His head felt somewhat heavy with all the subjects he has been learning the past three weeks, one of those being before the classes began. Reading history is repetitive for him, keeping some details will do wonders to his knowledge. He felt light, he wasn't in a place with many people.

He was being pulled by the back of his shirt, he couldn't feel his feet touching the ground anymore and the force pulling was starting to suffocate him.

He could feel the wind around him, hear it, as if passing fast.

Yet he couldn't breathe.

His vision became blurry.

Then he was pulled to the ground again, he fell on his bag and the pain traveled through his body, while coughing and catching his breath, god, he already knew he was in a different zone by the air.

The dirt was different, there were trees everywhere he could see. God, it will leave a mark.

He could hear steps close.

Someone with a black cloak, who covered their face with a plain white mask, was looking around. It probably was checking if there was anyone more, because they took off their mask and hood. He choked.

It was Ardere, he knew that one day they would meet again here, but the thought of her still being like that time scares him till this day. Because she remembers him.

– I was right. You remember me – he could feel the air changing, he could see blue droplets in the air. As if the air was charged with something, his gut was telling him danger and he is going to trust it, there is nothing that says the contrary anyways – Leaving you alone will only bring me trouble –

She raised her hand and the fire ignited.

– I will lead with you now –

He stared at the approaching flame without moving, a part because of shock because this is somewhat extreme, and the other was his rational sense telling him that if it fires there would be evidence left, even if he is burned alive the smell is very distinctive and the smoke is going to betray their position anyways.

In the case he isn't killed the burn is evidence enough.

The Nuadas and his family really prepare him for the most questionable events.

She already shows him how without planning all of this is. The hand stopped right in front of him, the fire already disappeared, her face showed a frown.

– Of course I will remember – He wasn't the same twelve year old kid with trembling legs and overwhelmed with the Spirit Zone – How to forget the one that watched and will let me be sold to a brothel? –

She was caught back with that.

– Wait, that's not it! There was a really big misunderstanding! –

– Pardon…? – Don't tell him she really believes that.

– I… I'm not a lewd girl! –

'Huh? This is a fever dream?'

– THOSE TUGS WERE THE ONES WHO WANTED TO STRIP YOU! I never ordered them to do it! –

That's it – You were the one that said they needed to see if I have some type of defects! –

– Huh? Ah, ugh! That wasn't my intention! –

– Then what was it!? Take my clothes and let them touch me!? –

– No-no! I was never interested in men to begin with! –

No, that's it, he is done with this woman.

– You seriously just kidnapped me for this? –

– Huh… – He waited exactly thirty seconds before moving, he is going to fix his things and hopefully leave the place. It's good he wears the handle crossed, or very well it could have dropped into anywhere. A foot was brought down heavy, purposely in his vision range – You are a commoner. How the hell did you get in here? –

She is trying to intimidate him with really bad tactics at putting fear, it's either that or his sense of danger is too… abnormal. But even with that why is she so agitated? If she was annoyed by the fact that a commoner entered a noble academy she should haven't done it in a quiet place from the beginning.

– Reasons, stop evading my question. Why did you drag me here? – the facade of cold thinking was dropped long ago, and now, he can see that she didn't even know why she kidnapped him. If she is worried about him spreading rumors why didn't she just talk like a normal human being? – Look, for me that day is an unpleasant memory that I haven't even told my parents about. I will not start any rumor if that was worrying you, there is a reason I have been avoiding you –

– What? – she made a confused face. She was probably thinking of him as a ticking bomb, he wouldn't be comfortable with that being around. But well, he doesn't have one.

– Less people knowing we meet, means less possibilities of us interacting or them asking questions. They will do very specific questions too. You are literally the top student of the advanced class, they will ask. And now, I have more negative things that could be said about you –

He would have said that she needed to apologize so they could be on neutral ground, but she hasn't made anything for the moment that will tell the apology would be real.

She looked like her brain made a pause, but then there was an arrogant air in her – What do you get at not telling anybody that? How do I trust that you won't tell everyone? – He thought he put his reasons clearly, he really just wants to never interact with this woman again – If I carelessly accept this, that would mean I admit what happened in the past was my doing. Wouldn't that become more disadvantageous for me? Look here, sir commoner –

And now it was a condescending tone.

– I know your weakness. You would be kicked out of the academy if I expose it—

– They know already – She looked surprised about that – It was on the papers. Very clear too –

'For Unn, it doesn't matter if she pretends to be a model student. That nasty part of her hasn't go anywhere'

– But even if the staff knows, the others don't. If you do something wrong to a senior, not only the upper classes become your enemies, the underclass too – she was covering her mouth with her hand, like she was thinking. A grin grows in her face – And what if the fact that you are a commoner gets out. They will make you drop out –

He just crosses his arms, he is not giving the minimum reaction she wants. He puts a thinking tone in his phrasing – So you are going to make me drop out? How? –

– How naive. I just need to say some things, cry crocodile tears, a pathetic act. Why wouldn't they believe their seniors? – That's true, they will believe her first, more when they know he is just a commoner. She is still a Vallee, they will do anything to be on her side, even if she doesn't see it like that.

– But – she is still failing to see the most obvious counterargument – Apart from your word. Do you have any proof? –

– I just need some scratches and bruises, they can be easily done –

– But when your bruises turn noticeable, they would be red – He puts the most innocent tone he can, holding his hand in front of his collar – Mine would be of a nasty coloration, purples, reds and greens would decorate my neck – Ardere freezes, she rapidly looks at his neck. It already hurts, he has been carefully moving his body to not make his shirt touch that part more than it needs.

– Wha-When? – her voice was a bit shaky.

– Your kidnapping, I almost passed out on the way here – At least she seems terrified about that, she really needs to think more about the things. It looks like she just uses methods to scare, not with the intention to kill, yet they are borderline threatening against a life – Even if you convince them that I attacked first, why didn't you use magic? I don't know how to use any, and that time was the only, I couldn't replicate it. Not even in physical force as you probably have the training of a knight with schemes –

He is really hoping to be a reason for her to change her methods, isn't he? As much as she has hung out with tugs, they probably never show her the gross underbelly of the city, why would they?

– You don't have the power to negotiate here. Or you follow my terms, or there isn't any agreement. My terms are simple, I don't tell anyone about anything only if you don't interact with me on purpose – he extends his hand in her direction – and changes your methods. It's a deal? –

She seems a bit hesitant but accepts nonetheless. Just two shackles are enough, he tries to look around and see if there is any landmark. He sees the tower of the entrance at his east.

He sighs, he really needed to do this himself before leaving? – The only exception is you coming to me asking to change your methods – He doesn't leave her room to speak and starts walking in the direction of the tower.

He is still angry about the entire situation, it looks like his saturday was taken away.