
Basilur: Project Tea Cup

Uriel is a commoner that always been interested in learning, and after reading a book of magic, his dream is to be a Mage. There is one big problem, schools, and academies of magic are only for nobles. --- I will apologize for any grammar errors, English isn't my first language. Cover in progress.

Suky_Amaky · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Test, new room, and a familiar sound

There have been exceptions of students entering after fifteen years before, but all of them could be counted with one hand. The exception of this academy with the others, it's there is a pattern with those students.

Not just people that notice their talent late.

It's already strange that this boy in his documents was stated to be a guest of the Nuada family, a family of knights stating in the notes that he has high potential of development. For the moment he is checking all the other boxes and the statistics of his Spirit Zone will determine if he is in need to be in here.

– Can you use magic? – Ayal is the one asking, she knows he will ask the correct questions while she analyzes the boy.

– No. I haven't learned any magic yet –

– I see – She can feel the relieved sigh of Ayal. Just having the Spirit Zone in the most minimal way could turn catastrophic, it uses the knowledge in one's brain and can be released into reality. They have already seen it – Can you enter the Spirit Zone –

They receive only a hum.

Before Ayal could continue asking Uriel made a face – There is something wrong? – she sees how the boy is hesitant about telling.

– I, there is a number. Three point fourteen would be the first three, but it keeps going – the boy is a bit nervous, she already knows why that number appeared – Could you please tell me what it means? –

Ayal's eyes darken a little, her's are probably too.

Three point fourteen, pi, means that the Spirit Zone range is more than thirty, the circle is meant to evaluate freshmen so was set quite low. There goes another checkbox marked.

Madam Marambio seemed to be the only one that could continue asking.

– Then what color do you feel the most? –

The boy seems to relax at the Madam's voice, she still has the touch – Blue it's everywhere – That started a silent commotion with the other instructors. This is getting into the dangerous zone.

– On which side is the tower? –

– In the middle, Madam – Three checkboxes.

– How many balls are floating around? – she already has a guess of it being too close to fifty percent, if it passes then a four checkbox will be filled.

– Seven hundred ninety eighth –

798 would mean he has the density of his Zone by 79,8%. For a kid that has only seventeen is by far a high amount, having an evenly spread of mental strength meant that his mind was to some point stable. In that matter, too stable.

– How cold is it right now? – At this point it is safe to assume that the boy is in the pattern.

The boy is little surprised by the question – It's quite chilly, almost like before winter –

She just nodded at him and began to write down the evaluation on the document.

"Spirit Zone passing the 30 meters, convergent, both hemispheres and 79,8% of density.

The student is seventeen years old the moment he is admitted. Hasn't received any type of education or guidance in magic.

Percent of becoming a witch: 86% Procedure: Monitoring should be constant."

After all, witches are a big danger to people. That's the reason these types of kids are directed to this academy, it has the resources, the methods and most important, experience leading with witches.

In her six years working here, she has encountered only one of these kids.

– Well done. You can leave your Spirit Zone now. You can wait outside with the others until we have decided which class to enroll you in – While seeing how the boy bows to them and starts walking to the door, she looks at Ayal to see if both of them are thinking the same.

– The results were too close to her – That he is a danger is left unsaid.

– Yes. They are – she responds with resignation – the big ones always fall harder –

– Where should we place him? – The headmaster asked.

She starts passing to the others the document, there was silent for a while.

Owl is the one that responds – We can give him the option of class nine or eight. In the ninth he would be able to learn more of the basics and in the eighth that's when they starts with basic lessons regarding the Spirit Zone –

– We both lead those classes, then the part of monitoring would be easier – Madam is right – Putting the kid higher would only hinder him and augment the risk –

There is also the part that Owl and Madam are going to be the only ones who will not raise any suspicions. More when it is publicly known that their grandchildren are around this age.

The atmosphere was broken when from outside the door one could hear the laughter of kids.

She stood from her chair – I will go inform them –

– That's okay with me. The room will be less cold now! – Ayal is with a shit-eating grin on his face. The others were already sighing.

– You little b-


He was telling some stories to the kids, until one dared him to hold them up because of a story.

Now he just has three kids wanting up from him.

– Up. Up. Up – at least they were coordinated when chanting.

– I'm sorry, but I can't hold you all – then an idea pops up – Or well, maybe. But no I don't think you will want it –

– What's it?! –

– Fast one of you gets on the chair – the little girl is the one that gets there first, he makes the other two boys wait at his side while he gives his back to the girl – Alright, get up! –

He was expecting the kids to weigh more, good thing is now he just needs to care about holding them right so no one falls. A kid in each arm and another one in his back, he may make some steps, but not more than that.

That lasted until the door opened and now everyone is just frozen in place.

The woman coughs and they know that this is somewhat over, he leaves the two kids on the floor and helps the girl to get down, she is reluctant though.

– We have your classes decided – she looks at all of them – Camile, Sarah, Elley. You three will be in the tenth class, all of you have the capacities of entering but keep being in there would be your responsibility –

It's good they could have somewhat known faces.

– Uriel, you will have to decide between class nine or eight. Those are the best suited for your progress and should work with the context we were given – he is a bit surprised about that, the instructor puts her hand in a movement to stop – In the ninth you would be able to learn more of the basics and in the eighth that's when they starts with basic lessons regarding the Spirit Zone –

There are pros and cons on both sides, but the highlighted one would be that if he enters the ninth class, where they teach more "common" things, he would get a backlash when passing class and maybe get stuck with the change for a time.

With the eighth class he would need to study a lot to keep with everyone.

For a reason he wanted a knowledge core, may as well put it to use.

– I will choose the eighth class, Miss –

– My name is Lena, I'm the one that teaches Physics, and Science for some classes – she goes back to talk to everyone – You can direct me as teacher or professor Lena. I hope to see you at my classes –

There was a chorus of affirmations.

– As you are the last ones this day I will personally guide you to get your correspondings rooms –

All of them started to follow her.


The surprise about the room, it's private.

And it wasn't tiny at all.

'It is the size of my living room!'

He should have expected something like that since the academy is one that nobles attended, the incomes would be beyond his imagination. More when the Nuada family became part of the sponsors, not even talking about the Vallee family that's probably the biggest income.

He somehow ended up on the second floor, so lucky him. There are at least another five floors.

The bed was at the other side from the door, between them was a cabinet with two doors and five drawers.

To the side of the cabinet, there were letters encrusted on the wall leading to a lamp, connection, transfer, light. There were also hanging lamps for lumia flies, probably if those lamps don't get to work. A mirror was at the side stuck between the cabinet and wall.

In front of the bed was a desk.

Anyways, the bed is extremely soft and is the best thing in the entire room.

Recently he was thinking if he would have free time, the teacher said the moment the classes end for the day they could do whatever they want. Except on the weekends where it is prohibited to go out of the academy.

And it is not like the place didn't have the most convenience facilities through the academy, for whatever reason…

The thing he got was the four libraries and where they were located.

There's also the theme about unauthorized magic. Except in laboratories, magic after school was prohibited, especially to those who study unorthodox magic. They were punished regardless of any reason if caught practicing it without supervision.

He asked what unorthodox magic was. She responded with anti-magic, that type needed a secure place and delicate management as it has irreversible damages.

To have access to a laboratory one needs to have a research group, usually the big and old ones. He thought he wouldn't need to join a research group yet as all of them are focused in a certain area.

He would have gone to the library to catch some information in how it is cataloged and what could have, but the simple thought of encountering Ardere again really makes the idea of staying in the room for the rest of the day more pretty.

Maybe he could go later when it is night.

He has suppressed most of his curiosity while working so he could build his core of knowledge, now he can and needs to acquire knowledge like crazy.

– You know what. I'm following Liam example –

He is going to take a nap.


He woke up by the sound of a piano, he looked outside the window and saw it had started to get orange in the sky. 

Probably six and a half or a little later, it's still not seven.

He doesn't know where the sound came from, but it reminded him of Liam's family. It wasn't the same as Natalia's songs where one could dance to them, this was short and more in repeating some sound.

– has Liam started his classes already? – or he is just waiting like him, they are both nervous about the first day?

He thinks about those two days where he was taken (by force) to buy some clothes with Liam's father and three workers. That's the only reason he needed help to carry his things to the room, but he is not going to complain when there is a very pretty long coat that was more than approved by everyone.

Maybe now he could go and have a walk to know where things are.

The teacher said that dinner started at nine and will last until ten, most locals with food will be open at five in the morning in the cafeteria. Somewhere around one to three lunchtimes will happen as sometimes the classes happen in one of those hours or are far from the places.

He respects anybody that works at five in the morning when the sun is not even close to start rising.

Also the probabilities may have lowered in meeting by accident Ardere, the dormitories were separated and it was prohibited to the students to enter the other quarters.

'Yeah, fresh air could make me some good'

The library would be the first destination.

Leaving the dormitories was rather easy, walking in empty halls with one voice in one room, there were little tables with flowers and a candle that wasn't on. A window that covered almost the entire wall was at the other side from where the stairs are, it can't be open.

And with every step he gives he can see carved letters, some in "Carva", but most in Telmarian.

Insulate, cold, warm, lightning, resist. Those are some of the words in the window frame.

The rails were thick enough that most people wouldn't pass through in between, made in a way that if someone falls and gets a hold in it should be more easy. Even if there was a rug in every step.

The door also had carvings, just instead of one word to resume an action, it was a text (poem, story, rhyme?).

Bad thing it is in "Carva" and there are some words he doesn't really know.

And he neither has one part of his brain fully available. Too much interaction and emotions happening on the same day.

First encountering that the contact was the same men that told him about the Spirit Zone, the same old man that for some reason was wearing the exact same suit and coat from that time, he hoped that they wouldn't bring that day up.

Second was just absorbing the place and all the information he was told.

Third… Ardere.

Fourth, is to put him in the class they think he corresponds to.

Fifth, the kids.

Sixth, the part of moving his things to his temporary room. From the entrance.

So, yeah, he was pretty tired in that department.

Outside was just like being in the city, in the noble part more exactly, this place was more quiet. Maybe it is the remains of winter snow that still linger in the paths and lamps that make the place feel a bit more cold.

It isn't enough snow to make the walk difficult, just the snow is mostly mud now.

He needs to walk more carefully than normal, so he just doesn't stain the coat with dirt or something. It may be simple in design, but it works and combines with almost everything.

I forgot to time this, sorry.

Anyways I started drawing the characters and at some point I will link or say where the photos would be.

Suky_Amakycreators' thoughts