
Baseball Gatcha system

After being rejected by one of the most popular girls in school, Stephen Rose walked home toward the only thing that brought joy to his life besides his family, computer and games. ''Baseball'' while sitting on his bed watching the last game of Shohei Ohtani with the Los Angeles Angeles before he got traded to the Dodgers on his computer, spam messages and ads would pop up now and then on his screen, he was used to this since he always watches games on a streaming platform like this, of course, this was illegal, but no matter how many times he tried to close this particular ad it would do nothing. Tired of it he just decided to click on it... a click that changed his life

Sebastien_Lecours · スポーツ
28 Chs

Chapter 1: Rough day

Stephen P.O.V

Everybody was laughing at me whenever I was passing by them today, getting rejected by the most beautiful girl in school according to the beauty list some junior had made at the start of the year was already a hard blow to me but I made the mistakes to send a letter to her school locker between my math and history classes at first I saw her only as a friend but she was always gentle and I gradually fell for her... yeah silly me she was just using me so that I would do her homework she always team up with me when we had group assignment in class so that she would get an easy A without doing shit getting rejected wasn't that big of a problem given a little time I would have forgotten all about it no the problem was that she and her group of bitch made countless photocopy of my letter and distribute it to all students.

I always have been a shut-in before meeting her I wasn't bad looking but my tall build and arched back plus the fact that I was always looking at my feet didn't help me make friends I was the opposite of my father who was a muscular tall handsome man with a gentle but stern face probably because of his coaching job at Hillsboro high school, yes my dad was a baseball coach of my high school baseball team when I wasn't in the house I would be with my dad looking at games or training games I loved baseball but I was too scared to be a laughing stock so I never join any team getting along with a popular girl made me came out of my shell little by little 

I am pretty sure she wouldn't have done this if it wasn't for the end of the school year now that she didn't need me anymore she just threw me under the bus my Mother had warned me more than once to be wary of this girl when she came to our house to ''do her homework'' but I didn't listen to her ... if you knew what my mother job was you would probably call me a fool for not listening to her, she was a professor of social science in psychology at Vanderbilt University

My dad must have already heard about it and since there are only 2 days left before school ends and all my exams are done I don't see the need for me to stay here and endure all this bullshit I thought since that was the case I turned around toward my dad's office even if I wanted to leave right away I knew I should let my dad know about it I wasn't a rebellious child who'll make their parents worried over their child because he is missing from school I was not the most obedient kid that's for sure one of my online friends was working at black 13 tattoo parlor I was planning to get tattooed in 2 weeks I had been saving money since Christmas 2 years ago, of course, I would need to ask someone to take me there or maybe I could make it on my own also ill need to hide my tattoo from my parents but that was the last thing I was worried about right now

Going to my dad's office I would need to pass in front of the cheerleader's locker room where I'm sure that bitch Brandy must be at the moment but I don't care anymore, The bitchleaders like I now call them is like the final boss you need to beat before you step into the safe zone ( summer vacation )

Passing through the gymnasium was the shortest way to my dad's office so I did just that there were 3 gymnasiums between me and my ultimate goal the first one was occupied by the basketball team since it was lunch time, not the whole team was there but the most diligent players were here working on their form or doing drills to help their mobility the school basketball team wasn't really good but I could see that these guys were serious about their craft seeing an athlete working hard toward a goal always makes me respect that person they were so focused on their training that they didn't even notice me walking from one end of the place to the other

The second gymnasium was empty this place was left open for people who wanted to move around during breaks but it was empty most of the time once a week there would be Futsal this sport was interesting to watch. Futsal is played between two teams of five players each, one of whom is the goalkeeper. Unlimited substitutions are permitted. Unlike some other forms of indoor football, it is played on a hard court surface marked by lines; walls or boards are not used. It is played with a smaller, harder, lower-bounce ball than association football. The surface, ball and rules favor ball control and passing in small spaces.

I came to watch them from time to time when I wasn't with my dad helping him do little things for the baseball team like a waterboy in American football but since it was the end of the school year they must be looking for a public gymnasium to continue their weekly Futsal game I wished them luck in my head while I was still moving toward the last gymnasium the school had

opening the doors I saw I much more livelier scene than the last two gyms I'd just passed through. A hard fought Volleyball game was ongoing what was worth noting was that one side was the male volleyball school team and the other was our female volleyball school team and the girl's side was clearly winning seeing their serious face I doubted it was just any normal practice game since I wasn't planning to return to class so I choose to stay and watch their game.

I had already seen the boy's team before since they share the same fitness center but it was the first time I was seeing the girl's team I never watched a volleyball game before but I must say this sport was looking a lot harder to play when I looked it up close like this without noticing the time goes by I watched the whole game the girls team won 25-22 I don't know what they were playing for but the coach of the girl's team was shaking hand with the boy's team coach with a smug grin on her face while the other coach was clenching his jaw in anger even from here I could sense his displeasure in the situation 

''Excuse me can you move my bag is under the bench'' said a beautiful red hair girl to me I hadn't seen her approaching as I was still looking at the two coaches' showdown

''Sorry I didn't know'' I said getting up in a hurry before stepping to the side

'' Dont worry, so was the game to your liking'' she asked while also giggling at my reaction from earlier

''It was impressive even if I don't really understand volleyball I could see you guys were good... but can I ask you a question'' I said with my hand scratching the back of my head a habit I developed when I was uncomfortable 

''I can't prevent you from asking can I '' (giggles) she replied

''Hehe... well why is your coach that happy that you win is it not a practice match?''

'' Oh that, our coach made a bet with their coach since both teams won the regional championship we will need all the time we can get for practice before going to the state championship the winner of this match would get an extra day for practice so for the next month we will have the gym for ourself every Friday, much better than splitting the gym in half and doing drills without being able to play fullcourt also Coach Simmons is her ex-husband so she is beyond happy that we beat them'' she said with a smile 

'' Wow impressive, Coach Simmons must really be pissed off hahaha'' I said laughing

'' You know Coach Simmons?'' she asked I could almost see the question marks popping out of her head

'' Hmm not really but he often talks with my father anyway, I'm glad for you and your team I'll be rooting for you'' I said with a polite smile before walking toward my dad's office

Entering the corridor leading to my dad's office I could already hear those bitches from afar I never had realized this before, maybe I had just chosen to ignore it, or maybe its because I found out how rotten their personalities really were and I was pissed off by the little stunt they pulled today but their voices really sounded like the shrill of a smoke detector to my ears. A sigh escaped my lips when I came close to the double door of the locker room Lucky for me the doors were closed but as soon as I was passing by I heard Brandy's voice which made me stop right there 

'' Hahaha that was such a good day I can't believe this idiot fell for me I had to do something before he could tell everyone I was his friend it's a pity I won't be able to use him next year'' said Brandy... god how was I so blind

'' He should be grateful, he was able to speak to you for almost a year must be the highlights of his life'' said some random bitch let's call them bitch A to J since I know that the bitchleaders crew has 11 members

'' Hehehe well now your reputation is safe'' said bitch A

'' Which fool sends lover letters nowadays for god sake we are 16 or soon to be 16 this year this still baffled me'' said bitch B

''Right'' acquiesced bitches C, D, E, F

'' I don't know but that was lucky for me since he gave me just the right material to flush his already non-existent reputation down the drain now whatever he says people will think he is talking in anger and made stuff to make me look bad hehehe I am such a genius''

''Really clever'' said bitches G, H, I

'' If it was me I would change schools right away hehehe'' said bitch J

'' I don't think he will do that his dad is working here so he will have to come back hahaha well we will still have something to laugh about next year'' said Brandy

'' HIHIHIHIHIHIHI '' collective bitches laughter

Wow, I never met a person with a Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) before but seems like I knew one for a year and didn't realize it ... my mother for sure saw the sign I pretty sure sigh I really should have listened to her. Can't believe this bitch did this to me because she was thinking I would say... what would I say she clearly a crazy bitch who thinks the world revolves around herself while I continue walking I could almost hear my mother in my head saying '' Don't be angry at her Stephen she is sick she doesn't know how to read people feelings so of course she doesn't measure the impact of her action '' well maybe not in those words but something close to this for sure 

''SIGH what a mess up bunch of girls'' I said finally arriving at my dad's office on the door you could read Coach Rose in bold gold letters I wondered if my dads bought those letters himself because all other Coaches offices in this building only had black plates with their name written in white stop in front of my dad's office door 'Knock Knock Knock'

''It's open'' I heard my father's voice say coming from inside 

My dad was facing the opposite side of the door watching some recorded baseball game but seeing the color of the jerseys from both teams it was not a video of our school team he paused the game and turned his chair around 

'' I knew you would pass by... how are you feeling? '' asked my father with a tired voice when he saw me 

''Don't worry I'm good well as good as I can be, Mom warned me I just didn't listen to her I know now why you always say don't go against your mother and listen to what your mother says... you both were right''

'' Listen Steph...''

'' Stop I know what you want to say and really I'm good I don't care what people can say about me and I care even less about those Bitchleaders... that's the new name I came up for them pretty good eh? anyway I am just here to tell you that I'm going back home and won't come back here for the last 2 days, exams are done and there's nothing for me to do here''

''Sigh, alright I will speak to your mother Don't worry she will understand... probably. You can go home oh and tell your mother I'll be late tonight the junior varsity team coach has been fired so I need to take care of the team until they find a new coach'' said my dad now I understand why he was watching this video earlier, one of those team must be the next opponent of the junior team

'' So that's how you plan to shift the focus of Mom from my situation, by making her angry. Good plan Dad and before I forget you might want to leave your office if you do not want Coach Simmons to come to vent his anger here'' I said with a mocking grin before grabbing my bag that I had put on the ground and walking toward the door

'' Cant believe this prick bet against his ex-wife... so you watch the game and form what you just said he lost right?'' said my father leaning back on his chair looking even more tired than 2 seconds ago if this was even possible

''Yup didn't know we had a volleyball team this good'' I said 

'' We didn't at least until last year when Simmons and Sparks divorced they also split up at work you know she was coaching the men's team with Simmons before but at the end of last year she took over the girl's volleyball teams and from then she only made them better ... I knew she was a better coach than him but men this is just crazy 4 girls from her team wasn't even playing volleyball before she handpicks them one by one '' said my dad clearly amazed by this Coach Sparks

'' No wonder I never seen her around before'' I mumble to myself thinking about the pretty red hair girl I had talked to earlier

''What did you say ?'' asked my dad

''Nothing important, well I'm leaving now I'll tell Mom that you'll be late, Bye!''