
49. Bed Time Story

Victoria ran to her room. Suddenly her mother held her on the stairs.

"Vicky, come here. I want to talk to you," her mother said.

"Mom, I have to…."

"Come on, just a minute."

Victoria's heart was not at ease. Baron must have gone up to the top of her bedroom window.

"One minute, okay?"

Her mother rolled her eyes. "How did you know, Ron?"

"We met at the supermarket by accident," Victoria answered honestly.


Victoria shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, we drank coffee together at the café."

Her mother nodded her head. "He seems like a good boy. Do you know his parents?"

"No, Mom. His parents have passed away."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that."

"It's okay, Mom. But, uhm, if you have done, I want to go back to my room. I want to shower and sleep. I am very tired."

"Wait a minute."

"It's been more than a minute," Victoria groaned.