
133. Back To Emporion

"Why are you sleeping here?" asked Baron as he hugged Victoria to his chest.

Victoria smiled as she leaned her head on Baron's shoulder. "Wherever you are, there I am."

"Do you want us to sleep on your soft bed?" asked Baron, rubbing Victoria's shoulder.

"It's okay. I like sleeping here." Victoria smiled sweetly at Baron.

That night they slept hugging each other. Victoria did not want to part with Baron. She realized that she might lose her relationship with Baron in the future.

If they managed to find Neyan, Baron might have to return to the Emporion palace and settle his business with the princess. Meanwhile, Victoria is just a mistress who has no clear status.

After all, Victoria had Baron's heart forever. They are a couple who love each other even though it is difficult to have each other.


The following day, Victoria woke up alone in Baron's folding bed. She fumbled next to her and did not find Baron.