
Barbarian Hentai Hero

Run for your lives the government is ran by lizard people and they want to turn you into pill factories. He found an app that changed his life and revealed that the conspiracy theories were true. Before he could warn his family he had to jump ship to a new land filled with elf waifus. Unfortunately he didn't have a fund system like some people had. HIs only gave challenges and rewarded pills. Vincent wants to get swoll and return to get revenge on the baby eating lizard people but first he needs to save the world of Lilium from the goblin manifest destiny.

Ultimatedaywriter · ファンタジー
26 Chs


Vincent grabbed the spear tip and held the elf in place. With the barbarian no longer concerned with a uber mother bear, he saw how weird male elves looked. The man's head was elongated far beyond what Vincent was used to. The pointed ears and mostly bald head to a long ponytail atop the man's almost pinhead were uncanny.

Barbarian Challenge 5

Complete: Treat all peoples, even those who have never heard of you, as rebelling people


1 x C Black pill: C Black Pills raise Purpose and Presence. Those who eat the black pill will become a heavy stone in the river of causality, and people will more willingly follow them.

It was funny the first 4 challenges were a rendition of a famous quote by Genghis Khan, and the 5th challenge was based on the great conqueror's policy. But did Vincent want to follow it? What would he do with an empire?

Vincent stared at the man he was about to treat as a traitor and a rebel. When the goblins tried to capture and rape their chief's daughter, Vincent saved her. And when an army of armed elves had the option to help him out of a tight spot, they didn't live up to their end.

"No alarm; I suppose you were preoccupied with the human spraying your daughter's face with cum." The elf was frozen, straining his entire body against Vincent's fingers. "I remember you when the bear attacked me; you were one of the elves who retreated with Windy."

Barbarian Challenge 6

Complete: Revenge is a virtue; relish it.


1 x C Black pill: C Black Pills raise Purpose and Presence. Those who eat the black pill will become a heavy stone in the river of causality, and people will more willingly follow them.

The question was what would constitute punishment for a member of the armed forces leaving their commander to die from a charging bear. From what he remembered from most cultures, their titles, family, and lands were stripped if they failed to get their commander killed. That would satisfy challenge 5, but 6 took some time. He needed to cross the line into revenge. A plan came together, and it was mad but good madness.

His camera showed that the feed was live, and the Stylish points were coming in despite the comments about his shit setup.

That gave him an idea. "Message create a poll that requires stylish points to vote." Message worked quickly; in his mind's eye, he could see the new image in the corner of his live stream. "Here are the categories."

Have sex with the daughter in front of the father. 1 Stylish Points

Try and make up with the man. 10 Stylish Points

Knock the man out and plunder the house of other women. 1 Stylish Point

Grab the daughter's sisters or mother and pound them before the husband. 3 Stylish Points

Leave 5 Stylish Points

If people wanted him to walk away or try and reconcile with the man, they would pay for it. Grabbing more elves would make him even more likely to be discovered.

Vincent took the spear from the elf's hands and lightly kicked him into a wall. He felt his light tap snap one of the elf's ribs. That was one of the problems with growing powerful; all he could do was learn to hold back. The elf spluttered on the ground coughing and wheezing.

He looked back to see the elf girl paralyzed with fear. "Don't worry; I'm not interested in killing your father." Vincent pulled up his pants and took some robe out of his bag of holding.

While approaching the elf, he watched a video on properly tying up a prisoner. He found the handcuff knot; ironically, it was bad for tying people. He decided to go with the fisherman's knot because it was the best at tying two ends of the rope together. As it turned out, this was the shit that made money, so he would need to know how to tie knots more often.

"Do you know Windy?" Vincent asked.

"I don't know of even the lowest commoner who would name their child such a derogatory name." The elf maiden covered in cum said.

Vincent momentarily thought that he had been calling the chief's daughter fart for the better part of a month.

"Graceful wind Dancer On The Waves, I called her windy for short."

"That is a horrible insult to the young lady." The elf groaned on the ground.

Have sex with the daughter in front of the father. 1 Stylish Points

Votes 50

Try and make up with the man. 10 Stylish Points

Votes 3

Knock the man out and plunder the house of other women. 1 Stylish Point

Votes 10

Grab the daughter's sisters or mother and pound them before the husband. 3 Stylish Points Votes 27

Leave 5 Stylish Points

Votes 6

Poll Ends in 5 minutes.

Live streaming with a poll had been an act of genius on his part. He hadn't committed to anything, and he was rolling in money. So why hunt when he could live stream?

Could he do this to the vampires and maybe the goblin king too. They are both technically local leaders. He was effectively paying himself repeatedly for the same work. Since stylish points were the most effective currency to get what he wanted. Selling things other than his present experience seemed like a losing cause.

He decided to approach the daughter keeping his camera up.

"Young lady, may I know your name."

"Don't answer that." Her father said.

Vincent smiled and sat beside the elf maiden on her bed. It was more comfortable than he thought. The barbarian gave it a rock and found it was bolted to the floor. "If you can give me a good enough reason, I might leave and not bother your family any further." He turned his camera to the poor tied-up elf that tried to spear him. Despite Vincent's regeneration, he was certain the bronze spear would have pierced him deep and hit something important. Brain death was brain death; even if healed, he wouldn't regain his memories. "Don't you want me to leave, or do you want to watch me fuck your daughter?" Vincent asked.

"My name is Fragrant Shifting Leaves Falling to the Blessed Earth."

"How about I call you Fall?"

Vincent looked between the two, and they looked scandalized. "You're taking your imprisonment of potential cuckening very well. I'm proud of you."

"Cur, you disgusting monkey digging in the dirt. We shouldn't have helped your people rise out of the mud." Vincent pulled the elf maiden close and took a microfiber towel to her face. "Our blood won't be dirtied with human filth."

Viewers 2436

Have sex with the daughter in front of the father. 1 Stylish Points

Votes 75

Try and make up with the man. 10 Stylish Points

Votes 10

Knock the man out and plunder the house of other women. 1 Stylish Point

Votes 18

Grab the daughter's sisters or mother and pound them before the husband. 3 Stylish Points Votes 100 Winner

Leave 5 Stylish Points

Votes 7

Poll Closed

Stylish Points Earned: 528

Vincent jumped up and cheered. "If you weren't a man, I would kiss you." The barbarian took some robe and bound the elf maiden's arms and legs.

"Why are you doing this? I've been nothing but compliant?" Fall asked.

After thinking about it, he stuffed the microfiber rag he used to clean Fall's face into the elf lord's mouth. "I am trying not to make too many mistakes. Your people have displeased me, so I'm punishing you. Don't worry, I never forget a face. I will meet out punishment and vengeance on each of you.

Vincent took pictures of the elf maiden's feet before buying some lotion and rubbing it into the soles of the woman's feet. His views spiked, and more Stylish Points poured in. Soon enough, he could buy more bags of holding. Then he turned her over and spread her perky firm elf booty. He set the other camera on the father's face to see him snarling and his eyes bugging out from his gag. As it turns out, people loved elf women, but elf men not so much. He snapped some photos and posted a picture of Fall's sexy tiny butthole and hairless pink pussy. She was so pure and untouched besides the damp stream of excitement running down her thighs.

"To think if you had obeyed, this would be the limit of what you would have had to witness." Vincent put his camera away. He turned to the elf to see the man gagging through prayers. "Ask your righteous gods; if you had done nothing wrong, why would they send me." He turned to Fall. "Scream for help if you want; you might stop me tonight. But I will return, and this will happen again." He checked both of their knots once he was sure she had been successfully threatened into submission. "Now, I'm going to collect your sisters or mother, then fuck you all in front of your father. Only then will he have paid for leaving me to face the bear?"

The man froze for a second and charged, foaming at the mouth around the microfiber towel. Vincent chuckled at the man's sudden burst of strength and casually broke another rib with a kick. The man fell hard with his hands bound. Even though Vincent had stuff to do, he wouldn't get tired of seeing that. He had grown into his strength like Disney's Hercules in the training montage.

He didn't know about leading the elves after he had his way with their daughters. But at least he couldn't get them pregnant.

"What gave you the impression that you couldn't impregnate elves?" Message said.

"I'm not from this world; how could I get the elves pregnant," Vincent said.

It dawned on him then that he had a lot of unprotected sex with Windy.

He made his way out of the room after gagging the two elves. He purchased a go pro and fit it on his head before running through the treehouse mansion. It was like with each generation, the elves built another floor atop the one before. Vincent entered what he presumed was the master bedroom of the mansion and found an elf woman in bed reading a scroll and rubbing herself under a thick blanket.

"Am I seeing things? What's a mud child doing in the mansion?"

The elf maintained her youthful appearance keeping a figure not much older than her daughters. However, her breasts were much larger, giving her a matronly feel with her soft, thick hips. A mole on her cheek gave the only impression that she was mortal. Her sharp chin reminded him a little of Angelina Jolie in Maleficent.

"My name is Vincent, and I am here to drag you to your daughter's room and fuck the both of you in front of your husband," Vincent said.

She started masturbating faster at that. Obviously, she was some kind of super freak, but Vincent was alright with that. Viewership was up, and a few donations came in, further boosting his stylish points. They knew what he was about. Her unoccupied hand reached behind her pillow.

Barbarian Challenge 3

Complete: Have their wives and daughters.


1 x C Green Pill

It appeared this was how he was supposed to use his Barbarian class. If he did these 199 more times, he would be rolling in money and power. With class quests like his own, why would he choose anything else in his current environment? If he had chosen something like necromancy, he would be looking for graveyards and poor. That taught him an important lesson it was better to choose a class that paid.

Vincent scooped the elf woman up, and she moaned before blinking back to awareness. "This isn't a dream, is it. Humans can't speak our language, not even warbling like a child." The Elf Milf said.

"It is hard on my throat, but I'm getting used to it. Practice helps, thank you. Where I come from, they say immersion is the best way to learn a new language." Vincent said

"Let me repeat my question. Despite your pointy ears, it seems you've gone deaf. What's your name. I would like to know so I know what your husband is screaming through his gag." Vincent said.

He was committed and receiving hearts and Stylish points; his viewership had tripled after finding the mother. It seemed it was more about selling his live stream than anything else. After entering Fall's room, he purchased a 400 stylish point stable camera.

"My name is Glory to the Mountain River." Vincent nodded while he busied himself installing the new camera. Message hooked it up to his live stream, adding another camera. "What is that?" Glory said.

"Give me a second to find the best way to explain," Vincent said.

He typed up a short poll while pulling some water out of his bag before pulling his pants down and tossing his shirt. Vincent took out some lube and covered his dick with it.

Answer Her. 4 Stylish Points

Don't Answer Her. 4 Stylish Points


The barbarian watched the family stare at him while he prepared to have a little threesome. Pulled Fall's hair and pressed his dick into her mouth. She reluctantly sucked on it when she tasted the cherry flavor lube.

"Elf mouths are so good," Vincent said.

The poll ticked down.

Answer Her. 4 Stylish Points

Votes 50

Don't Answer Her. 4 Stylish Points

Votes 55 Winner

Poll End

Stylish Points Earned 420

"My cameras are none of your damn business, knife ear. Sit on this bed and wait your turn." Vincent said.

Vincent pulled out of Fall's mouth and let her lick the tip of his dick before he shoved it back into her mouth.

"Are you going to do this to every home, or is it just us? How did we get so fortunate to deserve someone like you invading to rape us in our homes and pillage our honor?" Glory said.

Vincent chuckled; he couldn't help himself. "You're one of a two hundred. I happened to find your home first. Your husband already lost your family's honor; this is the result; I am here. Only you're obedience can earn it back." Vincent said.

He thought his gaslighting was ok for his first house. Windy's family would need an extra step to really send it home. "So, is Windy as derogatory as your husband and daughter made it sound." He felt Fall try and talk around his dick. "Don't talk with your mouth full," Vincent said.

"What will it take to make you leave?" Glory asked.

"I will leave after I fill your wombs with cum and slide my dick between your pussy's in an incest meat sandwich," Vincent said.

He looked at the camera and smiled. "Sorry, spoilers," Vincent said.

"How vulgar I must be dreaming no man, not even a human, could think of something so crude." Glory opened her steamy legs, exposing her swollen matronly elf pussy. It still appeared a size smaller than he expected. She turned to her husband. "Do not worry, none of this is real; we are asleep in bed." Glory said.

Glory was clearly into it and gaslighting her husband to make believe he dreamed it.

"Sure, this is all a wonderful dream." He pushed forward and realized Fall didn't have a gag reflex. Vincent pushed his fingers through her hair and felt her pointy ears. He pushed in deep, feeling her tight throat grip his cock. Her plush tongue licked his balls, and Glory moved in before sucking one of his testicles into her mouth. As it turned out, the MILF was a freak. Vincent pulled out of Fall's throat and let her breathe before plunging back inside. "I like it when a plan comes together," Vincent said.

Strategically speaking, while he was weak, this was his best chance to rapidly gain strength. Windy might still hold Stockholm syndrome or loyalty to him and help him out. If not, he would go from wealthy home to wealthy home and fuck the families of the elven elite. It would help him gain power much faster, and the live stream earned so much money from bored gamers.

Vincent pulled away and heard Glory's plush thick lips pop. He took out a knife and cut Fall's bindings. She threw a left hook, and Vincent dodged, letting it barely miss his chin. Then he caught the bronze stiletto Glory tried to hide earlier, but he knew how to pay attention. She would have been better off screaming her head off for guards. But, not like it mattered; the upper floors appeared free of most guard patrols.

He tossed the stiletto out the window, hoping it didn't hit some poor random bastard. "If your husband didn't manage to spear me with a surprise attack, how would you manage." He remembered her husband's form and silent steps before he thrust his spear. It was a credible threat. "For that, I will fuck you first."

The MILF's eyes widened before he pulled her to himself. Her soft breasts pressed against his chest while his cock pressed against her yawning slit. She was riled up, and stopping her assassination attempt got her off. Vincent barely had to press to enter her.

Anguished cries ripped out of the elf lord's throat. Vincent ignored the man and pressed forward. Wet gripping tight elf pussy wrapped around his cock, drawing him in, and the woman spread her legs like an animal in heat. Glory moaned while he crushed her pussy.

The daughter hissed while rubbing herself as he pummeled Glory's MILF pussy with long, thorough thrusts. Vincent wanted to stretch the woman out and put on a show. No one wanted to see him jackhammering and ruining the shot while they masturbated at home. He made sure his camera caught every bit of his movements and gave his viewers enough stills to focus on.

He slowly ramped it up while the husband cried. Vincent came hard into the matron's waiting, hungry twat before pulling out slowly to let his cum drip from her.

"Why did you say the gods sent you to punish us?" Fall asked.

"The gods are all-powerful. Do you believe they couldn't stop me from punishing you? No, because I am here, they must be displeased." Vincent said.

"The tribute to the goblins." Vincent raised an eyebrow before he pulled the elf's legs apart, spreading the noble maiden's unblemished pussy to his camera. Her pussy lips were soft to the touch of his cock and were more than slick enough to glide him to her entrance. There he felt her barrier struggling against him. He was going to take her hymen on Livestream, immortalizing his action. "It's not something I should tell an outsider."

"We are about to be very intimate, and I will be as inside you as any man. Did you pay the goblins instead of fighting them? If so, why was Windy chased by a band of them?" Vincent asked.

"Did Windy already tell you?" Fall asked.

"Something like that," Vincent said.

Fall made a cute, pained expression as he pressed into her. He felt her hymen split, and she winced, tightening up. A small trickle of blood slid down his cock on camera, and the father went ballistic.

Two UC Green Pills fell in his hand, and he took them immediately.

"I love collecting maidenheads. Your expression might have been cuter than Windy's." Vincent said.

He pressed deeper into her beyond-tight cunt and felt his balls slap Fall's perky ass. Vincent maneuvered to hit her G spot every few thrusts, but it wasn't where he expected it. Elves hat it in a different place. Windy's was on the upper left, and Fall's was on the lower right. He hadn't bothered with Glory. She had been more for his fun. Fall's expressions raked in the stylish points hand over fist. People liked to comment on how cute her ears were peaking out of her dark auburn hair.

Vincent grabbed the mother, licked his finger, and jammed it in the mother's butthole. It was beyond tight but lubed enough in their initial lovemaking to give in. He pressed into the knuckled and knew he wanted to fuck the Milf's possibly virgin ass.

"No, that isn't for sex." Glory said.

The barbarian took pictures and made a note to come back later. Vincent used a moist towelette to clean his hand before jamming two fingers into the woman's used sex and searching out her G spot. Vincent found the nub and rubbed two fingers alongside it before giving the MILF a shake. Her eyes shot open wide before she squirted on the spot, hitting her husband in the face.

More stylish points fell in, but it was time for the finale. Vincent pushed in deep and came against Fall's cervix. Vincent felt her little entrance kiss his dick as he entered the elf. There were going to be so many half-elves before he was done.

He pulled out of the daughter, pulled the wife on top of the two, and lowered put them in position. Their sexy elf pussies were practically kissing each other. Their swollen clits almost touched. Vincent lined his cock up and slid it between them, completing the sandwich. He felt his hips rock against the two of them and loved it. He needed more elves and could easily hold hostages to keep the other elves obeying him.

With that in mind, he pounded them with all his might, enjoying how their sexy bodies trembled with each thrust. When the feel of their pussy lips entwining his cock grew too amazing, he came pulling back to bury the head of his cock between them. He thrust into the mother and then the daughter Cumming the whole time. Soon the two were moaning wrecks dribbling with cum.

Then he raised a companion card and captured the daughter. Vincent turned the camera.

"Sorry, folks, that concludes today's live stream. Until the next one, stay horny." Vincent said.

Two C Black and 1 C Green pills fell into his hand; he took them. When the black pill's power swept through him, he envisioned an army captured in a card, always ready to be unleashed. That was the kind of power Vincent could get from the system. First, he needed to learn about the system of government the elves used and then attack its weaknesses ruthlessly.

Glory was left alone in a panicked wreck on her daughter's bed while he tucked Fall's card behind his ear. Vincent sighed after the stream turned off and purchased a few more packs of cards. He needed enough commons for at least 199 more. A literal mountain of elf pussy sounded like a dream come true. But it was unrealistic; he only needed 4 or so elf maidens to make his case.

Vincent pulled Fall's card out and showed it to the snotty wreck that was her father.

"I can rip her card at any time and kill her. From now on, you work for me, or your daughter will pay." Vincent struggled with the elvish words. It sounded like the pinnacle of an orchestra.

"You brought this on yourself. If you had been likable, I would have reconciled with you instead of taking your wife and daughter. Instead, sleep here and think about your crimes against me." Vincent yanked the microfiber rag out of the elf lord's mouth. "Once you show yourself to be humble, I will release you. Until then, I will take what you have surrendered through your actions." Vincent said.

"We are a peaceful people and only want to sell our bronze." The broken elf lord said.

"You do not understand the meaning of peace, but you will be well acquainted with the term before I leave. Tribute and appeasement are those the tools of your peace." The man nodded, sealing his fate in Vincent's eyes. "Then your tribute to me is your home and all you possess, and to appease me, I will take your wife and daughter," Vincent said.

He felt the elf's eyes widen, and an edge of rage returned to him. Vincent felt like he finally stoked the fires of rage within the peaceful elf. A beaten, downtrodden elf would make for a poor showing.

"Good, you have finally stepped upon the path of peace. I will leave you here to help you walk further down that path. So, the lesson isn't forgotten." Vincent said.

He was caught between half-heartedly trying to help the elven culture and wanting a good Livestream. Also, he needed a warm body to sleep with. Vincent had gotten used to sleeping with Windy.

Clover, the great green sorceress, and daughter of King Ragnar, observed the entrails of a bear found in the elf territory of Orichalcum mountain. The tribute of slaves, ores, and loot has already been mostly taken back except for one chieftain's daughter. A squad of soldiers were butchered by a single man. Spies in the valley lands under the shadow of Corbin have heard of no human legends awoken from their slumber. She was forced to dig through the rotting entrails of a maggot-ridden bear's corpse to find any hint of fact.

The sorceress fiddled with the lenses of her seer mask to unravel what in the Krunk was going on. Long-nosed gobs wearing masks with even longer noses worked tirelessly to collect pieces of the damaged cadaver into glass vials for later study. She would need to use her magic to make more in the future; her collection grew by the day.

"Are you having trouble, my dear?"

Clover felt her ears fall even when she tried to hide it. Even the daughter of Ragnar wasn't safe from the greedy pig eyes of Glub, the master sorcerer and court wizard, to her father. The poor elf maiden pulling the fat gob around on a palanquin looked worse every day. Did the Glub eat their rations as well as his own? She could see the ribs of most girls.

She turned away; showing pity would get her killed.

"It's nothing that you can help with. I surpassed you long ago in the fields of deduction and divination." Clover said.

"Your father prefers action over observation, but knowing why his men died will soothe his majesty's mind. Scouts claimed they saw a small army of 200 fully dressed and armed elven warriors." Glub said.

"They are drunk on peace; the elves don't have it in them to fight," Clover said.

"No, they are plentiful in their numbers and wealthy enough to pay us tribute while they prepare for war. Your father only took it because we are about to go to war with Chiron to the east. We can't afford a war on two fronts."

Chiron was one of the few states that forbade the use of magic, preferring the strength of arms. They were also made up entirely of centaurs and slaves. An army of centaurs was a mounted army always devastating against goblin infantry. They needed the bronze mines to arm their troops. Normally the centaur armies wouldn't be a problem; they were undisciplined. But they had a new leader Ogedei a stallion who had cast down the boss mares that normally ran society. A great restructuring had occurred, and an organized army of centaurs had gathered for the first time in history.

"Are we sure they will go west? With their speed, North could be viable." Clover said.

"South is the Michael desert, and there are reports that the east of them is an endless span of what the locals call bitter water," Glub said.

She aligned the jars containing pieces of the bear and began her ritual. She fed her mana into the spell and watched as an image dyed red appeared. A human built unlike any she had ever seen cut, shot, and murdered the bear's cubs. She watched the human complete impossible feats moving more like a vampire than a human. After checking the time of day, her stomach dropped.

"Those monsters have finally done it. The vampires have created a day walker." Clover said.

Vincent woke up feeling refreshed. With the camera off and his anger cooled, he didn't feel like being as much of a dick. He got out of bed, leaving the MILF behind. He expected to wake up bound in chains or at least to an army of guards. It seemed the elves were falling on hard times. So he decided to raid their library and get some much-needed information.

The province of March was interesting. Vincent opened one of the scrolls instead of deciphering the mess of knots. After spending some stylish points, he had a better feel of the written elvish language. It was an odd experience, elvish. It took some time to realize he was reading a romance novel about a randy centaur having its way with an elf noble lady. He shook his head and put down the scroll.

After doing some searching, he found some actual history. The elves used to be a kingdom and expanded for a time. For a time, they truly had prosperity, and someone had the bright idea to try democracy and egalitarianism. For a while, everything was fine, and then they lost a huge chunk of their frontier. A city revolted, and when the royal family tried to take back power, a few Duke's roused the people and had them assassinated.

Some of the royal family survived were split up and placed under house arrest. Of course, the elves didn't want to wipe out the royal line, but the reason wasn't written down. Vincent was guessing magic or some other military benefit. That was the only thing that seemed logical. Why let a bloodline live that can potentially overthrow the current regime unless they had some value?

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