
Embers of Desire

Nil sat in his room, his gaze fixed upon the photograph of Kao that rested in his trembling hands. The memories it evoked were both comforting and unsettling, stirring a tumult of emotions within him. Lost in reverie, he scarcely noticed the approaching footsteps until they intruded upon the silence of his sanctuary. Startled, he watched as the cherished image slipped from his grasp, crashing to the floor in a cacophony of shattered glass and fractured memories.

Turning swiftly, he beheld his sister, Sonali, standing before him with a steaming glass of milk in her outstretched hand. Despite the warmth of her gesture, a shadow of fear lingered in his eyes as he regarded her. "Could you not have granted me the courtesy of a knock?" he murmured, the edge of reproach evident in his voice.