
Bandits of Ragnarok

Leviathan, a Viking warrior with a dark past, is haunted by a mysterious figure that appears to him during his blood-soaked battles. Raised in a brutal world where violence is the norm, Leviathan has become a ruthless killing machine, willing to do anything to please his lord and master, Earl Herlin. As he learns to fight alongside his comrades Beru, Sakaar, Sophia, and Ragnar, Leviathan begins to form close bonds with his fellow warriors, and together they uncover the truth about the Norse gods and their cruel ruler, Odin. The occurrence of that 'figure' in Leviathan's dreams become more frequent and vivid, showing him glimpses of the future, of impending doom and destruction. Driven by a desire to stop Odin's cruel actions and prevent the coming of Ragnarok, Leviathan and his squad become known as the "Bandits of Ragnarok." They wage war against the gods and their followers, risking their lives to protect the ones they love and save the world from destruction. "Bandits of Ragnarok" is a gripping tale of sacrifice, redemption, and the power of One's sheer will in the face of unimaginable odds.

Writer_Assistant · アクション
5 Chs

Greatest Asset

Here I am... Dining with my family. My siblings are running around, taunting each other. Mother is serving the food. Father, as always has a mug look on his face. And I'm just looking at them, while I can.

Everything is perfect. I hope it could stay this way forev-

"Leviathan!! Wake up! I said, WAKE THE FUCK UP!"


"THE RAIDERS ARE HERE!" said Dæger, waking me up from my slumber.

"What do you mea-"

"C'mon! The Earl is calling for you! We have NO time!"

"Okay! OKAY! Goddamnit! can't even have a good night's sleep in this shithole of a village."

I said while I was annoyed.

Dæger said The Raiders are here..I gotta get equipped. I stood up from the bed, gazing at my hands. Preparing myself for what I was about to do..

I equipped myself with armour and picked up Two of my axes and went outside to see General Herlin. As I was walking down the muddy road to his place. I saw many people running around, in an attempt to hide their supplies from The Raiders. But as I walked through, I noticed a bunch of stares hooked at me.

"What? You guys never seen a legend in flesh before?" I shouted sarcastically. But little to my surprise, no one replied. I shook my head and went to the cabin where the general is usually in.

"Oh! There's my BEST soldier!" claimed the general.

"What direction?!" I asked Herlin, ignoring his words.

"Oooh, the little boy isn't in the mood I see."

"I said, What. Direction."

"You know, this ACT of yours is the reason nobody likes you." said Herlin mockingly.

I grunted as I kept looking at him angrily.

Herlin sighed. "You really are a thick one to break aren't ya. Huh....South-East. Though, I suggest This time, you follow the plan my tactitians have made for- Andddd he's gone."

The wind blows on my face as I race through the trees in the direction of the raiders. I keep thinking to myself, Why does that piece of shit act like I mean something to him? I mean, I AM the Greatest Asset to him and his army.

But still, I fear one of these days I'm gonna bust his face open with a swing of this axe of mine.

Though he is the only reason I haven't been abandoned by the villagers. I don't know why they 'worship' The Ugly Cunt. Anyways, I can hear the footsteps of those raiders.

The snow is quite...thick in these areas. I can feel my feet sinking in the snow with every step I take. "Well, No going back now! Here I come!" I shouted.

I took long leaps as I launched myself into the air. I looked at the shocked faces of the raiders and smiled to myself. I land and whirl around, plunging one of my axes deep into one of the raiders' throats. A look of horror washes up on everyone's face.

I took advantage of their stun and chopped up a couple more of them into pieces. At the sight of my Axes, One of the raiders shouted, "Ahh...He....He's...HE'S THE REAPER OF THE WOO-" just before he could finish. I sliced his jaw open, killing him instantly. But I was a bit late.

"I'm guessing you guys know who I am now."

"THE REAPER OF THE WOODS!" , one of them shouted again. Everyone dropped their weapons in 'Fear'. And started pleading for their life.

"Ahhh... That's a pity." I said as I started chopping down the raiders one by one.


"But sir, Why do you put up with Leviathan's bullshit? He doesn't give a damn about any of us!" said one of the Earl's wings.

"Calm down, Viddal."


"Shh..shh...shh...You don't see the big picture." said Herlin, walking up to the window nearby.

"What do you mean...Sir." asked Viddal.

"That boy...is the key that I need." Herlin said with an emotion-less look on his face.

"For what? Sir."


As I tear people down to shreds with every swing of my ax. I see some of them picking their weapons. Some of them accept their fate after hearing who I am. But it doesn't make a difference, Does it? Even the ones who hold their guard know how it's gonna end. I can see it in their eyes. A guy comes running down to slash me with his sword. I stopped his hand mid-swing and looked at him. Just my gaze seemed enough to make him piss himself. Huh.

I Brutally break his nose before chopping his body down diagonally. The blood poured out of his body like a fountain. And in between that blood, there it was.

A figure, Standing near a tree between the storms. Wearing a dark cloak. It's not one of the raiders, I'm sure. A traveller? A spy? Who is that? Before I could react, the figure disappeared between the pouring blood. I stopped for a second and heard a scream.

I look at some distance and see a Fatass running away.

"Hah! That must be the Captain." I exclaimed.

I started running after the fat bastard and finally caught up.

"Ay! Ay! Ay! Ay! Calm down. I said, CALM DOWN!" I said as I got hold of his hair and tackled him down into a Choke Hold.

"Let me go...Please..My people don't like me, They will Kill my family! My son...I beg of you, let me go! R..Reaper of woods." The captain pleaded.

"What part of 'REAPER OF THE WOODS' don't you get?"

"Please! I beg you..I won't return to these lands ever again. Please..." The captain kept crying.

After thinking for a moment, I asked the captain, "You said something about having a son."

"Y-Y-Yes!! I very much did!"

"And your people will kill him if I kill you here?"


"Then I'll make sure he sends you my regards." I whispered to him.

"Wha..What do you -"

Not waiting a second more, I started slicing his neck, slowly, with the knife I've been carrying.

"Bkht PkheEeEeEeE..."

The glurrping sound of the blood echoes my ears as I see life leaving his eyes. I keep slicing down the knife left to right until his yearning body slowly but surely, stops moving. Silence grows on my ears as there's no more of him left to plead or yearn. I sigh and lay down in the cold ice with his lifeless body on me. As if questioning my life. I keep gazing at the sky, the birds flying around, Freely. Without a single worry. I almost envy those feathery fucks.

Sighing, I proceeded back to my village, with the captain's head for The Earl.

Here I am, publishing another chapter when I should be studying for my exam tomorrow!

Well...too late now. Hope you enjoyed reading!

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