
Platoon Commander Blackhead

On the first day of enlistment to fight, Wu Yi has been a squad leader for three years to bring three batches of recruits or the first time to see.

When Li Zheng pulled Fatty Wei away from Zhang Jian, the bastard's mouth was still cursing.

Zhang Jian was completely confused, this time to slow down the feeling of shame, actually let Fatty Wei cracked his head to the face to beat a flower punch, this face to where to rest?

Is ready to rise up to fight back, did not expect a hand suddenly reached behind him, a hand grabbed, carry a chicken like directly mention but up.


Zhang Jian is on fire, roared.


A voice as hard as steel came from behind him.

"A new recruit fighting on his first day? If you don't want to be a soldier, get the hell home!"

The crowd looked up, only to see a black charcoal-headed sergeant appear behind Zhang Jian.

The reason why he was called a black charcoal head was because it was really black, the skin from top to bottom was black as charcoal as long as it was exposed outside the camouflage uniform.

Li Zheng felt to turn off the lights, I guess instantly blending into the night color, are almost catching up with the Africans to come.

A look at the rank on the collar badge, yo! Is an old sergeant.

Li Zheng was on the Internet before the army to check about the rank of the army, vaguely remember that this is the third period of the sergeant.

Proper veteran ah!

Wu Yi rushed over, saw the third sergeant immediately some embarrassment, called out: "Platoon commander."

The black charcoal head sergeant glanced at Wu Yi, crackling his head and admonished, "Wu Yi, how do you lead the soldiers? This first day in the army the new recruits are fighting, in the future I'll see how you manage!"

Wu Yi's face burned from the lecture, he turned his head to look at Fatty Wei and Zhang Jian and said fiercely, "Why did you fight?"

Zhang Jian said, "I don't know, I was fine, but he suddenly went crazy and hit me!"

Wu Yi asked Fatty Wei, "Wei Guo Xing, what's going on?!"

Fatty Wei's small eyes red, hands shaking, pointing at Zhang Jian said, "Son of a bitch cursed my mom!"

Zhang Jian jumped up and argued, "No way! Did I curse your mother?"

Fatty Wei roared with a sobbing voice, "You said my mom doesn't do housework!"

Zhang Jian was confused for a moment, then came back to his senses, "You call saying your mom doesn't do housework scolding you? Your mom is really precious, can't you say half a word?"

Originally has been laid to rest Wei fat man heard this sentence, immediately and wailed to rush up and Zhang Jian fight.

Li Zheng dead hold Wei fat man's waist, whispered in his ear and said: "Fat man you do it again this soldier will not be."

Fatty Wei looked like he didn't care, completely out of his mind like roaring filial piety: "Not inappropriate, not inappropriate, not inappropriate old me also want to get this mouth spitting shit son of a bitch!"

Said again to go up to fight.

Black charcoal head sergeant came up in front of Fatty Wei, tower-like pestle there, said to Li Zheng: "You, let go of him."

Li Zheng was a bit at a loss: "Ah?"

Black charcoal head said, "I told you to let go of him."

Li Zheng could only let go.

Petty Officer Black Charcoal Head said to Fatty Wei, "You want to hit someone, right? Come on--"

Said patting his chest.

"Give you ten guts and hit towards here!"

Fatty Wei had just raised his hand when he suddenly came into contact with the black charcoal head's gaze, and his raised hand froze.

Li Zheng realized that this sergeant had an indescribable aura, people didn't even blink their eyes and stood there, but you felt that something was crushing towards you in a raging manner, and you didn't dare to move even half a bit.

This is like the bloodline suppression, that kind of unspeakable aura is like a tidal wave, the power of both sides is simply not in a class.

Fatty Wei suddenly deflated like a balloon that had been stabbed by a needle, his sanity finally returned to his body and he hung his head.

Seeing this, the black charcoal-headed sergeant also stopped reprimanding and turned to Zhang Jian, "Do you still want to fight?"

Zhang Jian originally wanted to be tough, but I do not know how to feel in front of the black charcoal head sergeant is not tough up.

He grew up in the army, according to officers and other characters have seen more, but the black charcoal head of this suffocating aura he really has not seen.

"It wasn't me who was going to do it ..." He also quenched his fire and dripped, "I'm the one who was hit."

On second thought, he also felt that saying that he was beaten by Fatty Wei felt humiliating, so he hurriedly added, "He took advantage of my inattention to engage in a sneak attack!"

The black charcoal-headed sergeant pointed at Zhang Jian and said to Wu Yi, "Take him back to the platoon room first, I'll talk about this one first."

"Yes." Wu Yi walked up to Zhang Jian and said in no uncertain terms, "Why are you still standing here? Waiting for me to give you a medal?"

When Wu Yi left with Zhang Jian, the black charcoal-headed sergeant swept around and saw that everyone in the dining hall was crowding around, frowned and waved his hand repeatedly as if he was chasing away a bird, "What are you looking at? Haven't you ever seen recruits fighting? All hurry to eat, don't be as idle as a hobo here!"

The other squad leaders and recruits in the cafeteria dispersed at once, returning to their own tables to eat.

Black Charcoal Head pointed at Fatty Wei: "You, come with me."

The two of them went out of the dining hall and circled around to a lawn at the back.

Black Charcoal Head collected his footsteps and looked back at the downcast Fatty Wei, "Do you know how serious the consequences of fighting in the army are?"

Fatty Wei didn't say anything, just nodded.

Black charcoal head looked at Wei Fatty's appearance, felt that this kid is not a person who likes to make trouble, it seems that there is a reason for the fight.

So asked again: "Why did you hit someone?"

Fatty Wei did not say anything, looking down at the grass.

Black charcoal head said, "I am your acting platoon commander Hou Jun, you have any grievances you can tell me, I will deal with it, but you don't say that is your responsibility, this is a big or small, you just came to the army, you don't want to leave a stain right away, right?"

Fatty Wei hooked his neck and lowered his head to think about it before finally opening his mouth, "He can say whatever he wants, but he can't say anything about my mom."

The words were just finished, and the tears fell with a plop.

Hou Jun coldly said, "What are you crying for? Manly man, and put on the uniform, and still drop golden beans? If you want to cry find a place where no one is crying, don't disgrace yourself in front of me, my platoon doesn't accept women!"

Fatty Wei clenched his teeth and held all the grievances back in his stomach, raised his hand and touched his tears, sniffled, and finally stopped crying.

Hou Jun looked at Fatty Wei, his eyes suddenly became soft: "Every year enlisted recruits without a million there are hundreds of thousands, you and your comrades can be divided into the same unit is destiny, the future retired, all life are comrades, if the war you are back to back brothers, now you have to do it because of a word of anger, two years later, you think about it today will feel childish! "

Fatty Wei still nodded his head and didn't say anything.

Hou Jun suddenly said: "really have an opinion, really want to fight, they find a corner to cut a bit or can, after the fight to spread the gas can not hold a grudge. When the military well, with fists under the exchange is also a way, but you damn in the dining hall openly fight, is not tired of living!

This time it was Fatty Wei's turn to freeze.

Public fight?

Meaning, it's not blatantly still possible to beat up Zhang Jian?

Thinking of this, suddenly couldn't help but laugh.

Hou Jun looked at Wei Fatty this appearance, tsk two said: "no interest, a word on the cry, a word and laugh, pussy hanging like! You now immediately give me back to the dining hall to eat, after eating to the platoon room to write me a review to hand over to Wu Yi squad leader, after a few days I came back to personally see!"

Fatty Wei started nodding again.

Hou Jun couldn't help but say, "A mute can be a soldier? You don't know how to speak? Answer me, yes!"

Fatty Wei immediately said "Yes" in Hou Jun's tone.

Hou Jun said, "Stand at attention and say yes again! This is a troop, in the future you have to answer your superiors like this, this is discipline!"

Fatty Wei felt that this black charcoal head platoon leader in front of him was really good, at least he was convinced, so he straightened his body and replied loudly, "Yes!"

Hou Jun's brow wrinkled again, reaching out and patting Fatty Wei's belly, "Just this belly, it weighs as much as a small pig, doesn't it? I'll have to ask your squad leader to give you a good extra meal, and lose at least thirty pounds for me before you go down to the company!"

"Ah!?" Fatty Wei was dumbfounded.