

You don't summon the animal, You summon the spirit. With it comes the cavalry!! Strong winds hit his face as Mepha peers down the edge of the cliff. "Back to where I ended up years ago." "Yeah!! Hung at the end of your faith." said the cat. "You take care of the kid when I' m gone. I'll be back soon. " His body disappear ed in the mist, walking off the edge of the cliff.

Suddenly a noise. A Hummingbird, buzzing its wings, staring in the same direction. "You know he isn't coming back, right? " the cat said staring to where the sound came from. Those busy wings. Faster than he could ever catch. Just like Master said. She has always been like this. Ahead of herself. His gaze returns to the mist.

To wield the power of the animal, one must open the Spirit Gate of their Soul. The wielders of the Mountain Lion. I hope he becomes a worthy successor. Back in the hut, Megh was fast asleep, unaware of the departure of Mepha. The cat moves closer to where he lay, while the hummingbird surveys the hut. "Hey kid, Wake up!!" He opens his eyes to something interesting.

"Hey, that's the rare humming bir d you told me off. The one from the tales. It looks even better real. And you said it was the fastest right?" His keen eyes busy observing the bird, and its buzzing wings, failing to notice the absence. "Bet I can catch it!!" staring towards the cat he spoke. "Kid, you catch that, I will do whatever you ask me to for all nine lives." "Deal. I'll be done by the afternoon. Watch me." Nothing like the sound of cocky confidence early in the morning.

And off he went after the bird. The cloud, riding the berserk winds. The cat took his seat on the porch of the cave, watching carefully as he races the hummingbird. Always just a step behind, matching its speed and agility. For hours he had been in pursuit, forgetting everything else, circling the island countless times. Then suddenly, as if a sudden change of mind, he stopped dead in his track.

Racing back to where the cat was, he asked "Where is Mepha? He hasn't called me once today!! He isn't in the hut, nor anywhere else." "Finally you noticed kid." replied the cat, its eyes still closed as if in deep meditation. A troubled look covered his face, like dark clouds about to rain havoc. A sense of loss brimmed in his hear t, a spear of pain. "Mepha is gone. And he might not return" said the cat. "He has gone outside to check if things are alright." Megh looked troubled. "What do you mean he might not return?"

"How could he do this. How could he leave me here alone!!" sobs giving away his pain. "Don't cry, kid. He did it for y our own good." replied the feline. "I guess its time we told him the truth " the cat exclaimed looking at the hummingbird. "Bring him to me" a voice echoes in its head. Suddenly the cat freezes, its eyes transfixed. "Let's go, kid. Boss wants to speak to you." He tugs on Megh's ear, dragging him to the cave. "Oouh!! Oouh!! Oouh!! I'm coming. You don't have to drag me!!"