

It was almost Halloween before we even really knew it. The girls managed to somehow convince both Aizawa Sensei and Iida that we should have a sleepover in the common area; snacks, scary movies and Halloween decorations. American style! 

Okay I'm not really into a lot of holidays but have you seen Halloween in the states? Thrillers playing everywhere, carved pumpkins, spooky decorations. Hell when All Might found out we were having an American style Halloween party he practically begged to be the chaperone and when he was told yes he immediately started asking and planning costumes with us all. 

"All Might! You can't dress up as a tiger. You are their chaperone. CHAPERONE! Not a child!" Aizawa Sensei lectured and waited to make sure that All Might stayed silent before leaving the dorms altogether. 

When he was gone All Might turned back to us and smiled, "Nezu already said it was okay for me to dress up. So he can just go to sleep and leave us alone to celebrate." I have never seen All Might act nearly so much as a kid as he did right now with his big, goofy grin and he actually clapped his hands in excitement. He looked almost as excited as Mina did and let's face it. Raccoon Eyes even leaves fucking Sparkles shocked sometimes, granted not always in the good way. 

All Might started issuing actual orders, which was almost creepy because he NEVER does that! He didn't even bat an eye when Mina joined him, at least while they directed the setup of the Halloween party. I looked at Deku and saw the stars in his eyes, I mean he didn't even know that anyone saw him. How can he actually be that happy? Just fucking great, I look over at Icyhot and fuck it all. He looks like he has never seen anything as amazing as a carved pumpkin before in his life. I let out a silent sigh before picking up my knife and stabbing mine. Okay maybe this is a little fun. Deku showed Icyhot more than a few different designs online and we all picked or created our own. 

The three of us worked on our pumpkins as if there was nothing more important in the world. I slid the knife making some parts thinner than others as my fire breathing dragon came to life. I don't know exactly how long I worked on it but I do know that most everyone else was done when I finally finished. 

I looked up to see Deku putting the finishing touches on, you guessed it, All Might. He was in his classic hero form and he was just putting an american flag in the background. I couldn't help chuckling at how cute he was. 

Then I turned to look at Icyhot's pumpkin to find a classic vampire smiley face and he was trying so very hard to get all the lines cut perfectly straight. I kept watching until I was sure he was done. His was probably the simplest one but he took almost as long as Deku. Mine still looked the best but both of theirs deserve to be next to mine. 

"Your first pumpkin carving turned out perfect." I pulled him into a gentle hug, which made him jump. 

"You don't think it's too boring?" He asked, looking back at me, but it was Deku who answered. 

"Are you kidding? Halloween isn't complete without this classic!" Deku cheered from Icyhot's other side. "Plus that has to be the best one I have ever seen." Okay at this point he is just being his cute nerdy self but that didn't stop me from chuckling at him before kissing Icyhot from his left side. Which in turn made Deku pout and pull Icyhot away from me before stealing a real kiss from him. 

"Oi!" I pretended to be angry and Deku took off dragging Icyhot behind him. I chased them around the common area ignoring everyone until I could finally tackle Deku onto the couch while Icyhot was just smiling and laughing at us. 

We still get weird looks from our classmates but I honestly don't care. Let them see how lucky I am. Let them know that they are mine and I am theirs. For once in their fucking lives let them see that I'm not a shitty ass person, I just have "some" anger issues. Fuck it! I'm only human! 

But still once I got comfortable and All Might finally controlled his laughter he declared, "It's time for some ancient thrillers! I know that the party isn't for another week but in the states it's a must to watch a different thriller everyday until the big day." He sounded a lot like Deku when he was talking about him. The classics, fucking YES! I love those old time black and white horror films. 


By the time the movie ended Deku was sitting on our lap, trying to both hide from the film and still peek at it, which is about as adorable as it gets. Icyhot on the other hand was fascinated, I mean the way he had watched the movie you would think he had never seen anything like it before and honestly he probably hasn't. 

Sometimes I really want to kill Endeavor. 

I looked around and most everyone else had fallen asleep during the movie. Hell even Glasses was snoring logs from his seat next to Pink Cheeks who had somehow curled up around the human frog. Try and tell me they aren't gay. Just fucking try. 

I took out my phone and turned off the flash and took a few pictures. When the fuck did the Brain Washer get here? Whatever, Dunce Face was in a pikachu onsie and was literally cuddling him while Raccoon Eyes was snuggling Tape Dispenser? I really thought she had a thing for Shitty Hair. Okay, I guess. I got a few others as well and even Shitty Hair was curled up in a shark onesie. 

Looking at Kiri just hurts. I don't have any lingering feelings for him, I'm sure of that, but it hurts that even if it was just for a short while, I lost my best friend. He was an absolutely terrible boyfriend… 

But he was still a great best friend…

I try to shake the thought from my head but I know that Deku and Icyhot noticed. I just put my phone back in my pocket when they each grabbed a hand and tugged me to the elevator. Tonight we are staying in my room and the three of us had packed not only it but each of our rooms with All Might merch when Icyhot's old man handed him his credit card. Some bullshit about being a better father. News flash you can't buy love!

So Icyhot asked Deku and I for help using it. None of us held back and we had a lot of fun. We actually walked back to his hero office in adult sized All Might onesies. The look on his face was priceless but not nearly as priceless as when Icyhot kissed us in front of the bastard's office before holding our hands and we all walked out. Yes, that is the word; priceless. Thinking back on it, fuck I barely made it outside before laughing like the mad scientist from the movie we just watched; fucking evil. 

We walked into my room and we collapsed onto the giant All Might beanbag bed. Yeah that's right, a beanbag bed and it was king size. The three of us have plenty of room left over and to be honest. I never want to sleep in a regular bed again. I mean it doesn't have to be All Might themed but the fact that we could all cuddle together in pretty much a ball and sleep comfortably and deeply was amazing. We were asleep before we even really knew it. 

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Go away!" I grumbled only to hear Deku hum in agreement and Icyhot murmuring, we snuggled closer and relaxed back into our safe haven, each other, I could almost swear that I heard the door creak open but that was ridiculous. I mean first who in the fuck? Second how in the fuck? And third why in the fuck? I ignored the phantom noises choosing to instead snuggle into Deku and Icyhot, and they were both more than willing to pull me into their arms. 

With these "beds" there really isn't a need to keep track of who was in the middle when because in the end it was like we were all in the middle all the time. The way the bed encased us, I'll admit we were all more than a bit worried about suffocating but we never actually got buried in the bed. 

"Kacchan, share the lemon ice cream," Deku mumbled in his sleep and I couldn't help chuckling at him before deciding to respond to his dream. 

"Maybe for a kiss?" I couldn't hide the yawn in my voice and Icyhot was giggling in his half sleep. 

He let out a yawn of his own, even while he was giggling, before making a request of his own. "A kiss sounds nice right about now," he sounded so sleepy but at the same time hopeful. We've been together for months now and neither of them have ever forced a kiss on me. There was once that they decided to surprise me; they snuck up on me and each kissed a cheek. We were in the cafeteria, in front of everyone, and I dropped my, thankfully empty, tray. 

It wasn't so much that I was embarrassed so much as they caught me off guard. We talked about it later and they thought I was upset but actually I couldn't have been happier. It was just so sweet and just, I don't know, soft? Yeah soft. But at the same time it wasn't like they were trying to show off either. We were talking about training and I guess I said something that they thought was amazing. I have no fucking idea what it was because my mind went completely blank. I just wanted to cuddle and snuggle them but fucking Aizawa Sensei decided we needed to run drills for the rest of the day. Humph! 

But back to the present; Deku was still mostly asleep, biting his lip while Icyhot was looking at me with those puppy eyes, he looked like he was pouting but really it was like he was sleepily begging. I wasn't even thinking about it, nope I was just enjoying the view before I smiled and he returned it with his. I had to hide from his angelic sweetness and I decided his neck was the safest place, it was also his second favorite place to be kissed. 

It didn't take long before his giggles woke up our groggy little bunny who started whimpering because he was being left out. Waking up without an alarm is great because instead of waking up to whatever random ass alarm, we got to slowly wake up to snuggles and cuddles and sometimes like now they escalated into a small make out session. 

We finally pulled away just to snuggle in each other's arms and doze back off to sleep. "I love you two," I let out a content sigh only to hear them answer me before we relaxed again. I truly love them and the fact that we were so open with each other, well it was like my soul was healing, but I don't really know what or how it was injured in the first place. 


"Kacchan? I want kisses," I woke up to Deku pouting while Icyhot was trying to quiet his chuckles. I stretched a little bit before sleepily giving him little kisses all over his face. He started giggling but I knew that wasn't what he meant. 

"Kaccha-!" I caught his lips with mine. The way his whole body just melted against mine was really heartwarming. I never feel forced or unwanted when I'm around them. I don't feel like a trophy regardless of where we are or what we are doing. They just make me feel whole. 

So why do I feel like I'm about to lose everything? Why do I feel like I have to savor every last second with my lovers because I don't know when it will be my last? Why do I feel like at any moment they are going to see that I am still the same asswhole I've always been and they will just leave? They have never hinted at it, they never bring up how much of a royal pain in the ass I was. But somehow that just makes me feel even more nervous.

"Kacchan? Where did you go?" Icyhot asked and my focus snapped back to see that Deku was staring at me wide eyed worried too. Did I doze off?

"I'm just half asleep still," I mumble before scolding myself silently. They relaxed, but I'm pretty sure they knew that was only half the truth, they were being extra gentle, giving me lots of extra cuddles. "I don't deserve either of you," I mumbled but they heard me. Instead of fighting or arguing though they decided that tickling was the answer. 

"What was that?" Icyhot asked, a wicked grin on his face. 

"I think I'm hearing things, Puppy," Deku was talking to Icyhot but both of their fingers were finding every last one of my tickle spots. "I could have sworn that King Explosion Murder said he didn't deserve us? I must be hearing things." We spent forever just laughing while I tried to fight back, failing epically at that. 

They didn't show mercy until it was time for lunch, because who needs breakfast when you can cuddle longer? I sure as fuck don't. This is probably going to be a long week but honestly? I don't care. We hang out with our friends and love on each other, what more could I possibly want?

A/N So FYI I REALLY want their bed... You'll see and agree.

Kilanna2016creators' thoughts