
Bakugan: Becoming a Demon

When he was born, he burned his mother. My father just couldn't take it. Grandma has disappeared. The boy grew up in constant bouts of pain and visions, even his name was a mystery to him... Not receiving parental love, Shinji tried to find someone who would be "native" to him, but who knew that it would turn out to be a huge Bakugan monster?

BVaftersun · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Chapter 9 Horror!

The gryphon, hearing the mockery, roared even more fiercely.

He flapped his white wings and rushed toward Centipoid, intending to strike him down with a single blow.

Vesta froze and clenched his body like a spring, clearly preparing to strike.

I certainly didn't want to make my friend suffer, but I needed to confuse my enemy as well, so I made a last-second move.

"Be lightning fast, Vesta! Open the gate card, Energy Fusion."

[Battlefield Power Change: 310g+100g and 320g-100g]

[Battlefield Power Change: 410g and 220g]

At the same moment, white and almost holy power flowed from the gryphon towards Centipoid, transforming into green energy. The one did not disappoint, it jumped sharply, wrapped itself around its opponent's body and swiftly pierced its neck with its front cutter legs.

The gryphon's eyes widened dramatically, it howled pitifully and turned to light, and the sphere afterward fell at Akira's feet.

"That's it, now you'll know!" said Vesta before returning to my hand.

"That's not fair! It's too fast!" protested the boy.

He started biting his lips in anger.

"What's wrong?" asked I asked him with an evasive smile.

"Nothing! Play on!"

I think it's about time to neutralize Saurus. Ideally, it would be more advantageous to use Centipoid, since the Raven card would be better saved, but... something I don't like about that gate card....

At this point, I already realized that bluffing was useless, as all of my opponent's cards had already shown up, all I had to do was reveal them. That Akira had fallen into a trap, but he hadn't realized it yet.

The smile fell off my face.

"Of course! Bakugan to battle, Raven of Ventus to the field!" I launched Raven towards Saurus.

"Ha! Open the gate card! Level 1 card."

[Changing powers on the battlefield: ...]

I don't know what a level 1 card is, and I honestly don't want to know.

"Activate ability card, shadow power!" I threw the card towards the gate card that both Bakugan were standing on.

That one crashed into the ground and... canceled the gate card's action.

How unfortunate for Akira...

"Raven, finish him off!"

"No, wai..."

A bird's cry rang out.

Raven rose sharply into the sky and swooped down on Saurus, striking him with his beak.

Saurus disappeared in a glow, rolling back to Akira's feet, and Raven returned to my hand. The enemy's gate card also disappeared.

"Bakugan into battle, Centipoid, onto the field!" I tossed Vesta out to Juggernaut.

"Uh-hey, little Shinji, are you sure? I think I'm going to lose..." said Vesta, panicking a bit.

This time, Akira didn't look out or ponder anything and immediately opened the gate card.

The battlefield transformed, filled with some sort of fireflies of light.

It was an elemental gate card, nothing special.

[Battlefield Power Change: 310g and 320g+100g]

[Battlefield Power Change: 310g and 420g]

"Uh-hey... Shinji..."

Well, apparently he was afraid I'd throw something out again and he'd lose. For what I know, what he has left up his sleeve is an ability that cancels another one, or a gate card, or lets you bring a Bakugan into battle.

In short, useless.

Glory to my quick action!


"Shinji!" repeated Vesta.

Strangely, I seem to be doing something... losing concentration?

I feel something wet near my nose.

I put my hand up, it's blood.

Wait... blood? Blood?!

"Vesta, what's wrong with me!" I asked quickly, sensing that this could be dangerous.

"Partner, help," replied the latter, running away from the, albeit slow, but very strong turtle.

"Stop, don't run away!" shouted Akira, completely engrossed in the battle.

I wanted to make sure of something and pulled out my phone with the screen off, looking at my display.

On my body, on my skin, spontaneously appeared some green lines that were like veins or roots, they were glowing and blazing!

Of course, I was lucky that it was only on the inside and it wasn't noticeable on my clothes with my appearance, however....

My head... from the right side of my neck up to my ear there was a streak of barely noticeable flame running from the right side of my neck, bursting outward and occasionally flaring up.

'Just don't look here, just don't look...' - I mentally pleaded and tried to put out the green flame.

It was quite exceptional. A flame without the usual headache. To be honest, I even fell out a bit.

"Aaah!" came a loud mental shout from Shinji.

"Huh?" exclaimed Akira and looked at Sentipoid Ventus, then shifted his gaze to his master.

After the second action, he suddenly broke out in a sweat and his eyes went wide.

Of course, my appearance right now was 'extravagant' and hoping to keep it a secret, especially a child... I didn't dare. Glowing green eyes, glowing-blazing green vein lines and a streak of flame from neck to ear...

When he noticed me, the glint in my eyes disappeared.

I understood the importance of this secret, and that's why I was now scared out of my wits.

Everything around me seemed to slow down. I looked at the little red-haired guy who was literally terrified of me, and at Centipoid, who had been pawed and seemed about to have his spine broken.

'What do we do?'

'He saw the whole thing...'

'Father won't accept it...'

'What do I do?!'

'Father will kill me!'


'I see. I...I...know! I know... it will continue to be a secret...' - I thought and raised my hand up.

A completely cold, emotionless voice sounded.

"Activate ability card, blow the enemy out of the field!" quickly threw the card at... Bee, wishing it to go to Sentipoid.

Upon landing, she immediately teamed up with Vesta, and they gradually stabilized their positions, while I...

[Battlefield Power Change: 310g+350g and 420g]

[Battlefield Power Change: 660g and 420g]

I was running towards the battlefield! My goal was as simple as possible - to silence the kid.

"W-what is that! M-monster! Juggernoid, protect me!!!"

"Yes, it's me!" - Powerfully shouted Vesta, not masking his mental fluctuations at all!

Then he was suddenly confused... why his opponent, who he wanted to destroy, was looking... not at him.

Vesta twisted his body and turned around.

A guy wearing a thin white sweatshirt and black pants, but all glowing green and slightly burning, was running towards him.


"Vesta, help," I shouted.

"Huh?" he asked perplexed.

"Pick me up, curl up, and jump towards the schoolboy!" I issued a string of orders that I hoped would help me shorten the distance between us.

The one didn't bother to ask, just nodded.

"Bee, to battle!" - I ordered, and it followed me.

"N-no! W-what are you? What do you want?!" shrieked the schoolboy, started to back up, fell, and began to crawl away.

The juggernoid roared, intent on defending its master, even though it knew it was weaker, and that it could die.

"Hah!" said Vesta, leaping forward sharply and pouncing on the turtle.

When it was low enough, I jumped off it and ran towards the enemy.

Bee, on the other hand, flew to support Vesta.

"Stop!" shouted I.

The juggernoid tried to hit me with a paw, but I was, of course, covered by two of my monsters.

"Don`t even dream of it!"

A roar erupted!

The Chaos bakugan didn't want to retreat because if he was pushed back, his master would be attacked.

Akira burst into tears, he completely forgot about his bakugan, a card fell out of his pocket, and he just started running away in this seemingly endless space.

"What do you want?"

"I have an older b-brother, he'll beat you up!"

"Stay away!"

It's a shame, but no matter how much you yell, I'm gonna have to kill you.

I don't want to become a murderer, but I don't believe you'll keep quiet!


'For the sake of peace and harmony...'

He falters.

'For the sake of my living...'

I find myself four meters away from him.


Concentrating all the agony, resentment, and hatred in my hands, I let the force come forward.


Powerful, green and demon-like flames burst out from the tips of my fingers and palms, gathering and flying in a stream forward, rushing 5 meters away from me.

"N-no! Please... Mom!!!"

Somewhere in the distance, an unwanted roar sounded and a white glow flashed.

"Aaaah! AAAAAAAAAA!" tongues of green flames overtook his figure.

Luckily, he didn't suffer for long, only the flames picked up his body as he had already fallen dead after about 2 seconds.

As if that wasn't enough, I focused more power on the volley! Only after 5 seconds, when only cards were left in place of the corpse, did I stop.

As if a veil had gone from my eyes, I felt malaise.

All the fire instantly went out.

I immediately vomited to the side.

'What have I... done...'

'I'm now... a murderer...'

Didn't expect that, right?

BVaftersuncreators' thoughts