
Bakudeku/Dekubaku Oneshots

This is my BakuDeku/DekuBaku oneshots so it's exactly what it says. Read at your own discretion lol. I keep my oneshots under 4000 words so they should be quick to read

RndmFndms65000 · アニメ·コミックス
28 Chs

Move it Extra.

*Knock Knock*

"Yes? Oh hey Midoriya ribbit" Asui opened the door

"Hi Asu- I mean Tsu is Uraraka here?" Midoriya asked

"Yea she's in the bathroom, she'll be out in a minute." Asui left the door open for him to come in

"Sorry for the intrusion." Midoriya walked in the room to be greeted by the Class 1-A girls

"Hello Midoriya." Yaoyorozu gave a small smile

"Sup Midoriya." Jirou waved

"Hey dude." Ashido smiled

"Hi Midoriya." Hagakure said

"H- hi everyone." Midoriya said shyly

"What are you doing here?" Yaoyorozu asked

"Oh um Uraraka asked me for today's notes since she wasn't in class. Is... she okay by the way?" Midoriya asked concerned

(If all the girls are here why did she ask me for the notes?)

"Yea, it's just a girl thing." Ashido told him

"Well I hope she feels better." Midoriya said

"I'm sure she will, but I'll just be back again." Jirou said out loud not intending too

"Did she get affected by a quirk or something?" Midoriya asked

"No were talking about her monthly." Hagakure laughed

"Mon- thly?" Midoriya furrowed his eyebrows

"A menstrual cycle Midoriya." Yaoyorozu said

"Also know as a period ribbit." Asui told him

"Oh. Oohh... d- does she need anything I can go get it." Midoriya offered

"No she's fine." Asui patted him on the back

"Sorry that took so long- hey Deku." Uraraka walked out of her bathroom

"Hi." He waved awkwardly

"Let's talk in the hall for a second." Uraraka lead Midoriya out of her room

"Here's the notes from today." Midoriya handed her the papers

"And sorry you're not feeling well." Midoriya bowed his head slightly

"Did they tell you?" Uraraka asked while looking over the papers

"Yes." Midoriya told her

"It's okay most girls have to deal with it so it's not that big of a deal. Thanks for caring though." Uraraka shrugged

"Um... okay. Well that's all I need to do I'll leave now." Midoriya said awkwardly

"Why don't you stay for a little while." Uraraka asked

"Is that okay?" Midoriya looked to the door knowing there was a bunch of girls behind it

"Yea why not. You're a friend." Uraraka said

"But I'm a boy and aren't you guys having "girl time?" I would just be butting in." Midoriya told her

"You won't be, come on. Plus it's not like you'll do anything Mr. I like Bakugou." Uraraka teased

"Uraraka, don't say that so loudly someone might hear you." Midoriya blushed

"Right sorry, I was just joking." Uraraka apologized

"What's the hold up?" Ashido opened Uraraka's door suddenly

"Nothing, Deku's joining us." Uraraka told her

"But I didn't-" Midoriya tried to say

"Sweet! Can I mess with your hair? I bet it's super soft." Ashido asked as she and Uraraka pulled Midoriya into the room


Thoughout the day Midoriya was humming.

"Quit humming it's pissing me off!" Bakugou yelled at him

"S-sorry Kacchan I didn't realize I was doing it."

The two were training with All Might.

"Young Bakugou don't get so angry." All Might put his hand on Bakugou's shoulder

"Tch-" Bakugou swiped it off

"Well, it's getting late you boys should head back to the dorms." All Might told them

"It's seven." Bakugou scrunched up his nose

"Kacchan don't you go to bed at eight thirty five?" Midoriya asked him

"How the hell do you know that?" Bakugou questioned Midoriya

"Well because you leave to go to your room around that time." Midoriya said honestly

"Stalker." Bakugou muttered

"Okay off you go goodnight." All Might interrupted by pushing the two toward the Heights alliance buildings trying keep them from fighting

"Uh goodnight All Might." Midoriya waved

"Whatever." Bakugou stuck his hands in his pockets


"Did you finish the homework from today's class?" Midoriya asked as they walked to they walked to their dorms

"Yea." Bakugou answered

"Oh then could-" Midoriya started

"No." Bakugou answered quickly

"You didn't let me finish what I was gonna say." Midoriya whined

"You were going to ask me for help." Bakugou looked at him

Midoriya looked to the ground defeated.

(How does he always know?)

"Help yourself." Bakugou rolled his eyes

"I'm having a hard time with it though. I guess I could ask Iida or Uraraka, maybe Todoroki? They would help me and they've probably finished their homework uh, but they might be busy. I wouldn't want to trouble them. I could just figure it out myself, I don't want to get a bad grade th-" Midoriya rambled

"Ugh! First you're humming now you're muttering do you ever shut the hell up." Bakugou grabbed Midoriya's face looking him in the eyes

"S- s- s sorry." Midoriya's eyes bulged as he blushed

"Why're your cheeks red and quit saying sorry that's pisses me off too." Bakugou let go of Midoriya and walked ahead of him

"N- No reason." Midoriya said

"Is there anything about me that doesn't make you mad?" He muttered

"What was that?" Bakugou turned his head

"Nothing!" Midoriya squeaked

"Damn Nerd." Bakugou shook his head

"I'll help you with your stupid homework."

"Huh?" Midoriya walked faster to catch up with Bakugou

"I said I'll help you! Since you won't shut up about it." Bakugou yelled

"Th- thanks Kacchan." Midoriya smiled warmly

(I only asked you once though.)

(That dumbass smile.)

"But we're eating dinner first. So be ready after that." Bakugou told him

"I will." Midoriya nodded


After dinner Midoriya sat at the table on his phone humming away like he had been all day.

(Wonder where Kacchan is he was supposed to help me with my homework, guess I'll be doing it by myself after all.)

He kept on humming.

"Hey Midoriya?" Kirishima sat down in front of him

"Hi Kirishima." Midoriya put his phone down

"You were humming again." Kirishima pointed out

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to disturb you." Midoriya apologized

"No no it's fine I was just gonna ask what song you're humming. It sounds familiar." Kirishima asked

"I- I can't really say." Midoriya said nervously

"Why not?" Kirishima tilted his head

"Well I was in Uraraka's room to give her the notes from class yesterday and all the girls were in there too she wanted me to stay and hangout. Anyway they were listening to music and the song that got stuck in my head is very vulgar." Midoriya explained longwindedly

"I heard the you were in a room with a bunch of girls?" Mineta popped of out of no where

"I heard "inappropriate" and "vulgar." Kaminari walked over to them

"No nothing bad happened. We just listened to music and Ashido played with my hair." Midoriya shook his hands in front of himself

"Oh she did that to Bakugou one time." Kaminari remembered

"And she survived?" Mineta asked

"Yea it was super weird." Kaminari answered

"Lucky bastard, well this conversation is lame. I'm going to my room for... reasons." He scurried off

"He's definitely going to-" Kaminari watched as he walked away

"Don't. Say it." Kirishima stopped him

Kaminari laughed

"Sorry for interrupting Midoriya, what were you saying?"

"Nothing just that I was humming a song the girls were playing."

"Oh what song? Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Kaminari demanded

"I- um well..." Midoriya looked at Kirishima then at Kaminari and lastly down to the table

"I'm not sure if you guys know it uh, but it's called w- "WAP." Midoriya said quietly

*Dramatic inhale* "I love that song. Mina showed it to me." Kaminari slapped his hands on the table

"I'm surprised you like that song Midoriya. I figure you would like... I don't know wholesome music like something lofi or just upbeat in general." Kirishima was shocked

"I've had it stuck in my head all day." Midoriya admitted

"So you know all the words." Kaminari asked

"Y- yea." Midoriya reluctantly admitted

"Really all of them?" Kirishima asked

"This is embarrassing." Midoriya blushed

"Don't be it's fine we do too." Kaminari patted him on the shoulder

"I just had the best Idea!" Kaminari put his index finger up in the air

"What?" Kirishima asked him

"How do you get a song out of your head?" Kaminari asked the two

"Sometimes singing it all the way through or listing to it helps." Kirishima said

"Exactly so why don't we help a bro out. I think sing it out loud would be better thought." Kaminari suggested

"I can't sing it out loud!" Midoriya panicked

"It's fine c'mon." Kaminari pulled him from his seat and dragged him to the common room with Kirishima trailing behind

"Hey guys, I have an idea. Midoriya here has a song stuck in his head so I thought we could all help him get it unstuck by singing the song. Maybe one bar for each person or something?" Kaminari explained

"What song is it? We may not all know it." Yaoyorozu asked

"WAP." Kaminari answered

"Bet that's our fault." Ashido laughed

"That is a inappropriate song you will not sing that in the common room." Iida told them

"How do you know it's a inappropriate song Iida?" Jirou asked

"I - uh um Urarakahadmelistentoit." Iida told hem

"Pfft way to throw a girl under the bus Iida." Hagakure said

"I apologize, but it's the truth." Iida said

"I'm down to sing." Jirou said

Everyone else agreed.

"Fine if you must sing it then I will provide the appropriate sound effects with my phone."

"Yea!" Ashido cheered

"Sero you go first ribbit." Asui said

"With pleasure ladies." Sero shot finger guns

"Whores in this house

There's some whores in this house

There's some whores in this house

There's some whores in this house (Hold up)" Sero started the song

"I said certified freak, seven days a week

Wet-ass pussy, make that pullout game weak (Ah)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah" Hagakure went after Sero

"Yeah, you fuckin' with some wet-ass pussy

Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussy

Give me everything you got for this wet-ass pussy" Yaoyorozu said

Everyone was surprised, but continued.

"Beat it up, ——, catch a charge

Extra large and extra hard

Put this pussy right in your face

Swipe your nose like a credit card" Kaminari didn't miss a beat

"Hop on top, I wanna ride

I do a kegel while it's inside

Spit in my mouth, look in my eyes

This pussy is wet, come take a dive ribbit" Asui went after him

"Tie me up like I'm surprised

Let's roleplay, I'll wear a disguise

I want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garage"  Todoroki said monotonous

*truck/train honk* provided by Iida on time

(Come on Izuku you can't do it everyone else is.) Midoriya told himself

"Make it cream, make me scream

Out in public, make a scene

I don't cook, I don't clean

But let me tell you, Moi got this ring (Ayy, ayy)" Aoyama have a little spin for everyone

(Just say the words.) Midoriya frowned

"Gobble me, swallow me, drip down the side of me (Yuh)

Quick, jump out 'fore you let you get inside of me (Yuh)

I tell him where to put it, never tell him where I'm 'bout to be (Huh)

I run down on him 'fore I have a —— runnin' me" Midoriya squeeze his eyes shut

*Pow, pow, pow sound effect* also provided my Iida

The song continued.

"Talk your shit, bite your lip (Yuh)

Ask for a car while you ride that dick (While you ride that dick)

You really ain't never gotta fuck him for a thing (Yuh)

He already made his mind up 'fore he came (Ayy, ah)

Now get your boots and your coat for this wet-ass pussy (Ah, ah, ah)" Jirou sang after Midoriya

Midoriya opened his eyes and felt a little better that no one made fun of him.

"He bought a phone just for pictures of this wet-ass pussy-"

*Click, click, click sound* again provided by Iida

"Pay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet-ass pussy (Mwah, mwah, mwah)

Now make it rain if you wanna see some wet-ass pussy (Yuh, yuh)" Yaoyorozu smiled

"Look, I need a hard hitter, need a deep stroker

Need a Henny drinker, need a weed smoker

Not a garter snake, I need a king cobra

With a hook in it, hope it lean over" Sero smirked

"He got some money, then that's where I'm headed

Pussy A1 just like his credit

He got a beard, well, I'm tryna wet it

I let him taste it, now he diabetic" Uraraka flipped her hair and giggled

"I don't wanna spit, I wanna gulp

I wanna gag, I wanna choke

I want you to touch that lil' dangly thing that swing in the back of my throat" Todoroki said again with no emotion

"My head game is fire, punani Dasani

It's goin' in dry and it's comin' out soggy

I ride on that thing like the cops is behind me (Yuh, ah)

I spit on his mic and now he tryna sign me, woo" Ashido was dancing

"Your honor, I'm a freak bitch, handcuffs, leashes

Switch my wig, make him feel like he cheatin'

Put him on his knees, give him somethin' to believe in

Never lost a fight, but I'm lookin' for a beatin" Kaminari grinned elbowing Kirishima

*Ding ding ding* provided by Iida at the appropriate time

"In the food chain, I'm the one that eat ya

If he ate my ass, he's a bottom-feeder

Big D stand for big demeanor

I could make ya bust before I ever meet ya" Kirishima winked at Kaminari

"If it don't hang, then he can't bang

You can't hurt my feelings, but I like pain

If he fuck me and ask Whose is it?

When I ride the dick, I'ma spell my name, ah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah" Ashido smirked

"Yeah, you fuckin' with some wet-ass pussy

Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussy

Give me everything you got for this wet-ass pussy

Now from the top, make it drop, that's some wet-ass pussy" Aoyama sang elegantly

"Now get a bucket and a mop, that's some wet-ass pussy

I'm talkin' wap, wap, wap, that's some wet-ass pussy

Macaroni in a pot, that's some wet-ass pussy, huh."  Hagakure was dancing with Ashido

"There's some whores in this house" Uraraka said

"There's some whores in this house ribbit." Asui said

"There's some whores in this house." Kirishima smirked

"There's some whores in this house." Jirou said

"There's some whores in this house."  Todoroki said straight faced

"There's some whores in this house." Yaoyorozu said

"There's some whores in this house." Ashido laughed

"There's some whores in this house." Sero smirked

"There's some whores in this house." Kaminari grinned cheekily

"There's some whores in this house." Midoriya blushed

"Oi you done sing that dumbass song?" Bakugou interrupted

"Woah Bakubro, when did you get here?" Kirishima asked

"I just got here. C'mon Deku I don't have all night." Bakugou walked off

"And where are you two going?" Iida asked

"Mind your own damn business Four Eyes!" Bakugou yelled down the hallway

"He's Just helping me with the math homework." Midoriya said and trailed after Bakugou

"Oh then if you need me to look over it when you're done I'd be happy to help." Iida called after him

"Thanks Iida."


They got to Midoriya's room and Midoriya got out a small table. The two sat on the floor and started working on the homework. Bakugou would explain how to solve the problem if Midoriya had trouble. It seemed like Bakugou could explain it better than anyone else.

"Why the hell is it so hot in your room?" Bakugou asked

"It is kinda warm let me check the air conditioning." Midoriya got up

Midoriya put his hand up to the vent and felt nothing.

"Hm... it's not on." Midoriya grabbed the remote and tried to turn it on then he checked the vent again

"I guess it's broke." Midoriya shook his head


"Sorry I didn't know it was messed up." Midoriya told Bakugou

"It's fine, I'll just take my shirt off." Bakugou

"What!?" Midoriya panicked

"I said I'll take my shirt off, you deaf?" Bakugou frowned

"If it's too hot w- why don't you just go back to your room." Midoriya nervously said

"You still have a few problems left, we might as well finish this shit." Bakugou told him grabbing the hem of his shirt and pulling up

"But-" Midoriya tried to argue

"You already have your shirt off. Okay." Midoriya muttered

(Don't panic don't panic.)

"Are you gonna sit back down Nerd?" Bakugou asked as Midoriya stood there frozen

"Uh yea, um do you mind if I change really quick." Midoriya asked

(I gotta leave and recuperate for a minute before I loose it. It's also hot which isn't helping.)

"It's your room." Bakugou said

"I'll, be right back." Midoriya rushed to his closet then to the bathroom and quickly changed

He walked out in a slightly large shirt and boxers.

"That's a little cooler." Midoriya had calmed down now

"Nice underwear Nerd." Bakugou teased

"Is my favorite pair." Midoriya said talking about his All Might themed underwear

"Course it is. Let's get this done I'm tired." Bakugou complained

"I can just finish it by myself if you wanna go to bed." Midoriya walked to Bakugou

"Would you just sit the hell down!" Bakugou barked

Midoriya dropped to the floor next to Bakugou with a squeak.

"The hell did that not hurt your ass?" Bakugou looked him up and down with a frowned

"N- no." Midoriya said

"Whatever work on the next problem. I'm gonna lay on your bed let me know if you need help." Bakugou said standing up

"Okay." Midoriya looked up at him then back at his homework

Bakugou climb onto Midoriya's bed laying on top of the All Might blanket. He shifted to his side to he could look at Midoriya.

Midoriya looked back.

"Work Deku." Bakugou told him



"Finally finished." Midoriya smiled

He looked at his clock and noticed it was ten.

Then he glanced over and saw Bakugou with his eyes closed.

(Kacchan must have fallen asleep. I should wake him up.) Midoriya shuffled over to the bed on his knees then stopped for a moment

He sat on his calves and put his arms up in the bed resting his head on top of them.

(He's so handsome, but pretty at the same time. he's confident and strong. He's good at everything he does. Ugh I like him so much!)

"Why can't you like me too?" Midoriya murmured

"Who said I didn't like you Nerd?"

Midoriya's body panicked as he pushed himself backwards.

"Kacchan! S- Sorry I did know you were awake."

(Oh god he heard what I said. Maybe he thinks it the other like.)

"It's kinda hard to sleep when someone's staring you down." Bakugou leaned on one elbow looking at Midoriya on the floor

"I- sorry." Midoriya looked down at the floor embarrassed

(I don't know what to do.)

"You know your really annoying, but I don't hate you so quit thinking I do." Bakugou sat on the edge of the bed

"Um yea I know you don't hate me." Midoriya said quietly

"Then why did you say that just now?" Bakugou questioned frowning

Midoriya gulped and moved to sit on his calves again

"Kacchan can I tell you something."

"You're changing the subject." Bakugou stated

Midoriya fiddled with his fingers.

"I'm not, I just need to explained something first and it'll answer your question."

(Maybe I'll just tell him. I mean what's the worse that could happen?)

"Fine then tell me." Bakugou signed leaning back on his hand that supported his angle

"I- I- um I like- b- boys." Midoriya stuttered out looking to the side

"Okay so? That doesn't answer my earlier question." Bakugou rolled his eyes

Midoriya's eyes snap to Bakugou.

"Wait you're not weirded out or anything."

"No, some of the other guys might be, but I don't care what gender you like. It's not really my business." Bakugou sat forward with a stern look

Midoriya stared at him for a moment and his bottom lip wobbled.

"What? What if it is?"

"Hah?" Bakugou frowned

"What if... I like you." Midoriya blushed looking away again

"Like, like me?" Bakugou asked

"Um Yea." Midoriya answered with a crack in his voice

"No way, I don't believe you." Bakugou shook his head with a scoff

Midoriya stood up and climbed onto Bakugou's lab.

"Oi wait! What are you-" Bakugou eyes weren't wide

Midoriya hugged him and buried his face into his shoulder.

"Deku what the hell are you doing? Get off me." Bakugou tired to push him away only for Midoriya to hug tighter

"Not until you understand and give me an answer." Midoriya said muffled by Bakugou's shoulder

"I've like you for a long time Kacchan and I know I'll probably be rejected, but I still want to tell you. I like you so much Kacchan and I want you to like me back." Midoriya looked at Bakugou with teary eyes

Bakugou wasn't really sure what to do. Midoriya was siting on his lap, hugging him, and crying. He had also just been given a love confession.

"Um f- fine I accept or whatever." Bakugou said patted Midoriya on the back

"Really?" Midoriya sniffled

"I said so didn't I?" Bakugou didn't meet Midoriya's eyes

"Thank you Kacchan!" Midoriya hugged Bakugou again smiling into his shoulder

"Yea, yea. Just so you know, I'm not really good with the whole love thing. Don't expect much." Bakugou said, hands not really sure what to do

"It's okay I know." Midoriya giggled

Midoriya started wiggling around from excitement.

"Kacchan I'm so happy." Midoriya smiled eyes still a little red from where he had cried

"That's great can you get off me... please." Bakugou asked

"But I wanna keep hugging you." Midoriya bounced once

"Yea, but you sitting on my lap and-" Bakugou gulped

Midoriya felt something pushing up against his butt.

He looked down then back up to Bakugou confused for a moment.

"Get off!" Bakugou said shoving him hard from embarrassment but getting no where

Midoriya was like a wall.

"Wait Kacchan it's okay. It's just how the body react sometimes." Midoriya told Bakugou, letting go of him but still sitting in his lap

"I... haven't done anything in a while so... sorry." Bakugou swallowed thickly

"That's the only sorry you'll get outta me." He told Midoriya

"Kacchan... do you want to do something about it?" Midoriya asked nervously

"What are you saying Nerd?" Bakugou narrowed his eyes at Midoriya

"I'm saying, let me help you." Midoriya shrugged

"No, you just confessed to me like five minutes ago." Bakugou frowned

"But I like you Kacchan." Midoriya said like that was a good answer

"You shouldn't throw your body at me just cause you like me." Bakugou scoffed

"Kacchan, I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't want it and I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else." Midoriya fiddled with his fingers again

"Are... you sure? Once you do it you can't take it back." Bakugou said contemplating Midoriya's proposition

"I know how it works." Midoriya frowned this time

"I'm just making sure damnit." Bakugou defended

Midoriya nodded once like he was answering a question in his head.

"Kacchan please have sex with me." He asked

Bakugou was stunned into silence for a moment as Midoriya sheepishly smiled at him.

"F- Fine, but we're going to my room." He blushed


The moment they made it back to Bakugou's room they realized how awkward this was.

"Um Kacchan?" Midoriya said blushing as he sat near him on the bed

"Can I kiss you?" He asked looking at the other

"Hah?" Bakugou asked like he didn't hear what Midoriya asked

"I- if you want to do this why don't we start slow?" Midoriya shrugged

"With a kiss?" Bakugou asked

"Yea, if you don't like it we can just stop and I'll leave." Midoriya nodded

Katsuki pauses for half a second, to process.

He glances from Midoriya's face, to his shirt covered toned chest, to the curve of his thick strong thighs, and then shoves Midoriya back with a hand on his chest.

"Fine." He whispers leaning down

Bakugou starts slow. Haltingly, as he blinks open his eyes just to see how Midoriya's expression before officially diving into this intimate moment this other suggested. After all for both of them it would be their first kiss.

Bakugou closes the space between them and pecks his soft lips against Midoriya's chapped ones. He shakily sighs when Midoriya kisses back eagerly and clumsily.

Midoriya keeps his eyes squeezed shut the entire time, afraid to look as his fingers bear down on Bakugou triceps to keep himself from being pushed further into the mattress by Bakugou's weight.

Bakugou's hands drift down to Midoriya's hips grazing over the bit of skin that where his shirt had been hiked up a little.

Bakugou pulled back studying Midoriya's face as the other whined and slowly opened his eyes.

"Deku." Bakugou said low and in the back of his throat

"Mm, Kacchan." Midoriya said back tugging at the hem of Bakugou's shirt signaling to take it off

"Needy." Bakugou scoffed with an eye roll then a smirk

In one swift moment his shirt was on the floor and he was between Midoriya's leggings stripping him  of his shirt.

"W- wait!" Midoriya stuttered shoving his shirt back down

"What?" Bakugou frowned

"I... I know, um but it's probably best we leave my shirt on." Midoriya nodded with a gulp

"Why? Mine's off. You wanted me to take it off." Bakugou shook his head confused

"But your body's beautiful Kacchan, it m- mine... not so much." Midoriya swallowed thickly looking to the side

Bakugou scanned Midoriya's face again.

"You think you're body's ugly because of the scars."


"I have scars too Deku." Bakugou stated

"Yea, but they cool looking and you go them from saving a life. Mine are from failures." Midoriya looked at Bakugou with a slightly sad expression

"Take your shirt off." Bakugou commanded

"Kacchan." Midoriya frowned

"Take it off or I'll burn it off." Bakugou threatened

"Okay." Midoriya took his shirt off feeling exposed under Bakugou's gaze

"There." He said tossing his shirt to the floor

"The cuff too." Bakugou pointed to the black cuff Midoriya wore to protect and cover the large scar on his right arm

"But Kacchan, that's the ugliest one." Midoriya frowned looking to the side

"Now." Bakugou said

Midoriya slid the cuff off as he was told.

"Deku, they aren't from failures. The scars you got at our training camp was from saving Kota you think that's failing?"

"... But I failed to save you." Midoriya looked up at Bakugou

"Every scar you have is from where you tried your best. Went Plus Ultra and shit." Bakugou leaned forward some

"My best wasn't enough." Midoriya's lip wobbled again

"It's better than not trying at all Deku. You've saved so many people not just through fighting villains, but with your words too." Bakugou clenched jaw from embarrassment

"I'm gonna show you, your scars aren't ugly, idiot." Bakugou planted a hand bedside Midoriya's head

He lifted his other and touched Midoriya's right shoulder.

"Can you feel me touching you?" Bakugou looked at the scar under his hand

"No... the nerve damage is pretty bad." Midoriya answered

"That's okay." Bakugou kissed the large scar on his arm

The he started to do the same to other parts of Midoriya's body.

Midoriya's face reddened again as he quietly watched Bakugou trail kisses over his body not missing a single scar.

When he was done Bakugou cupped Midoriya's face gathering his attention.

"Don't ever say they're mistakes, that they're ugly. You got them because you work so damn hard trying to protect people that you're willing to destroy your own body. It's unfortunately is what makes you a great hero." Bakugou rolled his eyes at the end

"K-" Midoriya's eyes watered

"Don't cry Nerd. Just stating facts you should already know." Bakugou huffed a short laugh

"I love you." Midoriya murmured

"I know." Bakugou said back

This time Midoriya lunged forward kissing back who stiffened for a moment then relaxed he rapped his toned thighs around Bakugou's lithe waist

They both moaned against the kiss as they're growing erections grind against each other.

Everything thing was slow as they progressed but everything felt so good. They're bodies felt like they were on fire every time they touched the other.

Closer to the end things got rougher and louder, but neither cared. In fact they were filled with such bliss that it didn't even matter.

Eventually they came to a stop when Midoriya was tired leaking cum down his legs and Bakugou was too tired to cum again. Of course they took a shower together and ended up falling asleep on Bakugou's bed after they changed the sheets.


Bakugou was the first to wake, he felt something heavy against his chest and when he glanced down he was met with green curly hair.

"Deku." Bakugou smirked and treaded his hand through the forest of green hair

Midoriya sighed contently as Bakugou massaged his scalp.

Then he remembered what day it was.

He sat up making Midoriya yelp as he almost fell out of bed.

"We got school today Deku!" Bakugou hopped out of bed completely naked going to find his uniform

"Oh my gosh!" Midoriya did the same thing except he made it one step and fell

"Ow..." He whined

"The hell are you doing on the floor, get up." Bakugou frowned slipping into some clean boxers

"My... my butt hurts, you were too rough Kacchan." Midoriya sat up slowly

Bakugou looked at him sitting on the floor completely naked. He looked so cute. Bakugou shook his head chasing away the thoughts.

"You'll be fine get up and go back to your room, you gotta get dressed." Bakugou told him as he grabbed his pants and started putting them on

"Where are my clothes?" Midoriya asked standing up like he didn't know how to walk

"Right there idiot." Bakugou pointed bedside the bed

Midoriya hurriedly got his clothes on and walked to the door as Bakugou finished getting dressed.

"Oi wait." Bakugou stopped him

"Kacchan I gotta hurr-" Midoriya was interrupted by Bakugou's lips

"Don't be late for class Deku." Bakugou patted the side of his cheek with a smirk and left the room

Midoriya blushed brightly and raced to his room with a wobbly smile. He did remember to tell Aizawa Sensei about the AC and he saw his scars in a new light, one that his Kacchan saw.


~I have a Ko-Fi! So if you guys would like to support me that would be great! You can donate any amount. Obviously you don't have to, I'll definitely understand.


