
Badass obese prince and his harem of anime babes

Luciel was a good man, after he died, despite not being able to choose the world where to reincarnate, he can still choose to have a badass physique that was strong without having to train and a system to summon hot babes..... .but he had a sin in his life, bullied a fat guy at school and was sentenced to be obese in his new life (the protagonist is literally the protagonist of the story, but in the world where he goes, there will be other "protagonists", this is not a serious work)

hussar · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

1 - Luciel the obese prince

Luciel would have turned 20 on March 18, unfortunately he died hit by a coca cola truck

He was a great person, respected his parents, studied, didn't steal and even went to church on Sundays.

Therefore, Luciel was surprised to be given the chance to reincarnate due to good karma.

The good people angel even gave him 2 wishes

"You will be reincarnated in a world similar to Chinese cultivation, but everything will be Western" the angel of reincarnation

"in this case... i have two wishes, my first wish is to have a special physique that stays strong by itself, even if i sleep all day i keep cultivating automatically" Luciel

"ok, you'll have the ultimate sloth physique" the angel of reincarnation

"my second wish.....i would like a system to summon cute anime girls, forgive me lord angel" Luciel

"no need to be ashamed, you died a virgin and pure, besides being natural to like pretty girls, the system will be given but it will be adapted so as not to break the power level of the world ok, the system will be something simple, every month you will draw ok" the angel

"thank you angel thank you" Luciel

"Now that the rewards have been given, it's time for the punishment..., during a 5th grade class you bullied a fat kid at your school, the kid got depressed and it wasn't nice" Angel

"Your punishment will be merged with your final physique, you will be obese in your new life and no amount of diet or physical exertion will change that, but your health and sexual ability will not be affected" the angel

"what obese? this is wrong, everyone knows that reincarnations are always beautiful, i wanted to be the most beautiful man with a huge harem" Luciel

"and i wanted to be promoted to the punishment department but here i am reincarnating people we can't have everything we want i will make you a prince of a kingdom but you will be obese now go away" the angel


he was sucked into the infinite void


Pan continent

dragonfly kingdom

birth room - royal palace


A beautiful black-haired woman screamed, she was giving birth, she was the second wife of the current king

"go strong ma'am, I can see the head" the midwife said

Poor concubine Paloma had never felt so much pain

Finally the baby came out of Paloma's pussy

"my god what a fat child" the midwife held the child and got scared

the baby looked like a ball of white meat

Paloma finally held her son, she was weak and almost couldn't take it

"because....because my boy is so fat..." Paloma

"it must be some rare physicist my lady, it's real luck" the midwife said

"where, where is my fifth prince" a cry resounded throughout the palace

A tall handsome man walked through the door, his appearance was perfect, he is the current king, Carlos Kaiser

Carlos walked in and looked at the child in Paloma's arms.

'holy mother, that's a bear cub' Carlos thought

"dear, give our son a name" Paloma

Carlos didn't like the child, the Kaiser family is famous for beauty, whether male or female, everyone is beautiful

"Luciel Kaiser, the Fifth Prince"


at the age of 2, Luciel tried to walk but his fat legs were heavy

at the age of 3 Luciel was finally able to walk

at age 4, Luciel accidentally fell on top of a maid, the poor girl had to seek help from the palace doctor to keep from dying

At age 12, Luciel was 2 meters tall and weighed almost 200 kilograms.

'I can finally cultivate at 12, but where is my system' Luciel

Luciel put his fat hand on the appraisal crystal

"fifth prince, has rank 5 of warrior veins, with earth element" shouted the person responsible for the evaluation

Warrior veins, it's something you have at birth and allows cultivation, they are divided into 9 ranks, a rank 5 vein is considered good

'only rank 5? I didn't have a supreme physique, was I deceived by the angel?' Luciel


"Congratulations my king, another talented son" Socrates, the prime minister

"hahaha I was lucky" Carlos

Carlos Kaiser has a total of 9 male children, 1 prince has rank 6 veins, 2nd prince has rank 5 veins equal to luciel, these are the 3 most talented male children

the others are just average with veins of rank 3 or 2, but without a doubt the worst is the third prince, the only one who doesn't have veins, the family trash

'my son luciel is very ugly, but he is talented, i was thinking of giving him the poor territory, but it is better to leave him in the capital to cultivate, this garbage territory i will give to my third son of shit, i I think he is not my son ' Carlos

"My lord, we must have a feast, but about Princess Julia..." Socrates

Princess Julia, is the only female child of Carlos, she has a Rank 7 warrior streak and is the most talented of the children, but no one likes her because she wants to inherit the kingdom and be the queen.

The dragonfly kingdom is a patriarchal kingdom, the idea of ​​a female ruler is just ridiculous.

"Ignore her, let her cultivate well and I may make her a duchess in the future, but if she goes back to plotting to take her brother's place, then we'll get someone to marry her" Carlos