
The start

I woke up early this morning as today was the day yaaaay

Finally ganna meet him in real life him in real life

I stood up form my bed and went to the window and peek outside and saw the sky

Wow said while looking out the weather was nice today I happily got dressed and went out I still can't believe I was going to meet him ahh

I thought that while smiling ear to ear

When I finally reached school I called Bruce

Robjn:- hey man where are u right now

Bruce :- heyyy love I am at school

Robin :oh really where

Suddenly Robin saw a tall figure standing right in front of her as she looked up Bruce she hugged him

Robin :- ah man u don't know how long I was waiting for this moment..

I wish I had never said that as she closed her diary its been a year since that day and every second in this room is killing me why did it happen to me

I didn't murder bruce