
Chapter 6.

Damien's POV.

"Damien you hurting me." She said and that's only when I noticed I was actually hurting her. She just made me so fucking angry. She just turned twenty-two and she's very beautiful and yet she wants to be stuck with a guy like.

"Sorry." I said taking my hands off her and wiping her tears. "I didn't mean to Char."

"It's fine." She said faking a smile. "I can take care of myself."

"I didn't mean to hurt you I just--"

"I'm just not good enough for you." She said interrupting me. She was dead wrong, I'm the one not good enough for her.

"Of course not."

"Are you going to?" She asked referring to sleeping with her to prove a point. I thought she would change when she became an adult but she just became worse than before.

"If that's going to make you move on then fine."

"When?" She asked.

"I have a mission tonight, I'll call you."

"What mission ?" She asked her eyes wide in shock. I never told her about me being part of the missions or the fact that I was an illegal fighter.

"You don't get the right to ask me questions. Your nothing to me. Now get out." I snapped at her and she only kept staring at me. "Charlotte. Out." She shook her head and just walked out not looking back. She's definitely going to be the death of me.


"Everything set for tonight ?" I asked Diego as soon as I got into the warehouse. He nods his head and just kept staring at me. "You got a problem with me, Diego ?"

"Well, your sexy ex and you slept in the same house last night so?" He was waiting for a reaction from me but I just looked at him confused not knowing what he wanted me to say.

"Come on you can tell Daddy Diego your problems."

"I'll shoot you." I said warning him as I walked to my office.

"I definitely know it was bad, but how bad was it ?" He asked running after me when I got into my office.

"I wish I never brought her in the house." I sat down and he did the same. Meeting Charlotte was wonderful but she's starting to make me hate the fact of meeting her.

"Want to talk about it ?" He asked.

"Do I look like I want to talk about it ?" I asked looking at him angry. He nods his head and then quickly shook his head. He knows I'll kill him if he dares starts his nonsense again.

"Damien you know you can talk to me." Diego said and it actually just made me angry. That's what everyone always says 'you can talk to me,' and I fucking hate it.

"I also know I can shoot you right now."

"You and your cousin always wanting to shoot people. Damn were your mothers so crazy?" He asked laughing.

"Diego, I'll definitely shoot you if you compare that idiot to me."

"Charlotte is a good girl don't blam--"

"A good girl ?" I asked angry, his so fucking blind. "She's everything but a good girl. You know what she said to me ?"

"Asshole." He guess what any girl would probably say.

"I wish." He was shocked at my reply. "She asked me to sleep with her to prove a point. A fucking point Diego." I got up angry. "She even acts worse than a slut sometimes."

"You know stress is not good for you Damien. She's probably joking."

"Joking ?" I asked and he nod. "She was so damn serious Diego."

"If she was serious then just do it."

"What? You just as crazy as her." I took a deep breath trying to calm down after all the doctors said I should make sure I don't stress a lot. "She's twenty-two. Just twenty-two Diego and she acts like that."

"You did sleep with her when she was seventeen so." He talked like it was no big deal. I didn't even know she was seventeen the first time I slept with her. She said she was an adult and plus I believed her after all she was in a club.

Someone kept knocking on the door and none of us even noticed until the person come in. "It's time." Govan said.

"Let's go then." I told Diego as Govan went out to tell the others.

"You want her out of your life Damien so do it or else she will think you care about her. And do it soon Damien before your enemies find out about her." Diego told me but I didn't care. She's already a target of being a Carson.


"Damien get down." I could hear all of them shout for me but I couldn't move. My conversation with Charlotte was playing like a DVD in my head. It would start from the day I broke up with her and would end up when I was hurting her. Right now all I heard was my gang shouting for my name and the shooting but I couldn't move, until Tuck come out of nowhere and saved me.

"I can't believe you froze again Damien. You could've been killed right now." Diego said to me angry as soon as the mission was over. "If I didn't invite Tuck to come with us today then you would've been history you idiot."

"Are you done lecturing me ?" I asked annoyed because the whole car ride he was talking nonstop.

"Of course I'm not done."

"Well I'm done listening to you." I got out of my car and he followed me. We always went to the warehouse to talk about the mission then they would all go party afterwards but today it wasn't the same. I let my people down.

"You alright Damien ?" Tucker asked me but I just avoided his question acting like I didn't hear him. I went straight to my office because I knew there wasn't anything to celebrate about tonight for me.

"His heartbroken Tuck leave him before he shoots you." I heard Diego whisper to Tuck. I would kill both of them if I didn't like them. They entered my office still gossiping about me.

"His heart was already damag--"

"Didn't anyone ever tell you two you can't gossip?" I asked both the brothers. Tucker is a policeman but his a criminal himself. He works for me and honestly his a great person the only thing that will one day get him killed is talking, he doesn't know how to shut up.

"What's bothering you, Damien?" Tucker asked as we all sat down.

"Nothing why?"

"So it means you in a good mood ?" Tuck asked smiling.

"What do you want Tuck? We both know you only ask me that, when you want money."

"You are my best friend I'm asking you because I'm concerned about your health if you die then--"

"That's enough. It's very kind of you Tucker." I have known Tucker for so long to know he always uses the best friend line on me when he wants money.

"I'm not done best friend you did ask me if I want money and now that you asked I actually need a couple of thousands."

"I can borrow you money if you want." Diego said making Tucker wide his eyes in shock and blink a couple of times.

"You. No thanks, brother." Tucker said turning back to me.

"How much do you want Tuck?" I asked.

"I'm taking out Stella."

"How much?" I asked again ignoring what he just said.

"Just seventy thousand dollars." He said like it was nothing.

"Seventy thousand dollars for a date?" I asked shocked. It's not that I'm stingy with my money or anything but who the hell takes out a girl on one date with that kind of money. She's not on sale or anything it's just a date.

"I know it's little you don't have to tell me that I'm bein--"

"Little? Are you buying the girl or are you taking the girl on a date?"

"At least one of us has a girlfriend." Diego said changing the subject as he looked straight at me and Tuck somehow got the memo.

"Is he back with his ex?" Tucker asked.

"NO!" I exclaimed.

"Yes." Diego giggled.

"Is that why he almost died today?" Tucker asked and Diego nod his head. "Let me call Ben and congratulate him on getting a brother in law."

"Do you have a death wish?"

"Whoa. Damien smile a bit man you don't have to get so angry all the time." Diego said staring at me. "Oh yeah, Tuck why don't you show me who my sister-in-law is?"

"I feel sorry for that girl already."

"You jealous Damien but here's her picture." Tucker opened his phone for us and we both stared at her picture. I swear to god somehow I know that girl. She remains me so much about someone.

"What's her name?" I asked curiously.

"Stella. I told you already."

"Seriously Tuck. Stella what ?" Diego asked who understood what I meant.

"Oh. Stella black why?" He asked.


"Just because she's rich and you rich Damien don't you get any funny ideas about stealing her from me." Tucker said, and honestly, I'm done with girls. I already have to deal with two of them I don't have time for a third one to join.

"Calm down brother. Charlotte will beat her up if Stella even tries to look Damien's way." Diego told Tucker.

"By the way why does that photo look like you took it?" I asked because I always knew Tucker was so fond of taking pictures especially when you don't notice it.

"Fine. I was stalking her but she finally gave me a chance."

"How old is she?" I asked taking his phone and zooming the picture. The girl looked younger than Charlotte who was only twenty-two.

"She turned nineteen."

"Nineteen!" Diego and I both said it the same time. Is he crazy the girl must be doing her first year in varsity now? That is if she didn't drop out like Charlotte.

"Jesus. I'm only twenty-four." He stated.

"If I was her father I would kill you Tuck." I told him, and honestly, I'm dead serious, no daughter of mine would date a criminal who's older than her.

"Maybe I should wait for your daughter. If you make Charlotte prega--"

"Get out." I shouted at Tucker interrupting him and he just jumped out of his seat. Charlotte pregnant, I should tell Benjamin so he could beat him up.

"I'll be waiting for my money." He shouted as he left.


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