
Bad Dream : A GAME

Manas discovers his inner intelligence. He had one of the worst academic performance ever but how did he became Intelligent or just a delusion. Is he a good human being ? Who is Mr. Wolf? Find out now!

AnirbanB17 · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Manas Fumbles

' There are 3 Questions to the first participants and a dare ' - ( The unknown voice )

Manas thought this must be some typical movie questions that he is familiar with. The whole concept isn't new to him . He thought in head " Same old 3 Questions! Hmmm!"

"1st Question is..." ,

Manas asked - " Who are you ? Tell otherwise I'll not play "

The voice said - " Mr. Wolf "

Manas jokingly said ' Like the movie ' , he laughed hard.

"What are you talking about?"

" Nothing..."

" Anyways, the question is,

Would you betray your grandparents for their property and use that money for a better investment, your grandparents might not support or like ? "

" Excuse me! How you know..."

" You have 60 seconds, my friend "

" Well, I would ask them for the money. They won't deny my decisions "

"The trust you have built to your grandparents or it's just their blind love towards you ? "

" It's my loyalty ..."

A sudden alarm triggered, one of the participants locked him up and he fainted.

[ It's now confirmed that the NPC looking participants are not really here to play rather real robots or unreal beings working for Mr. Wolf .]