

Pain is something l was born with Hatred is something l was tough to feel and love is a feeling only you can introduce to me

4 Chs

Angel with a shotgun

"Consider your actions forgiven Miss Jasmine "He says in a spiteful voice and l know that werewolves aren't one for being embarrassed infront of their mates they are quite prideful creatures .l smirk knowing that my potential best friend and mate don't like at all.l might stand corrected for the first time in History ,Cove might turn out to be interesting.

Witches and werewolves packs and covenants this gonna be fun .Adam walks out and the teacher dismisses the lesson.

"And they call me reckless ,You just fucking went head to head with the principal"l tell her I were in the cafeteria sitting across from each other. When Falisha gets back from the punishment Adam gave her .l don't pay attention to her until she slams her hand on the table me and Sky are sitting at and Sky doesn't look pleased if looks could kill Falisha Armstrong would be dead .A mascular guy is standing behind her and since me and Sky are sitting down she taller then us so we look up at her .

Sky smirks and even though I've only know her for an hour or so l know that that smirk means death .

PL lll"Look what we got here,Ciara Jasmine and Naomi Scott"She says through her teeth her frustration clearly visible by the wrinkles that formed on her head.

"Nice to know that I'm such a big pain in the ass you went looking for my name ."l say and l can feel that everyone in the cafeteria is know looking at us a few of Falisha's friends were taking videos on her request since Falisha thought that she could emberase Sky and get back at me .Well she had another thing coming.

"Don't waist your time on immature little bitches after all they don't live in real life .She's just a spoiled little brat who doesn't know the true meaning of being a women because she's a cheap slat "l say with a hushed voice yet venomous tone

Falisha leaps in an attempt to attack me whilst her minions aim on doing the same to Sky.Sky smirks and only Sky and l know the cause of what happened next . Falisha and her minions crash together and Falisha ends up with her face on the floor and a broken nose .l look at Sky and she lip sinks Confusion spell. We start laughing and the entire cafeteria joins me.

The bell rings and it's time to get to literature class .We stand up and start to progress towards class and Sky pulls me back with my hand, l look at her questioningly and she says

"Smoothies were made for more than one reason "She tells me then looks at the smoothie in her hand then Falisha.

"Wanna join "she asks and l wink at her as a yes. She walks towards Falisha with her smoothie in hand and I'm write behind her.

"Hey Falisha anyone ever told you you faces is to plain .Let me fix that " Sky says after she finishes her sentence she throws her strawberry smoothie in Falisha's face . Falisha hisses in anger and what's funny is that were just getting started .

"But Sky"l say in mocking voice. "Her hair needs also needs to be restyled just look at it but no worries Fifi l can help you with that ." After l finish my sentence l pour my blueberry smoothie on her hair and it rolls down her hair .

"Fuck sis"Sky says "That's an improvement ."

she's laughing at Falisha and by this time her eyes are teary .I'm laughing and honestly l cant bring myself to ferl bad for her.

The student body president walks in and l instantly know me and Sky are in trouble but I'm not scared .

"Miss Scott and Miss Jasmine the Principal demands your presence in his office, like now."He informs us but that doesn't wipe off the smirks on our faces.l lead the way and Sky follows behind me .

When we get to the principal's office l knock and the principal replies "Come in ."He says.

''Good afternoon Miss Scoot, Miss Jasmine" Ur greets us then nudges at the to seats across from were he is seating on his desk.After we take our seats he begins talking

"What happened in the cafeteria?"He asks and I'm not sure who he is asking but l begin my explanation anyway

"Me and Sky are sitting in the cafeteria when out of no we're Falisha and her friends attempt to attack us of course they failed miserably and as a little favour to thank Falisha we fixed her plain her and face with a smoothie"l tell him and he starts laughing l know he won't punish us because I'm his mate but then again he might give me a sex punishment.

"Are you girls really starting world war three in the middle of the semester "He asks us l we both nod our heads "Well l can't bring myself to punish you two so l guess anyone asks just tell them l am you sweep my office or something. Just make up an excuse you girls are bright .You may go Skylight" He tells Sky while impatiently waiting for her to leave so he can touch me again .lt's a basic werewolf instinct since he hasn't marked me yet our werewolves will desire to see each other more to fell each other more and mating would just heighten those feelings and with the way Adams going l don't think l can get through lits without touching him .

He comes closer then french kisses me l respond by kissing h back because to be honest l need him as much as he needs me.He hands are all over my ass and l start moaning because so them sensitive that and. was craving for him.l push him away breaking our kiss then l run to the run his face shows that his confused and l answer with a shrug and say"l late for literature."