
Back to the year 2000: Scourge my wonderful wife

[What I owed you in my last life, I will pay you back ten thousand times in this life! 】 He, Jiang chu, was known as a scum doctor, and was disdained by the medical community and the world. With the remorse of suicide and top-notch medical skills, he was reborn 20 years ago.

DaoistmeKSxE · 都市
50 Chs

Chapter7: Medical skills!Medical skills!Medical skills!

Seeing everyone still looked confused.

Jiang Chu explained quickly: "This person has a drum sound upon percussion on the chest wall, a palpable snow-holding sensation under the skin, widening of the intercostal space, and extremely difficult breathing. This is a sign of tension pneumothorax!"

"Every time the injured person inhales, the air will enter the chest along the injured part, but when he exhales, there is no way to exhale the air!"

"By repeating this, the air in the chest becomes more and more, the pressure becomes greater and greater, and breathing becomes more and more difficult!"

"When you perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, you put additional pressure on the chest cavity, which is equivalent to aggravating the tension pneumothorax in disguise!"

"Over time, it can become life-threatening!"

"We must have surgery immediately!"

"Otherwise, if we wait until 120 arrives and then send him to the hospital for diagnosis, it may be too late!"

Most people were confused when they heard this, but they couldn't hide their shock.

Although I don't understand it, it sounds very high-end and powerful.

In 2000, the medical level in Shancheng was still at an extremely backward level.

Even the public does not have much basic knowledge about rescue.

Ten years later, the level of grassroots hospitals across the country has improved rapidly, and emergencies such as tension pneumothorax can be easily handled by a junior doctor with several years of work experience.

but now,

From admission to diagnosis, consultation, and surgery, it takes at least three or four hours.

Over such a long period of time, the injured person has long since experienced a continuous increase in intrathoracic pressure, compressing the mediastinum and shifting to the right, even causing compression of the heart, affecting blood circulation, and leading to death!

Here are some flaws that have appeared in the development process of medical care, which often result in many people not being able to receive timely treatment.

One thought comes to this,

Jiang Chu decided to perform surgery immediately to relieve the patient's breathing difficulty!

"Tension pneumothorax?"

At this time, Yu Li finally reacted. Her expression changed drastically when she heard the word, and her hand movements stopped immediately.

She finally understood,

Why after several heart compressions,

The wounded will bleed!

Checked the casualty's physical signs again.

Sure enough, it is consistent with the performance of tension pneumothorax!


Yu Li broke out in a cold sweat!

If the young man in front of me hadn't reminded him in time, the consequences would have been disastrous!

Even though I meant to save people, I ended up harming them!

This is a big deal!

Once something happens, it will have a certain impact on her own future.

Thinking of this, Yu Li secretly thought that she had just been a little impulsive and hasty.

At the same time, Yu Li was also very curious.

Who is the young man in front of me?

How could one make such an accurate judgment in such a short period of time?

Simply relying on this level of stability and accurate diagnosis,

Let Yu Li be impressed!

"Which of you has a knife in your hand? A gel pen? A straw will do too!"

Jiang Chu looked at the crowd and asked loudly.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

The same goes for Yu Li.

What does he want to do?

She looked at Jiang Chu and asked doubtfully:

"What do you want these for?"

"Perform closed chest drainage to relieve the casualty's symptoms of dyspnea!"

Jiang Chu answered decisively, his tone leaving no room for doubt.

"Doing closed chest drainage here? There are no tools and no drainage bottles. How do you do it?"

Yu Li was very puzzled, even a little unbelievable.

"Bring the things here first!"

The top priority now is to save people first.

Seeing that Jiang Chu had no intention of explaining, Yu Li hesitated and shut up obediently.

After all, the medical knowledge Jiang Chu had just shown was already better than hers.


A little girl who looked like a junior high school student, timidly and hesitantly, took out a gel pen and a knife.

"Is this okay?" the little girl asked timidly.

"Okay, thank you, little sister!"

Jiang Chu gave the little girl an encouraging look of appreciation, nodded slightly, thanked her, and then took the pen and knife.

Then, Jiang Chu stretched out his hand,

A lighter was taken out from his body.


Use the flame to flick the blade of the knife back and forth several times.

Then, remove the refill of the gel pen.

Everyone looked at Jiang Chu blankly, wondering what this young man was doing?

Only Yu Li's eyes lit up!

"He is using fire to sterilize the knife and then wants to operate?"

"Oh my God, he really wants to perform surgery in such a crude environment?!"

Yu Li was shocked inside.

At the same time, I also want to remind Jiang Chu not to mess around. After all, if something goes wrong, human lives are at stake, and the consequences are not something they can bear.

But, the next moment,

Jiang Chu held the knife in his right hand and fixed the wounded man's skin with his left hand. He raised the knife and stabbed it hard!

The tip of the knife pierced directly into the midpoint of the injured man's right side under the clavicle and in the second intercostal space!

Blood suddenly emerged.


Some people among the onlookers exclaimed.

Everyone was curious and had never seen on-site rescue surgery before.

But when they saw the knife piercing the chest without hesitation and blood coming out, people were shocked.

Jiang Chu ignored this bit of blood and remained methodical.

Pick up the gel pen cover with your left hand and place it along the tip of the knife.

It was inserted all at once!

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

There was a sound of air flow!

A strong airflow emerged along the gel pen cover!

People can even see it,

The gel pen keeps swaying under the impact of the airflow!

As intrathoracic pressure decreases,

The man's breathing gradually became easier.

"about there!"

Jiang Chu said calmly.

Yu Li was stunned.

Is it just...that simple to solve? !


The injured person who was originally unconscious also woke up when Jiang Chu finished speaking.


There was a gasp of shock among the onlookers.

Simply amazing!

I don't know who took the lead in applauding.

After all, many people these days are very sincere.

"Snap, snap, snap!"

When everyone around saw the wounded man waking up,

Suddenly someone took the lead in applauding,

Waves of applause came,

It was also mixed with compliments from everyone.

"I didn't expect that at such a young age, you could do so well in out-of-hospital first aid! I really learned something today!"

Yu Li looked at Jiang Chu with a sincere face, took the initiative to introduce and asked: "I am Yu Li from the emergency department of the Central Hospital. I don't know what your name is? You must be a doctor too, right?"

She has turned you into "you" involuntarily.

It was obviously his inner approval of Jiang Chu's action just now.

"My name is Jiang Chu, and I am a doctor at the Department of Surgery at the city hospital."

"Jiang Chu?" Yu Li felt that the name sounded familiar. Where had she heard it before?