
Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon

Guzi transmigrated into a novel and became a character in a story about a true and false rich heiress. While others who transmigrated into novels become the true heiress, she became the fake heiress. To make matters worse, both she and the true heiress are engaged. She was engaged to the son of a military leader, while the true heiress was engaged to a divorced man with three children from his previous marriage. Guzi's parents, caring for the true heiress, decide to have Guzi marry in her place. In the book, the character "Guzi" was furious and attempted suicide but failed. As a result, she lost the love and favor of her parents. After marrying the divorced man, "Guzi" blamed him for all the wrongdoings and mistreated his children. Eventually, he could no longer tolerate her actions and divorced her. "Guzi" would become a destitute beggar and die miserably on the street. After transmigrating into the book, Guzi left her family and married the divorced man. When she faced the man and his three children, Guzi believed that the original owner of her body made a terrible mistake. This was a painless experience of being a mother without any hardships to endure! On the other hand, the true heiress had to deal with her husband's illegitimate child and fight for family assets. She would lead a daily life full of hardships. The true heiress consoled herself, thinking that she was still better off than Guzi. She had to raise someone else's child and care for an old man. However, one day she sees Guzi stepping out of a luxurious car with a protruding belly, supported by the richest man in the city. Looking aggrieved, Guzi got out of the car and said, "We agreed not to have children!" The man beside her responded tenderly, "Sorry, my mistake."

JQK · 都市
548 Chs

"I used to live in the city," Gu Zi explained patiently.

Everyone looked at Gu Zi's fair and delicate appearance, initially assuming she was just a pampered young lady who did nothing. They hadn't expected her to come and deliver food to their leader.

This city girl spoke gently and had a smile on her face. She looked like someone who was easy to talk to.

One person furrowed their brow slightly, puzzled, and asked, "Didn't they say that Lin Miao went to the Gu family over a month ago? Why didn't you leave back then?"

As this question emerged, everyone turned their curious gazes to Gu Zi.

"The situation on that side is somewhat complicated," Gu Zi explained while tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She continued, "I was previously engaged as well. I had to pass this engagement to Lin Miao before I could leave."

"I only found out recently about Lin Miao's engagement in this area. Since the Lin family and Mr. Su had arranged a marriage, I had to come here, because I am the real daughter of the Lin family."

Hearing this, the onlookers sighed in sympathy.

The Lin family's husband and wife had collected the dowry money, and they refused to return it. They would rather force this young girl to fulfill the marriage contract.

Many felt that Gu Zi's biological parents from the Lin family were truly heartless, giving up their own daughter for the sake of money.

They looked at Gu Zi with sympathy and affection, thinking what a good child she was.

Lin Miao had acted terribly, finding her wealthy biological parents and then abruptly ending her engagement, leaving Gu Zi with all these complicated matters.

Lin Miao's actions had only made Gu Zi appear even kinder, more obedient, and sensible.

Many people gathered around Gu Zi, offering soft words of comfort. "You're a really good kid. You're so much better than that Lin Miao!"

"That's right, don't worry. We're all kind-hearted people in our village. If you need help, just let us know. We're willing to help you."

"Our boss is really great. You'll definitely be happy marrying him!"

"I can guarantee you that our boss is a good person and very responsible! Although he had a marriage before, that matter was not his fault. He's truly a good man!"

Gu Zi listened to everyone's words and looked at Su Shen in surprise. So this was his second marriage.

However, she was more touched. They had immediately stood by her side because of a few words she had spoken.

Gu Zi glanced at Su Shen and met his deep eyes. He frowned slightly and immediately looked away.

Su Shen looked very serious just now. Could it be that he still cared about his ex-wife?

Gu Zi pursed her lips tightly. She hated men who had other women in their hearts the most.

Gu Zi lowered her eyes thoughtfully. She originally wanted to be with Su Shen. She thought it would be fine as long as they lived their own lives.

But now, she didn't think so. She didn't want a man who carried another woman in his heart. If Su Shen still cared deeply for his ex-wife, she was prepared to leave.

She couldn't directly ask Su Shen about this matter, as men's mouths were deceitful. She would discuss it with Aunt Zhang later.

Just then, Su Shen spoke up, saying, "She just arrived yesterday, and our situation needs some time to sort out."

"The wedding must be held, and I'll make sure she doesn't feel uncomfortable," Su Shen said solemnly.

The people around them immediately echoed their agreement.

"Boss is the best! We must make this wedding grand and festive!"

"Yes, yes, we absolutely must have a grand celebration!"

"We should hire opera singers!"


Gu Zi remained seated calmly, not saying anything. She planned to discuss with Su Shen privately when they returned home about not holding a wedding.

Watching from a distance, Chu Tian snapped back to her senses as the crowd cheered. She looked at Su Shen in disbelief, tears welling up in her eyes.

She watched as Gu Zi opened the lunch box and handed it to Su Shen. She bit her lower lip and became even more desperate!

She had been by Su Shen's side for so long, so why did Su Shen want to marry that vixen?

If they got together, what would happen to her?

Unable to bear it any longer, Chu Tian held the lunchbox and, fighting back her tears, walked away.

All the attention was now focused on Gu Zi, as they eagerly questioned her about life in the city.

Gu Zi answered truthfully, and her honest demeanor won the favor of the crowd.

Everyone felt that Gu Zi and their boss were a good match, and they envied their boss for being able to marry such a beautiful and well-mannered wife.