
January 1, 2020


Covid-19 outbreak in New York City morning news

I was watching TV and Covid starting i'm glad I bought a house in California and got weed I need to get fucking toilet paper so we don't run out also we need to get food . I walk to my room connie get dress and go get food I'm going so 20 or be left

20 min later

So let go and get food get in the store i grab enough toilet paper to last five months and she got the food as we leave she ask why so much toilet paper I say you will see life is like a A game of chest between steps of head of every play if you're three you're a master but if you're four and the enemy cannot succeed. She keeps quiet and think about the The riddle I can't figure it out she says I say men have to be tactical you can not fall you have to stand on the top to able to make your family be safe it's in the world.she look at me and said what did you go though. I said I died at 12 and am a living ghost I did so I can protect my family the most of all protect my daughter and you and Connie

We arrived back at the house I walked into the house and walk to the tv and look to see that 2020 has started

2020 march 24

It's been 3 months and I'm in the gym and I see my wife filming me using my camera and she said let's make TikToks we can blow up our YouTube . I said say something on or Channel so t that they post clips on TikTok

That will work to I'm gunna call Andrew tate and see what's going on there. ok baby I'll be here.bye honey I walk to my Office and sit light a cigar open a bottle of 100 year old rum. I look at the weed and the bong that has not been smoked or used the I call tate he answers and says yo Kaleb I been waiting. I said Hey man I'll help I've made 300 billion so I'm ready to do it so up to you Andrew reply was Yha 2022 will be it you see bruv. Alright dude talk to you later

I go to the gym and say I'm gunna work out the rest of the time I started working out and Connie comes in and says I'm pregnant I look over and say Great I'll be here bae so will heather

MARCH 20th

I have a 1 month year-old son a 6 year old daughter an I'm only 17 man let just go it's time to go to buy land in Utah and wait to see what going on with this brainwashing I'll wait the i hear my phone i look to see it was Andrew TateI answer hello Andrew what are you need. I need you here in August to film. Ok I'll be there