Andrea Blake is the daughter of a maid whose life has always been filled with pretence and lies. Well, that's not entirely her fault because she had to live a lie just to cope with the rich students at school. Her mother is a poor maid who is obsessed about giving her daughter the best education in a rich school. To cope with the rich kids there, she decided to lie about her mother's real status, so she won't suffer bully and discrimination by the rich kids at school, but everything changed when the truth was revealed. Andrea was subjected to being bullied and she kept quiet about it. It was a blessing in disguise when her mother decided to leave town, to start a new life in the city with Andrea. Everything would have gone great if her mother hadn't enrolled her in another rich and popular school called JUPITER HIGH. Having no choice and knowing how persuasive her mom was, Andrea began to attend Jupiter high. It wasn't hard for her to make friends because she had lied once again, lied about her status to prevent her self from being bullied. Her lie was going smoothly until someone caught her, a fellow student like herself. Max Winston is the son of a rich conglomerate and he is well known for being cold hearted and unfriendly but everything changed when he caught Andrea and found out her secret. Having been caught, Andrea did her best to please Max to help her keep her secret. Now the question is will Max help Andrea keep her secret and save her from being bullied once again? What will happen when max's cold heart begins to soften towards poor Andrea? What will happen when Andrea meets someone else who knows her secret?. Find out everything in this love triangle relationship.
I got to the teachers office with the help of two junior students.
I was led to a teacher who is known as Mr Daniel, he told me to have a seat and then the interrogation began.
"I heard from your mom that you dropped out of Excel high because you were moving to the city?" He asked
"Yes, I had to" I replied gently
"I heard that it was one of the best school" He asked
"More like the worst" I muttered under my breath and then I gave him a swift nod
"That's why your mom chose to bring you to Jupiter high because Its also one of the best school right?" He asked and I nodded again.
"Okay then I wish you all the best and welcome to Jupiter high" The teacher said with great enthusiasm that I didn't notice that some thing might be off about his questions.
As we went to my class, I was feeling a bit nervous and scared about meeting new students.
How will they treat me and how am I suppose to behave in class with these rich folks.
The thought I had before of the school favouring me is dissolving bit by bit.
As we both Walked into the class, Every where got quiet and I was the centre of attraction.
Every one was looking at me as the introduction was made.
I introduced myself to every one and they were quite welcoming.
"Why don't you sit down behind Beatrice "Mr Daniel said to me and I went to sit.
As soon as he left, Beatrice turned towards me having a friendly smile on her face
"Am Beatrice Rosemund" She said softly
"And am Brenda, Brenda James, Permit me to say this but you are very beautiful" Another girl said as she came towards me and Beatrice.
"Tell us from which family are you? Beatrice father owns the Rosemund building foundation and my father owns a museum, three at the most, If you are a ancient time lover, You would have gone to his museum because it's one of the best" Brenda added.
This is the part have always dreaded, This is where I start my lie and I need to keep on with the lie if am to enjoy my school life.
"Tell us Andrea, We are waiting" Beatrice said and I looked around me only to see a lot of students waiting for my answer.
Just now I thought I was talking to Beatrice and Andrea, So how come every one is listening, I thought as I kept on starring around me
"Are you shy to tell us what family you are from?"Beatrice asked
"No! No! It's not that" I said
"Then what? The only students that are reluctant to talk about their family are the ones who get into our school with Scholarship, Don't tell us you are one of those students?" Someone asked
I couldn't answer because some one ran into the class, Shouting loudly
"He is here! He is back and he is more handsome than ever"
Immediately every one began to rush out side, I didn't know what was happening and so I held onto Beatrice
"What's going on?"
"It's Max, He is back in school" She said looking like a crazy person and then she ran out.
I stayed in class not wanting to go out, After all am a new student and what ever goes on out there is none of my business, I don't know this max that they are talking about, I thought as I brought out my book, Trying to think of a rich occupation that can fit my mom.
I couldn't concentrate Because of the loud noise coming from the hall.
Just who is this Max that is causing an uproar, I thought as I stood up and went out side.
On seeing me, Other students especially the guys made a way for me and I walked in and stopped short when I saw the famous Max himself.
It was none other than the guy at the roof top and also the son of my mom employer.
Why did he have to go to the same school with me, I thought as I quickly went past them, Heading back to the class.
"Hey Andrea! I went back to class to look for you, seems like you also went to see Max right?" She asked.
"Urrrgh...some thing like that" I said wanting to walk past her but she put her arm in mine and pulled me downstairs.
"Let's go and take a better look at him, Do you know that he is the most handsome and the most brilliant student in our school and to top it all, He is very rich though he doesn't like to show it, He is practically every thing and that's why the boys envy him while the girls wish to date him" Beatrice filled me in.
"I.....I think it will be best if we head back to class, I still have to finish arranging my book and all" I said
"But you haven't seen Max properly, He is not in our class and so we won't have the chance to see him until we close" She said pulling me forward.
Just knowing that he is not in our class got me feeling relieved but that doesn't mean he should see me, He didn't recognise me back in his house but If he should see me now he will certainly remember me and I don't want that, I thought.
"Beatrice I need to use the rest room, I will find it myself okay" I said pulling off my hand and running in search of the rest room.
It took me a while but I did find the rest room and I stayed there thinking about What just happened.
Why did he have to be in the same school with me? Me meeting him at the roof top was a coincidence and my mom also working for his parents should be a coincidence too but we both studying in the same school certainly can't be a coincidence.
What am I going to do if he remembers and decides to tell every one that am poor and am also living in his house as the maid daughter, How am I going to cope if what happened to me at Excel high happen again,I thought as I washed my hand and head out of the rest room.
I was so deep in thought that I didn't watch where I was going and I bumped into some one.
"Sor......." I stopped when I found Max standing in front of me.
Quickly I turned to leave but I stepped on the wrong foot and was about to fall when I felt some one arm around my waist.
I knew that it was Max arms that was around me and gently I looked up to stare at him only to find him starring down at me.
"Is this some new tactic at getting my attention?" He asked suddenly
"What?" I asked totally forgetting about him recognising me
He pushed me away from him and I fell on the floor
"You should know that I hate girls who push themselves at guys and you are not my type" He said and walked past me.
I sat on the floor trying to comprehend what he just said to me.
He thinks that am flirting with him and he didn't even recognise me, I thought as I stared after him.
He didn't recognise me! He didn't recognise me, I thought as I stood up feeling so happy.
He doesn't remember that he has seen me at the roof top and he doesn't remember seeing me in his house, This is what I will term as having a lucky charm,I thought as I got up.
Luckily the other kids were in class and quickly I went back to my class.
"Did you have a hard time in finding the rest room?" Beatrice asked
" No, I just ran into some one I knew" I said feeling happy
"Really? Who?" She asked
"Just some one but he doesn't remember me and I prefer it that way" I said and hope that it will continue to be like that.
"It's a good thing you are back" Mr Daniel said as we both head to my new class.
It's been a while since have been to school, If it were up to me, I will never set foot in this place again.
After all this is the same place that Nick addiction started, This school is nothing but a curse, I thought as I kept on going with my new class teacher.
"There is some thing that baffles me though, Why decide to change your class Max?" Mr Daniel asked
"Because I want to" I replied
Going to my old class will remind me of a lot of things, Things that I will prefer to forget, If I can't change school, I can certainly change class, Dad's money and mom prestige in this school certainly gives me the right to do so.
"Isn't today my lucky day, I have the school most beautiful new student and also the school top student in my class" He said
"Most beautiful new student?" I asked
"Yes she just started today, She is called Andrea" He said as we got into the class.
As soon as we got in all the students stopped what they were doing to stare at us.
"What's Max doing here sir?" A student asked
"Kids, Max here will be a student in our class from now on" Mr Daniel said and I watched the students reaction.
The girls were happy while some of the boys though they look happy were seething with anger and jealousy.
But one person caught my attention the most,She sat looking sad, Isn't she the same girl who had purposely bumped into me earlier.
She doesn't seem too excited to see me, I thought, After all she is my admirer, Why does she look sad, I thought still starring at her.
Suddenly she looked up and our eyes met and she stared at me guiltily before looking away.
She doesn't look like some one who admires me instead she looks so familiar, Where have I seen her before, I thought as I kept on starring at her.