
Chapter 63

To say I’m nervous about my driving test would be an understatement. I can’t even concentrate in school because my palms are sweating, and I can’t stomach anything. It’s the first time in a long time that I don’t eat because I literally can’t.

"Are you okay?" Noah asks during lunch.

"No. I’m super stressed about the driving test today."

"Don’t be. You were great yesterday when I took you for a ride."

We make eye contact and he smirks, letting me know that I understood the double meaning correctly.

"The sexual tension is killing me." Jake says and fans his face in a dramatic way.

"By the way." Noah says, shooting him a look. "I got a B on my Algebra test."

"What? That’s great!" Harry exclaims. "I knew I didn’t tutor you for nothing."

After lunch, we head over to English, and I can’t even focus on History, or Spanish. Before I know it, the day is already over and Noah is taking me to the driving school.