
Chapter 43

The first day of school after winter holidays comes way too quickly, and I’m definitely in no mood for it when the alarm rings at seven on the dot. I get out of bed at a snail’s pace, and then walk all the way to the bathroom.

Nacho, who’s accommodated himself quite quickly in my house, is quick on my heels.

"Of course you’re cheery and happy today. You don’t have school." I mumble as I brush my teeth and wash my face.

He watches me dress up and then bother to apply some mascara and eyeliner, before I walk back to my room. I pack my stuff for the day, kiss Nacho goodbye, and watch his as he crawls into his small bed to go back to sleep.

I look at myself in the mirror one last time before I intend to go downstairs.

Everyone’s at the table, including Ellie and Chris, who came home for the holidays but I didn’t get to spend too much time with.