
B.U.D.D.I.E.S. : Origins

Evil rises on another planet, but a young man finds his way after losing everything on earth. This is a story of one man finding his place in a galactic universe where he seems destined for suffering.

Gene_Johnson_9742 · ファンタジー
4 Chs


Swift took the edge of his sword and placed it into the crack in the stone. When he did this, he heard a little giggle from nearby. He concentrated on the task at hand and pried upward with all his might, using his sword as a lever to open the crack wider. As he felt all his muscles screaming in agony at the force being applied, he heard a cracking sound. He immediately stopped and looked at his sword and the stone.

" Hurry, please, sir." the voice now sounded louder but also like a child trying not to laugh.

Swift began to wonder if this was a good idea, but at the same time, curiosity about what was inside the giant star overcame his fears. He placed his sword back into the crack, slightly more prominent than before. As he did so, he almost thought he saw an eyeball peeking from the small gap, but he couldn't be sure. He again used all his might to leverage open the stones. Using his entire body weight and the heft of his armor, he finally heard cracking again.

Before he could even react, the stone blew apart, and green energy could surround a man-like figure. As the light dimmed down, the figure began laughing and slowly started to sink into the ground.

" I am free, hahaha. I knew some idiot would finally free me. The name is Bones, boy." a sinister voice sounded as if it was everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

"Wait..." cried out Swift, but the entity was gone.

He saw some strange writings on the stones covering whatever it was. Swift felt concerned that something terrible was going to happen. He grabbed his sword and tried to calm his nerves to leave this place and tell the King what had just happened. As he bent down to take a piece of the strange star, a hand shot out from the ground and grabbed his wrist. Swift realized that this grip was overpowering him easily. So with his other hand, he swung his sword.

"Tch, tch, tch," the voice sounded again.

"There was a reason I was inside that prison, you know." said Bones

"I have waited inside there for years before landing somewhere those stupid magicians are not so that I could be freed again. But I cannot have you running around with a piece of that prison." Bones said with a chuckle.

The next thing Swift knew, his arm was ripped off, and he fainted from the pain. Bones did not stop there and began to destroy Swift's body to the last piece. Even though he had the strongest armor known to the Espearians, it was like paper to Bones. He took the sword up and chopped at the stones of his prison, only to see that it did not harm them in any way.

"Those damn sorcerers, if I can find a way to destroy these stones, I will always be free," Bones declared to no one as he ultimately killed Swift.

He sunk back into the ground and there was no trace of him ever being there. A few hours later, another group arrived on the scene.

"Swift is around here somewhere, so find him," shouted another man.

Ten people arrived, and they were fully armored and had some star metal chains in their hands. One of them noticed the blood on the ground and what appeared to be twisted-up star metal that also had bits of blood. Then one of them saw the broken pieces of red star metal, and they were frightened.

"What could have killed Swift and torn up star metal so easily" they exclaimed.

Almost on cue, Bones rose from the ground and began laughing while slaughtering them. They were frozen in fear and gave up little to no resistance as Bones killed them all.

"Wow, so weak. I guess it is time to move on from here." Bone laughed to himself. He sunk back into the ground, not sure where to go but hoping someone on this planet would be able to give him a challenge.