
B&S, A oddly magic world

This is a book about a guy and he has the powers of the game Blade and Sorcery. The powers won’t be exactly the same they will follow the general ability’s of the powers. Hope you enjoy reading! New chapters, Monday through Friday! Not on weekends!

Gatorish · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 11

It takes a few minutes before Eve is out of her room and the servant scurry's off. So I take Eve to the breakfast hall to start her day. The whole walk there is silent, like to the point where my mind was making up the squeaking of a knight's armor, just so it can hear something. Until the squeaking gets louder and I realize it's real and it's a real pain in the rump. It's Eve's guard trying to act sneaky and follow us. Which he is failing at. Now I still don't know where the breakfast hall is so I stop and sprint after the knight. After reaching him I grab him and pin him to the floor.

"Sooo where's the breakfast hall?"

"By the emperor's special sock that scared me, umm- it's straight down the hallway, the first corridor on your right."

So I leave him on the floor to catch up to Eve and take her straight to breakfast. After entering the room for breakfast I see no food prepared, so I head over to the kitchen and call for a chef. A drowsy looking chef walks over and sees me. They immediately turns away and curses himself before turning back to me and asking.

"What do you require?"

"Breakfast for me and Lady Eve."

"Of course it will be whipped up immediately."

The chef scurry's off and I go back to Eve and lead her to a seat. I pull out a seat for her and let her sit down before pushing it in. I pull out a seat for myself, sit down and we wait. The awkward silence goes on for 3 minutes before I say to Eve.

"So what is breakfast like here normally?"


"Is it different when eating with the lord?"

"Yes a little."

"Do you want to keep talking?"

"Not really."

I swear the silence is going to kill me but hey if she's fine with it I'll wait. And waiting is what we have been doing like it must have been 47 minutes, how the h*ll do I know that. This better be a complete gourmet meal because the time this is taking is absurd. So much for "breakfast will be whipped up immediately." The chef is going to be whipped on if he doesn't bring the most delicious food I have ever had.

After another 18 minutes the food finally arrives, and it looks! Deplorable. An f*cking omelet without toast or any sides, just an omelet. It doesn't even look like it was cooked well. The taste better be heavenly, because if not I'm going to send this chef to heaven, no actually hell if you mess up making an omelet this bad that's where you should go. Right before Eve starts to eat I snatch her plate away and take a bite.

I swear I'm psychic! How did I know this was poisoned? Well my hottie senses were tingling! So what do I do? I unsheath my sword and cut off the chef's head, naturally while shielding Eve's eyes. She doesn't need to see that. I feel a slight burn from my stomach but nothing I can't handle, but I assume for a little girl it would have been deadly. Still covering Eve's eyes I walk her into the kitchen and make her a real omelet.

And I go straight to the fireplace, stove looking thing and light a fire with the stones next to the stove. After the fire started, I grabbed a few eggs from a stand and grabbed the bowl that was on the fire previously and cooked a few omelet's. Now, the omelet's didn't end up as I wanted them to, but they are 500x better than what that dead chef made. So I put the omelets on 2 pieces of pottery resembling plates and placed them on a table in the kitchen. I put out the fire and pull out a seat for Eve to sit in. After both of us are sitting we start to dig in!

"So Eve, are the omelets good?"

"Yes, they are g-great."

Nearly got through that without a stutter! But hey she likes them, my cooking skill may be far behind my looks but when you are good at everything it comes naturally. So I scarf down my omelets and wait for Eve to finish hers. I gave her two omelets but it looks like she won't be able to finish the second one. Right as I'm about to ask if she's finished, a knight run into the kitchen and grabs my arm.

"Why is the chef dead?! And more importantly why did you leave uneaten food out there? The gods will smite us all!"

"Shut up! You can finish that food if you want but it's poisoned!"

"Who would dare poison food during the god of fire's arrival?"

"The dead chef. Eve? Do you want to eat your last omelet? If not, you can give it to your guard."

"Miquel? Do you want this omelet?"

"I would love that omelet my lady but are you sure it's safe? The other omelets were poisoned!"

"Maximus cooked them…"

"Oh… I'm sure the food will be exquisite."

I could hear sarcasm in his voice, but I saw him freeze. When he actually tried the omelet. Naturally he was in shock! It's not everyday you learn that someone you disrespected is perfect in every way! Turning back to Eve it looks like she's ready to go to the study room. Quite honestly I don't care about the schedule anymore, after hearing that she doesn't even have a teacher, it kind of lost all purpose.

I will teach advanced levels of math and how to read English perfectly! Wait! Why are the books in the library in English and shouldn't they be in Latin? Another f*cking thing. This world is a hodgepodge of stupid things that make no sense. When I learn who is responsible for making this world this way I'm going to sock them. Back to my teaching lessons, I will teach her like a modern person! Thank goodness that my grandma was abusive! She loved to beat etiquette into me! Also apparently we were British nobility but like the very bottom. ____land something. Doesn't matter, I will teach her to shock this horribly mixed up world!