
Azure & Golden Dragons of Flame: Oc x Azula

An ancient prophecy known amongst those in fire nation for generations, one made by the Gods. Two children bound by fate, one a warrior, the other a murderous fire nation princess. What happens when the two finally meet after 400 years in the making? will the reincarnated warrior change the heart of Azula? Or will she continue in her father's footsteps?

Novaflame6_Badal · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 5: Those Bound by Fate III; Avatar Day?

Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed last chapter! It took a while to write that one as I had to keep pausing the swamp episode to get the dialogue right while adding my own in there. This Chapter will be covering the Avatar Day episode, though it may be just a bit different than the original episode.

There were developments in the last episode that I'll focus on for a bit instead of just staying strictly with the story of the episode called Avatar Day. That's really all for now, onto the story!

P.S- I don't own Dbz/DB Kai/ DBS, Black Clover, or Avatar The Last Air Bender and their characters. Those belong to their respective creators.

Opening theme:

Visuals: flashes and introductions of the main cast of this story. Flashes of characters from both sides: team avatar (aang, katara, sokka, odyn, asura, and goku) and Azula's side: (Azula, Ty Lee, Mai, Zuko, and Iroh) shadowed characters are those yet to be introduced (Toph, Khanna, Roy).

CHAPTER 5: Those Bound By Fate IV; Avatar Day?

The scene opens up with the camera panning down to a campsite in the middle of a forest, where the gang is seen to be sleeeping. Most of them, anyways. Odyn was already up and was keeping watch. He had his eyes closed for the moment. While, it may look to others like he was sleeping, he was actually searching the area to be sure they were in the clear. Sokka was seen to be obliviously sleeping with a spider web in his mouth. Momo looked at the web curiously as a spider was seen to be trapping its prey.

Odyn then opened his eyes as he spoke, Asura and Goku sensing the danger nearby as well. Momo stuck his fist into Sokka's mouth to try and catch the spider. This woke up Sokka, causing him to spit in surprise.

"Momo? What are you doing in my mouth? You really need to respect my boundaries.," Sokka said now awake.

"Heads up guys, We've got company and not the friendly kind either!," Odyn warned them.

Goku and Asura slipped into martial arts stances as Katara, Aang, and Sokka all felt the ground shake beneath them. A group of Rhino riders burst into the opening, surprising the group.

He saw the teens and smirked, thinking they were just helpless kids.

"Give up, you're surrounded!," The rider said.

Odyn glared at him after nodding to Goku and Asura.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that.," Odyn said.

The saiyan brothers scooped up Katara, Aang, and Sokka while collecting their personal effects (Aang's staff, Katara's water scroll, but forgetting Sokka's boomerang). They were getting as far away as they could, due to what Odyn was about to do. Katara noticed Odyn not with them and was growing concerned that he wasn't running with them.

"Wait, what about Odyn?," Katara asked.

"Don't worry about him, he'll catch up with us. Just hold on to something!," Goku said.

The teens did as instructed before Odyn pooled his ki together and released it in a giant burst while spreading his arms apart and yelling.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!," Odyn shouted in a battle cry as violent gusts of wind sent the riders flying back and away from them.

Turning quickly, he hopped up onto Appa with the others as Aang knew exactly what to do.

"Appa, yip, yip!," Aang said as the bison took to the sky to escape the group of riders. One of them tried to firebend at them, only to have his fire thrown back at him by Odyn twice as powerful. This knocked the rider over as the others tried regrouping after the group of teens had escaped to the sky.

"What about my boomerang?," Sokka asked.

"There's no time!," Katara said.

"Great... so we have time to get aang's staff and your scroll, but no time to get MY boomerang?," Sokka complained.

"Yup.,"Katara answered.

Sokka's shoulders sagged at this answer as he was quiet for awhile after.

Odyn put his hand on his shoulder in sympathy.

"If it makes you feel any better, Sokka, I can go back for it later when those riders have left the area.," Odyn said.

Sokka shook his head.

"No, we'll be too far away by then. Thanks for the thought though, Odyn.," Sokka answered.

The rest of the trip was silent for awhile then after.

Time skip: Later that day....

The scene then pans down to a certain shop where the gang are seen to be getting supplies for their travels. Sokka is seen to still be sulking about the loss of his treasured boomerrang in the flight from the group of fire nation rhinoriders earlier in the day.

"I'm sorry about your boomerrang, Sokka.," Aang said apologetic.

"I feel like I"ve lost part of my identity. That's like if you lost your arrows, Asura and Goku losing their tails, Odyn losing his ears, or Katara losing her.... "hair loopeys"."Sokka said pointing out each thing that he thought made the teens stand out.

Sokka walked forward, while Katara embraced her older brother, hoping to console him like a sister would. The shop clerk came forward with a basket full of produce, handing it to the teen.

"Here's your produce, pony tail guy.," The clerk said before walking away to take care of some other businessin the small shop.

This upset Sokka as his shoulders sagged again.

"It used to be boomerrang guy...,"Sokka said saddened.

Katara and Aang looked on worried as Sokka walked past them. Odyn looked at them before speaking.

"Try not to worry so much, Katara. Your brother will get through this, just give him some time.," Odyn said.

Katara sighed.

"I hope you're right, Odyn...," Katara said still worried about her brother.

Katara was seen to be paying for the supplies they just bought with water tribe currency, something that pleasantly surprised the shop clerk.

"Hey, water tribe money.," the clerk said surprised.

Katara smiled.

"I hope that's okay.," She said.

The clerk smiled before accepting the currency.

"So long as it's money, I have no complaints.," He said.

The clerk then quickly closed up the shop as Katara went to join the rest of the gang.

"Have a nice Avatar day!," The man said smiling as he walked away.

Aang looked back, curious.

"Avatar Day?" Aang asked curious.

The man turned around.

"You guys are going to the festival, right?," He asked.

The teens looked at each other, Aang and Katara helping up a comically crying Sokka. They smiled at each other before the scene then changes. It pans down to a view of the village during the Avatar Day Festival within the Earth Kingdom. They're seen looking around in slight awe. Odyn looked around and became a little wary. He had a feeling about this whole "Avatar Day" and it wasn't a good feeling either.

"They have a holiday for the Avatar, who knew?," Aang said optimistic and cheerful about it.

Katara pointed out an enormous float of Kiyoshi, one of the previous Avatar's.

"Look, they made a giant Kiyoshi float!," katara said excitedly as the trio ran to see where it was going.

Katara noticed Odyn wasn't following them, however and looked back towards him.

"Odyn? Come on, aren't you coming?," She asked.

She grabbed his hand, but noticed Odyn's serious face.

"Odyn, what's wrong?," she asked.

"Look... Katara, don't take this the wrong way but....," Odyn began.

"But what?," she asked.

He sighed.

"There's... something "off" about this. I have a bad feeling about this... Hopefully, I'm wrong though....," Odyn said.

Katara said nothing, but simply pulled Odyn along as he followed her to the others.

The teens gathered behind the crowd as a float of Avatar Roku joined the Kiyoshi one in what seemed to be a large section of the village dedicated to festivals.

"And here comes Avatar Roku.," Sokka said.

"Having a huge festival in your honor is great. Frankly, it's just nice to be appreciated.," Aang said.

Odyn then voiced his thoughts.

"Not to burst your bubble, Aang, but i'm not sure that's what this is.," Odyn replied.

The two giant floats were wheeled right next to each other.

"What do you mean by that, Odyn?," Aang asked.

"Call it a hunch, but... I have a bad feeling about this festival...," Odyn said.

Sokka, now cheered up, smiled at them and laughed off Odyn's concern.

"And it's nice to appreciate their deep fried festival food! Odyn, you're overreacting nothing is going to happen. It's just a festival to celebrate the Avatar.," Sokka said taking a bite out of some deep fried food he purchosed at one of the stalls.

Asura looked towards Sokka and spoke.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that, Sokka. Odyn has a tendency to be right on the nose with these things. He wouldn't just spout nonsense for no reason.," Asura said.

Sure enough, on cue, a gaint float of Aang was being wheeled towards where the other two Avatar floats now stood. The feeling Odyn had before just intensified.

"Hey, look!," Katara said pointing to the Aang float.

"That's the biggest me i've ever seen.," Aang said.

The Aang float was wheeled towards the others before stopping. The villagers were now cheering as a young man with a torch was seen to be running towards the floats.

"I don't think I like where this is going....," Odyn said.

Sokka was commenting on how the torch made a nice prop for the festival until Katara voiced her concern.

"Hey, what's that guy doing?," She asked.

The man burst through the float, setting it ablaze, before proceeding to set the other two avatar floats on fire. She turned towards Odyn.

"Was THIS the bad feeling you had earlier?," She asked him.

He nodded.

Sokka was so surprised that crumbs were falling from his mouth as the gang stared at the surprising display that was taking place before their eyes.

Meanwhile .....

Two villagers were seen carrying buckets of food before a man with twin curved swords appeared before them. He used his blades to separate the two buckets from the sticks they were carried on before charging towards the villagers. Both men raised up their arms in defense... only to see the man with the swords and the blue and white mask had disappeared without a trace.

The scene then transitions to inside of a small shelter within a forest of the earth kingdom. Two containers overflowing with food and supplies are then thrown in front of Iroh, who looks on confused. Zuko appears after hiding the mask and swords he previously had on.

"Where did you get these from?," Iroh asked curious.

Zuko then began to walk away as he answered his uncle's question.

"What does it matter where they came from?," Zuko answered walking away.

Iroh stared on a little disappointed, but said nothing as he watched his nephew walk off somewhere.

"What am I going to do with that young man?,"Iroh wondered to himself quietly.

Iroh would remain quiet for now and respect his nephew's privacy. All he could do was to support Zuko, because Agni knew he needed someone to trust right now.

Back with the gang....

The floats of Roshi and Kiyoshi continued to burn, when Katara rushed out and bended two streams of water from nearby pots to put out the fires. One of the villagers pointed at the girl in anger.

"That party pooper is ruining Avatar day!," The villager said angry.

The mayor of that town then signaled to the same man from earlier to burn the Aang float. The man responded by hurling a torch into the eye of the Aang float, causing Aang to wince as the crowd continued to chant: "Down with the Avatar! Down with the Avatar!"

Katara proceeded to put out the fire on the Aang float as well. This prompted Aang to leap into the air and land on top of the float in his likeness.

"That party pooper is my friend!," Aang said before removing his hat unveiling his bald head with arrows in their full glory.

"It's the Avatar himself!", The mayor said surprised.

"It's going to kill us with it's awesome Avatar powers!" one villager said afraid.

Odyn had listened to this for long enough and was getting annoyed. Asura and Goku knew what their friend was about to do as the tried cautioning him against it.

"Easy Odyn, don't do something you'll regret.," Goku said.

"are these people really worth getting that upset at?" Asura said trying to dissuade him.

Unfortunately their pleas fell on deaf ears as Odyn marched out in front of the floats, faced crowd of villagers and yelled at them.

"ARE YOU IDIOTS EVEN HEARING WHAT YOU'RE SAYING RIGHT NOW?!," Odyn said glaring at them before pointing to the mayor.

"AND YOU! Aren't you supposed to listen to ALL parties involved before making a judgment first?!,"Odyn said berating him.

"You are quite rude, I suggest you leave. You aren't welcome here, Avatar.,"The mayor said.

As soon as he said that, Odyn glared at him and he became afraid.

"Come again? Do you perhaps have a solid reason for that?," Odyn said.

"Odyn's right. Why not? Aang helps people.," Katara added.

Aang jumped down and walked to be beside his friends.

"It's true.," Aang said.

The man pointed towards Aang still skeptical.

"I find that hard to believe, considering what you did to us in your past life. It was Avatar Kiyoshi, she murdered our glorious leader, Qin the Great.," the man argued.

"You think I.. murdered someone?," Aang asked confused.

Another villager spoke up.

"We used to be a great society before you murdered our leader, now look at us!," a man with a graying beard and a crazed look on his face said.

Aang flinched slightly before Katara spoke again, trying to defend his honor.

"Aang would never do something like that, no Avatar would! And it's not fair for you to question his honor!," Katara said slightly angered.

Another angry villager then spoke up.

"Yeah? Well let's tell her what we think of the avatar's honor!,"the man said turning around and sticking his butt out before making a farting noise with his mouth.

Odyn finally snapped as the villagers were hurling angry insults towards his friends. He yelled as his power swelled up and exploded arounded him in a violent white aura.

"WILL YOU IDIOTS SHUT UP!!!," Odyn shouted.

This abruptly silenced the villagers before Odyn calmed himself and spoke again.

"If we give Aang a chance to clear his name, then will you idiots hear us out?," Odyn asked calm.

The others knew that although he looked calm on the outside, he had to still be really annoyed on the inside but was forcing himself to stay calm for their sake.

"Firstly, take back those insults. And secondly, the only way for the avatar to prove his innoccence is for him to stand trial.," the mayor replied.

"The only reason I said what I did was because you people judged my friends prematurely. So i'll call you people idiots as many times as it takes until you get it through your thick skulls that my friend didn't do those things. One person's past should not define who they are now.," Odyn spat back.

"I'll gladly stand trial.," Aang said.

"You'll have to follow all of our rules. That inludes pay bail.," the mayor replied.

"No problem.," Aang agreed.

It then transitions to inside of a prison with Katara having her hand of her face in embarrassment, Sokka standing with his arms crossed to the side, Goku and Asura in a similar position to Sokka, and Odyn with his hand over his face and tapping his foot on the ground. Aang shrugged innoccently.

"How was I supposed to know they wouldn't take Water Tribe money?," Aang asked.

Sokka then spoke.

"So some people don't like you, big deal! There's literally a whole nation of Fire benders who hate you. Now, let's bust you out of here.," Sokka said trying to encourage Aang.

"Sokka's right you know, we have more important things to be worrying about right now.,"Katara said.

Aang shook his head.

"I can't.," Aang replied.

"Sure you can! just a little (same motions Sokka does in the original episode in his explanation on how they can bust Aang out of prison lol) swish, swish, swish! Huoooahhh.... Air Bending Slice! And we're on our way, problem solved!," Sokka said.

Katara sighed before she explained what her brother was trying to say.

" I think... what "Master Swish" here is trying to say is that you're supposed to be out there saving the world, you can't do that locked up in here.," Katara explained.

Aang looked down as he responded to her statement.

"I can't do that with people still thinking that I'm a murderer. I need you guys to help me prove my innoccence.," Aang replied.

"But how are we going to do that? The crime happened over 300 years ago.," Sokka asked shrugging.

Aang shrugged.

"That's okay Sokka, for some reason I thought you were an expert detective or something.," Aang responded.

"Well... I guess I could be classified as such." Sokka said before folding his arms agains.

This caught the attention of Odyn, Goku, and Asura.

"Oh? This I gotta hear.," Odyn said intrigued.

"Yeah! Back home, Sokka was famous for solving the mystery of the missing seal jerky.," Katara said.

"Everyone wanted to blame it on the Polar Leopard, but i figured out it was really old man jargo wearing polar leopard boots.," Sokka said before staarted to ramble.

This caused Katara to close her eyes and put her hand on her forehead while listening to her brother's ramblings. Aang was signaling something while pointing to Sokka, something Katara took notice of and somehow understood.

"So, you'll help me with my case?," Aang asked.

"Yeah, sure. But, I'm going to need some new props.," Sokka said.

Odyn and the others were a little confused to what they were watching seeing Sokka in a ... detective hat with an eyeglass? This caused KAtara to silently giggle at her brother's antics.

"What?," he asked.

"Uh... what's happening right now?," Asura asked.

"That's what I'm wondering..," Odyn said.

"I have no ide what's happening but it certainly looks like fun!," Goku said.

Asura and Odyn sweat dropped at this response.

"Only you would say that, Goku..," Odyn and Asura thought sweat dropping.

Time skip: the next day...

The mayor then showed the group to what looked like a small outdoor theatre with a temple in the middle of it.

"Here is the crime scene. Here is where Avatar Kiyoshi killed Shin the Great, and this her foot print.," The man said pointing to one particular footprint. "We even built a statue to remember him, feel free to appreciate it.,"

Sokka was seen scurrying around and observing things.

"We know that this statue and that temple are cut from the same stone. And this statue was built after shin died...," Sokka said.

"And... your point?," Odyn asked.

"Getting to that.," Sokka said before blowing on a dragon like pipe which bubbles came from.

Katara looked just as confused as Odyn, Goku, and Asura were.

"Where did you get that?," she asked.

"I think... we need to go to Kiyoshi Island...," Sokka said.

"Agreed, There's not enough evidence here for us to prove Aang's innoccence.," Asura said.

Odyn nodded.

"Yeah, another perspective may just help us settle this case.," Odyn said.

Meanwhile with Aang...

A mostly bald man with a single ponytail and green tattoo of a dragon across his chest reached out towards Aang. The teen flinched briefly, allowing the man to speak.

"Bald head with arrows, you're going to fit in real well here, kid.," the man said.

Aang smiled, not knowing whether to be scared of this guy or to trust him. He got his answer not long after when the man brought him to a circle of his other fellow prisoners as they began to talk.

"This girl you're talking about, she'll come around. Just hang in there.," The pony tailed man said.

"Gee, I don't know...," Aang said unsure.

"What's not to like about you? You're smart, funny, kind, and... you're the avatar. You're quite the catch.," another bald prisoner said.

"Thanks, you guys are the best.," Aang said.

They noticed he was still a little hesitant about something.

"Something else on your mind there, kid?," an older prisoner asked.

"Yeah. I think... she may be into someone else. I haven't said anything because he's a really great guy and a very good friend of mine. But... I don't know if he's into her too, it doesn't seem like it, but... I don't know, I'm just afraid I guess of losing someone I really like to a friend.," Aang confessed.

The pony tailed man smiled.

"I don't think you need to worry. He's probably keeping his distance from this girl because he knows you like her.," He said.

Aang looked up.

"You really think so?," Aang asked.

He nodded.

"I know so. Went through something similar a long time ago.," the man said.

"Don't be afraid to tell this girl how you feel.," another prisoner said before wiping a tear from his face.

Back with Katara, Sokka, Odyn, Goku, and Asura...

The group of 4 teenagers finally made it to Kiyoshi Island, much to the delight of the villagers. They started to cheer, before noticing Aang wasn't with them.

"Where's Aangy?," A small girl asked.

Katara shook her head in disappointment before answering the girl.

"Sorry.., he wasn't able tojoin us this time. He's... taking care of something else right now.," Katara said.

The crowd then started to disperse before they noticed Odyn, Goku, and Asura. They became curious simply because these three strangers were not with the avatar and the water tribe siblings the last time they visited Kiyoshi Island.

"Who are you guys? Do you know Aangy?," The girl asked.

Odyn looked towards the small child before bending down to her level and patting her on the head, softly smiling.

"You could say that. We met him later on his journey.," Odyn replied.

"So... you're friends of his?," She asked.

"Hee hee, yup you got that right!," Goku chuckled with his trademark grin.

Katara could see their friends would be busy with the villagers for awhile, so she and Sokka took the time to explain to the village chief about what was really going on with Aang currently.

"Aang's in Jail. They're putting him on trial for something he didn't even do, even though it happened in his previous life as Avatar Kiyoshi.," Katara explained. "We need some evidence to help Aang prove his innocence."

"That's terrible! Follow me, perhaps we can help.," The village chief said.

As they began to walk towards their destination, Sokka spoke.

"So uh... how's Suki doing?," Sokka asked.

"Ah. Very well. She and the other warriors left to fight in the war some time ago. She said your group had a profound impact upon her and the others.," He said.

"Gotcha.," Sokka said keeping quiet for the rest of the walk.

The man looked back towards the other trio of teens with a curious eyebrow.

"Those boys over there... are they... new friends or comrades of yours? Can't say I've ever seen them before.," The chief asked.

"Yeah they are. We met them later on. They're refugees from the fire nation apparently.," Katara answered.

The man was surprised.

"So... those three are fire benders? And they're your friends?," He asked confused.

"One of them is a fire bender, yes. But all three of them are what you would call energy benders. They don't agree with how the fire lord does things, so they sought out Aang and told us that they'd help him save the world from the fire lord if it came down to it.," Katara explained.

"They're willing to go up against their own country's ruler? Hm... interesting.," The cheif replied.

The trio then continued walking in silence until they reached their destination. The water tribe siblings and the village cheif of Kiyoshi village came to a certain shrine where all of the previous avatar's personal effects were kept and maintained. Anything from Kiyoshi's clothes to her shoes and weapons were kept on display just as they were left. This never stopped Sokka from poking around... and repeatedly being told not to touch anything by the village chief. As both Sokka and Katara looked for clues, they came upon a certain painting on the wall of the shrine they were inside of.

"What a beutiful painting.,"Katara remarked.

"Yes, it is indeed. Taken on the day Kiyoshi Island was founded.,"The cheif said.

Sokka looked at the painting, something seemed... a little "off" about it.

After someback and forth debate on it, Sokka had a sudden realization.

"That's because this wasn't taken during the morning, but rather at sun set. Look at the shadows here.," Sokka said pointing out the evidence.

Katara looked towards her brother.

"Then that means...," Katara started.

Sokka nodded.

"uh huh, We may have just figured out a way to prove Aang's innoccence!," Sokka said.

Time Skip: Back on the other Island...

After finding some very convincing evidence that would free Aang, the teens headed back to the Island where Aang was being held prisoner and where he would stand trial. The group immediately went to visit Aang, who was in prison with news that they may have found some evidence to absolve him of the apparent 'crime' he was being accused of. The Avatar was of course glad to see his friends as it had been awhile since he'd seen them, several days in fact.

"Aang!" Katara called as the group came up to him.

His eyes brightened as he saw water bender and friends.

"Katara, Goku, Sokka, Asura, and Odyn, you guys came back. Where'd you guys go?," Aang questioned.

Katara then answered his question.

"We went to look for some clues to prove your innocence, Aang.," Katara said.

Aang was appreciative of that, but still insisted on going through the trial the village mayor had set up. Katara didn't understand this as it made no sense for him to do so when Aang was clearly innocent in her eyes.

"Listen, Katara. It may not make sense to us why Aang has to go through this, but maybe there's some bigger meaning behind this that we're just not seeing.," Odyn said.

Katara sighed and reluctanly agreed. That was good, at least ahe was willing to listen to reason before doing something she'd ultimately regret doing.

Goku then suggested they go to the mayor with their findings.

"Let's at least see what the mayor has to say first..," Goku suggested.

The other teens nodded.

Short time skip later....

The group of Odyn, Goku, Asura, Katara, Aang, and Sokka go and see the mayor to confront him with their findings. He reluctantly came to see them, secretly annoyed by their visit.

"What can I do for you kids?," He asked.

Katara then spoke.

" Honorable Mayor, we've prepared a solid defense for the Avatar. We did an investigation and found some very strong evidence." Katara began.

While Katara talks, a broadly smiling Sokka leans in toward Aang and points at himself to emphasize that he was the one that discovered the evidence. Aang flashes his teeth in return.

The mayor scoffed, dismissive of Katara and Sokka's findings.

"Evidence? Hmph! That's not how our court system works.," The Mayor named Tong said dismissive.

"Then, is there a way I can truly prove my innoccence?," Aang asked.

"Simple. I say what happened." Tong said pointing to himself, then to Aang before continuing.

"then you say what happened, and then I decide who's right.," Tong said.

"That's...," Goku started.

"I agree, it's VERY one sided.," Odyn said clearly not amused.

"That's why we call it "justice", because it's "Just Us".," Tong said.

The mayor exits the room, laughing maniacally, leaving Sokka, Katara and Aang standing there with their mouths wide open in shock. Odyn slapped his hand to his forehead in annoyance, while both Goku and Asura rubbed their temples as if they had a slight headache.

"What an idiot... 🤦‍♂️," Odyn said facepalming himself in annoyance.

" 💢 Agreed. I feel like I just lost a few brain cells talking to him.," Goku said just as annoyed.

Asura sighed in annoyance.

"Guess the only thing we can do is to see how the trial goes. If need be, we'll break you out of prison, Aang.," Asura said.

Time skip: Outdoor Amphitheatre: the next morning...

Cut to an overview of the amphitheater, the statue of Chin and the temple on the edge of the cliff.

Switch to a back shot of the mayor. The camera pans to the left to reveal that every villager has gathered in the amphitheater. Odyn, Goku, Asura, Katara and Sokka are seen sitting at the front.

Odyn was getting more annoyed by the second, and Katara could tell he'd explode if he took in any more of this ridiculous farce. She was rightfully so getting nervous about what Odyn would do next.

Tong then began an emotional speech to the gathered crowd of villagers.

" Everyone loved Chin the Great because he was so great. Then the Avatar showed up and killed him, and that's how it happened.," Tong said before walking off with a grin.

"💢💢💢💢 This is really getting ridiculous.. That was totally biased!," Odyn said getting angrier by the second.

"The accused will now present its argument.," the guard said.

Sokka then raised his hand towards his mouth to whisper some quiet and encouraging words towards his friend.

"You can do it Aang. Just remember, the evidence.," Sokka whispered.

Aang made hus way forward, still tied up and unsure as he spoke.

"Right ... Uh... (He shifts his eyes to the left while he is trying to remember what to say. Enthusiastically.) Ahem! Ladies and gentlemen ... I'm about to tell you what really happened. And I will prove it with facts. Fact number one.," Aang began still unsure.

He raised his finger, but then blanks out as he forgets what to say.

"🤦‍♂️ This.. won't go well..," Odyn thought Facepalming himself.

"Psst! The footprint!," Sokka whispered to him.

"Right! You see ... I have very large feet.," Aang began.

The camera tilts down to reveal his small feet. The villagers are unimpressed by his argument.

"Furthermore ... your temple matches your statue.," Aang continued.

The villagers look from one to the other, not knowing where Aang is going with this.

"But ... I was in a painting at sunset. So uh... there you have it, I'm not guilty.," Aang said quickly ending his exploration.

This left all of the villagers looking at each other confused and unsure what they should make of the Avatar's explanation.

"He's dead...," Sokka whispered to his sister out of the side of his mouth.

Meanwhile, with Zuko and Iroh...

Iroh was still thinking about the young woman he caught a glimpse of earlier in town. A flash of that moment replayed in his mind.

"Hm... those eyes.. Feels like I've seen them before. I wonder, could she be-?," Iroh though as he was brought out of his thoughts by his new tea pot set.

"Looks like you did some serious shopping.," Iroh said picking up a big, gold-colored teapot. "But where did you get the money?"

Zuko is seen to be lazily leaning up against a tree with his arms folded.

"Do you like your new teapot?," Zuko asked, redirecting his Uncle's focus.

"To be honest with you, Zuko, the best tea tastes delicious whether it comes in a porcelain pot or a tin cup.," Iroh replied as he put the tea pot down.

He then walked over and squats down next to his nephew, sitting down on the ground.

" I know we've had some difficult times lately. We've had to struggle just to get by. But it's nothing to be ashamed of. There is a simple honor in poverty.," Iroh continued as he placed a hand on Zuko's shoulder.

Zuko closed his eyes briefly, as if he was holding something back before sighing.

"There's no honor for me without the Avatar.," Zuko said looking away.

"Zuko ... (he sighs) Even if you did capture the Avatar, I'm not so sure it would solve our problems. Not now.," Iroh said.

Zuko then turns away.

"Then there is no hope at all.," Zuko said.

Zuko wants to stand up and leave the cave, but Iroh grabs him by the shoulders and sits him down.

"No, Zuko! You must never give in to despair. Allow yourself to slip down that road and you surrender to your lowest instincts. (Zuko is seen to be lowering his head, listening to his uncle's wisdom) In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength.," Iroh said.

Zuko turns to face his uncle, who looks back at him with a sad look upon his face. Abruptly, Zuko pulls free from Iroh's grasp and heads out into the forest.

Back with the Aang, Odyn, Katara, Goku, and Asura in the Amphitheater in Chin Village...

Katara then walks forward and speaks.

"Mayor Tong, I'd like for the court to hear one last testimony.," Katara said.

"I've already told you, it's just me and the accused. You can't call any witnesses!," Tong said upset.

Odyn had enough and silenced the Mayor.


Tong had nothing to say as he did as he was told, due to the look on Odyn's face directed towards him.

Katara cleared her throat and continued.

"This isn't just any witness. I'm going to call ... [Spreads her arms.] Avatar Kyoshi herself!," Katara said.

The villagers murmur among themselves while someone exits the temple. The guard escorts Aang in Kyoshi costume, to the front.

Close-up a skeptical looking mayor. As Katara sits back down, Sokka leans toward her, pointing at Aang.

"What are you doing?," Sokka asked his sister.

"Well she is one of Aang's past lives, maybe wearing her stuff will trigger something?," Katara replied.

Sokka is seen playing with his magnifying glass.

"Yeah. I do believe in the power of stuff.," Sokka said.

"This is a mockery of Chin law!," Tong said standing up angry before locking eyes with Odyn again.

"And you're a mockery of a mayor!," Odyn snapped at him.

"Please! If you could wait just one moment, I'm sure Kiyoshi will be here here any minute now.," Katara said pleading her case.

Switch to Aang who is standing in the middle of the square, hiding his face behind one of Kyoshi's fans. He peeks over the fan. He then speaks in a high pitched voice to attempt to sound like Kiyoshi.

"Hey, everybody! Avatar Kyoshi here.," Aang said rapidly blinking his eyes.

Tong stalks over to Aang, already forgetting that he was on thin ice witj one of the Avatar's friends.

"This is ridiculous!," Tong said angrily pointing an accusing finger at Aang while addressing the crowd."For the murder of Chin the Great, this court finds the Avatar-"

Aang looks down in defeat, but is suddenly engulfed in a tornado of earth. Tong holds on to his hat to prevent it from being blown away. The sky darkens and when the tornado dies down, Aang is gone and the spirit of Kyoshi has taken his place.

"I killed Chin the Conqueror."Kiyoshi began.

A flashback shows how Chin earthbends an earth column beneath one of his subjects as he was offering something to Chin.

" A horrible tyrant, Chin was expanding his army to all corners of the continent."

A close-up of Chin the Great fades to a shot of a map, where the trail of his campaign can be seen. He had concurred everything save to Ba Sing Se. The scene switches to a large army standing by the shores of the sea, ready to attack when given the order.

"When they came to the neck of the peninsula where we lived, he demanded our immediate surrender. "

Kyoshi calmly walks toward him to face his challenge.

"I warned him that I would not sit passively while he took our home. But he did not back down."

Chin and Kyoshi stand face to face. Kyoshi is around a foot bigger than him. Chin takes a fighting stance, but Kyoshi is unimpressed. She grabs one of her fans and points it at him. A powerful gust of wind washes over the surprised Chin and strips him of all his clothes, except for his underwear.

"On that day, we split from the mainland."

Close-up of Avatar Kyoshi as her eyes glow for a second, signaling the Avatar State. She jumps up and stretches one of her fans to the left as she lands. A powerful fissure rips through the earth and explodes at the edge of the cliff.

She repeats that move to the right now with the same effect. Kyoshi calmly closes her fans and slams them into the ground, causing the whole peninsula to shake. Chin still stands in his earthbending stance.

The camera shoots from inside the ground as it opens up to reveal how Kyoshi made a large crack in the earth. With a series of wide arm movements, she bends the lava up from underneath the landmass to sever it completely.

As the wall of lava dies down again, chunks of rock fall to the ground. Kyoshi spins around and creates a powerful gale right beside Chin, blowing part of his army away and making the rest run away in fear. An overview shot shown how lava has seeped into the sea and how the island is being blown away from the mainland. Chin holds on to his hat as he watches the island go. He screams in anger while the rocks under him start to cave. An overview shot reveal how he plummets to his death in the waters below.

The overview shot in the flashback fades for the present day overview shot of that same cliff where now a temple is built.

"I created Kyoshi Island so my people could be safe from invaders."

She slants her eyes and is engulfed by the sand tornado once more. Tong kneels to the ground and covers his head. While the sandstorm keeps spinning around Kyoshi, the darkness is lifted. Sokka holds Katara protectively in his arms while she clings on to Momo. When the tornado disappears, Aang is standing there once again, swaying from side to side. Katara catches him right before he collapses.

Aang is still confused as he then speaks.

"Unh... so what happened?," Aang asked thoroughly confused.

Katara had a worried look etched onto her face as she thought of how to deliver the bad news to her friend.

"You.. kinda.. confessed, sorry...," Katara said awkwardly.

"We really did try to cover for you, Aang.," Asura said.

"But after what Kiyoshi just admitted, uh... well..," Odyn said awkwardly.

Tong stood up in the background.

"And I find you ...(points towards Aang) Guilty! Bring out the Wheel of Punishment!," Tong saidbefore clapping his hands.

The villagers break out into cheers as they hear the sentence. Momo looks around, before covering up his eyes with his tail. Odyn has his face in his hand, with Goku and Asura both looking rather confused.

Back with Zuko and Iroh....

Iroh is seen bending over the supplies they just procured as Zuko then speaks up.

"Uncle ... ," Zuko started as Iroh looks towards his nephew before continuing. "I thought a lot about what you said."

Iroh's sad and worried expression clears as he listens to Zuko, thinking his nephew had finally come to his senses.

"You did? Good, good.," Iroh said now relieved.

Zuko continued.

"It's helped me realize something. We no longer have anything to gain by traveling together.," Zuko said.

As he says this, Iroh's brightened expression suddenly vanishes and a look of disappointment appears on his face.

"I need to find my own way, uncle.," Zuko said.

Iroh bows his head in sorrow. Zuko looks at his uncle for a moment before grabbing his backpack and walking away. The camera zooms in on Iroh's face.

"Zuko, wait!," Iroh said running after his nephew.

Iroh hands Zuko the reins of the ostrich horse. Zuko mounts it, looks at his uncle one last time and heads off, leaving a broken Iroh.

Back with the Gaang....

The camera is then seen to be panning down to a shot of Chin Village where Aang stands before the Wheel of Punishment.

The crowd of villagers are of course, enthusiastic about it.

"The accused will now spin the Wheel of Punishment to determine his sentence.," The guard said a deep and monotonous voice.

Aang turns to looks at Sokka and Katara who are giving him glances of sympathy. Odyn, Goku, and Asura simply watch with looks ranging from confusion (Goku) to annoyance (Odyn and Asura).

"I said I would face justice, so I will.," Aang said.

Aang gives a good spin on the wheel as the camera is panning down on the amphitheater.

"Come on, torture machine!", One villager said hoping.

"Eaten by Bears!," another villager said.

"Razor Pit!," another said.

Katara was seen clasping her hands as she pleaded.

"Community service, please stop on community service!," Katara pleaded.

Sokka and Katara look very worried as the wheel starts to slow down. It passes by "strangled by a platypus bear" and "eaten by sharks." Aang anxiously awaits his punishment. The wheel comes to a halt.

"Looks like it's boiled in oil.," the guard said in a monotone voice.

The villagers cheer loudly, while Aang looks scared and Katara and Sokka who are just absolutely shocked.

Suddenly a lit bomb bounces into the scene and detonates into the temple. The blast makes the whole amphitheater shake. Sokka and Katara raise their arms to protect their faces from the blast. Odyn kept silent, to not arouse any suspicion as the leader of the fire nation troops, a man named Mongke, spoke.

"We've come to claim this village for the Fire Lord! [Close-up.] Now show me your leader so I may ..." Mongke trailed off before showing an example of what they'd do to the leader of the village.

Kahchi, another member of the rough rhino riders, swings his Guan Dao back and forth, slicing through the statue of Chin the Great. While it crumbles down, Mongke continues with a grin.

"Dethrone him.," Mongke finished.

"That's him over there!," a villager said pointing to Tong.

Tong, for his part was attempting to hide behind the Wheel of Punishment.

"Ahh!!! (Pointing to Aang, commanding him) You, Avatar! Do something!," Tong said scared.

Aang shrugs apathetically.

Odyn clears his throat as he speaks.

"He'd like to, "Mayor" but he's supposed to be boiled in oil, remember?," Odyn pointed out.

Tong then moves the wheel to community service.

"There, community service! Now serve this community and get rid of those rhinos!," Tong said.

"We'll help, Aang!," Katara said.

Aang nods with a smile as he rushes forward and jumps out of his Kyoshi costume to face Kahchi, who readies his weapon. Odyn, Goku, Asura, and Katara each face off with a member of the Rough Rhino riders.

As Kahchi charges Aang, Aang opens his fans. He quickly spins out of the rhino's path and uses his airbending to lift Kahchi out of his saddle and blows him off the cliff with another gust. Kahchi's rhino still proceeds toward the mayor, who peeping over the wheel and quickly hides behind it as he sees the rhino coming toward him. He squeaks in fear when the rhino's horns embedded themselves into the wheel, missing the mayor's vital part by inches.

Mongke, who now faces Odyn, does not look pleased with the defeat of Kahchi. He raises his hand as he shouts his command.

"Rough Rhinos, to the town!," Mongke orders.

Another member of the troop, Vachir, shoots a few burning arrows to the town setting the roof of a nearby building on fire.

Mongke then using his firebending to burn down another house. He goes to do the same to another, only to scowl as he sees his flames redirected by the blue haired teen with dark skin and burning eyes.

Lit arrows keep raining down on the rooftops. A close up of another rough rhino member, Yeh Lu, as he rides by a hay wagon and drops some lit bombs in it. The wagon explodes, destroying the house next to it.

Ogadei, another member, then is seen riding past another house and pulling down its support beams with his chains.

Close-up as he lets out a loud scream and spins his chains above his head. He throws them at Katara who easily deflects them with a water whip. The chains wind themselves around Ogodei. She hits the rhino on the rear with another whip of her water and the animal dashes away with Ogodei on it.

Sokka comes down a stair between two members of the Rough Rhinos. He adjusts his monocle so it would reflect the sunlight right into the eyes of Vachir. The archer turns and blindly shoots a burning arrow at Sokka. The arrow pierces his hat and embeds itself in the saddlebag of Yeh-Lu that is filled with bombs. Sokka smiles and ducks for cover. Yeh-Lu notices what is going on and tosses the saddlebag away, but it is too late. The force of the blast smacks him and his rhino into a nearby wall. As Sokka covers his head to protect himself against the flying debris, Yeh-Lu's helmet rolls by. Another bag lands right beside Sokka, his boomerang is sticking out of it.

He throws his arms into the air in excitement at seeing his beloved boomerang.

"Boomerang! You do always come back!," Sokka said excitedly.

Vachir is seen aiming at him, that is before Asura comes in behind him and knocks him on with a chop on the neck. Goku then deflects the arrow aimed at Sokka.

"Pay a little more attention to your surroundings, Sokka.," Asura cautioned him.

"Right..," Sokka said realizing waht just happened.

Goku turns and flashes a smile towards him.

"Still, nice job Sokka. That was smooth what you did.," Goku said complimenting the teen.

Sokka then smirks as he starts monologing to himself.

"Yeah.. I guess that was pretty ingenious of me. Maybe I really am smarter than people think.," Sokka said before he continued as he followed after Goku.

It then switches to Odyn, who is having a standoff with Mongke in an alley. Aang areives to help, but Odyn puts his hand in front of him.

"No need, Aang. Let me handle this.," Odyn said.

Mongke uses his firebending to increase his speed as he charges at Odyn. The teen flips over him as he absorbs some of Mongke's fire blast. Odyn counters with a fire blast of his own, which surprised Mongke. He dodges it, but barely.

They charge at each other a third time, this time with Odyn charging full speed towards the elder fire bender. When Mongke fires a powerful blast that consumes the whole alley, Odyn jumps up and propels himself right through the blast absorbing the fire in small increments. Odyn smirked before vanishing, thoroughly confusing Mongke. The teen reappeared a moment later, being propelled by a kiai wave. He briefly sommersaulted before extending feet first into Mongke's stomach sending him flying through a fence.

He lands a moment later as the gaang then gathers in the alley and fist bump, smiling at each other.

Small time skip...

The camera cuts to a scene of fireworks going off in the village later that night.

"From now on, we'll celebrate a new Avatar Day in honor of the day Avatar Aang and friends(The camera pans down to see a grinning trio of Aang, Katara, and Sokka with bowls in their hands.) saved us from the Rough Rhino Invasion." Tong said.

Sokka is seen to be looking questionably into his bowl.

"What is this?" Sokka asked.

A close-up of the bowl reveals several Aang-shaped pieces of dough.

"That's our new festival food! Un-fried dough. May we eat it and be reminded of how on this day the Avatar was not boiled in oil." Tong said.

The villagers cheer, but the gang gives each other some uncertain looks. They each pick up a dough cookie. Cut to a closer shot of Katara as her cookie droops in her fingers. She smiled nervously.

"Happy Avatar Day, everyone!," She said.

Aang looked towards their friends.

"Want some, Odyn?," Aang asked.

Odyn had a bit of a grossed out look on his face.

"Thanks for the offer, but uh.. I'm good Aang.," Odyn said.

"Goku? Asura?," Katara asked.

Asura just shook his head, while Goku nervously smiled.

"That's alright, Katara. You three have at it.," Goku said nervously smiling.

Uncertainly, she chews it down. She looks down at her bowl, confused of what to make of it. The camera pans to the right to show how Aang also sticks a cookie in his mouth, although half of it is still dangling out of his mouth.

"This is by far the worst town we've ever been to.," Sokka said looking at his cookie skeptically.

While Aang slurps the rest of his cookie inside his mouth, Sokka finally eats his and stares skeptically again at the next cookie.

The screen then fades to black. It briefly comes back up again before it shows a view of a certain Fire Nation's Princess staring out of the window of her ship.

A flash of Odyn comes to her mind as well as what he said to her.

"You don't have to follow the same path as your father, Azula. You're not a bad person.. misguided maybe, but you are not your father. Just.. think about what I've said at least..,"

Azula scowled and clenched her chest slightly, now a little aggravated.

"Odyn A. Chevalier, why... ugh! Why does that.. boy haunt my every thought?! You... you're bad for my heart, boy!," she thought frustrated.

She didn't understand why, but something about the things Odyn said gripped her heart. What was it about him? She's never had to deal with such conflicting thoughts before or.. feelings. Next time they met, she would catch him and she would find out why exactly this boy vexed her to no end. For some reason though, she knew where they'd encounter each other next.

Soldiers knelt behind her, awaiting orders.

"Where to, your highness?," A fire bender asked.

Azula turned and smirked.

"To visit an old friend. Set a course for The Earth Kingdom Colonies.," She order.

"At once, your highness!," the fire bender answered.

Lo and Lee, two of Azula's advisor's then came up to her.

"Are you certain that's wise?," Lo asked.

"Positive, Lo. The last encounter I had with the Avatar's merry little band made me realize something.," Azula said.

"And that was?," Lee asked.

Azula smiled darkly.

"I need to.. approach this differently. It's high time I visited a friend for help, one I believe will be quite useful.," Azula said.

Ty Lee then piped up.

"Wait Azula, you mean-?," Ty Lee asked.

Azula nodded.

"Indeed. Ty Lee. Your brother made me realize that I'll need a little extra help if I want to catch him and the Avatar.," Azula replied.

Ty Lee nodded, while Mai just agreed silently. They had no idea at the time, but they would encounter team Avatar much sooner than they anticipated with their next stop.

That's a story for next time though...

End chapter...

Ending theme:

Ending: Eyes (Twin Star Exorcists ending 1)

Visuals: replace the characters with Odyn (being the boy instead of Rokuro) and Azula( being the girl instead of Benio) Flashes of the other characters in the cast in between (Odyn thinking about team avatar before thinking about Azula at the end. Azula is shown thinking about her friends, Ozai, Iroh, and Zuko before it stops on an image of Odyn). The song ends as Odyn and Azula are then seen staring towards each other, a distance apart.

Hey everyone, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! This one was a little light on the action side of things, but there are some important characters that will be introduced soon so I felt like I needed to go into the more "mellow" part of the last airbender story of volume 3. Some events of the chapters will be the same as in the cannon story, but there will also be differences given that there are more characters a part of the main cast in this story. I'm attempting to flesh out and pace the pairing of Odyn x Azula more this time around, but we'll see how it goes lol 😂 . I'm not the best by any means at this kind of thing, I'll do my best to bring a satisfactory pace of the pairings without making them come to fruition too quickly or without reason.

As for the other characters being introduced soon, I just had a thought: should one of the mystery Characters be with Toph instead of Asura this time? Or... maybe there's a pairing with Suki perhaps? It is worth thinking about at least. For now, these are the pairings for the story:

Odyn x Azula (main pairing)

Sokka x (?)

Asura x Toph

Zuko x Mai

Suki x (?)

Goku x Ty Lee

The ones with question marks meaning those characters haven't been introduced yet, so I can't reveal their names. Anyways, hopefully you guys like this chapter, I'll be working on the next one soon. So until next time!

Next Time: Chapter 6: Those Bound by Fate IV; The Blind Bandit (&)  and her guard