

Every thing started falling apart and the city was totally collapsed and wrecked and most of the creatures were dead or captured by night crawlers and people of miracle city were enforced to migrate so the people began their journey along with their now leader Azdan to guide and stopped on mountain seeking for refuge and Azdan along with his teachers and others started practicing magic and after a month Azdan was fully ready along with his fellow colleagues and they all started planning strategies to get their city back from those cruel evils as Azdan started unlocking full potentials of magic and in no time learnt everything regarding magic which miraculasiers knew not and they all choose him as their leader in true sense and they all set on the expedition towards their home land as it was a very difficult situation for all of them and the citizens were totally broken like a piece of glass scattered into pieces and on their journey they all faced many many difficulties but no one was manifesting his feelings and their hardwork and struggle bore fruit as they reached their city and surrounded it from a distance of 3 miles as their city was full of crawlers wondering here and there destroying the city to the fullest and Azdan told his people to wait till Night .....