
Azazel: The Disgraced Monarch

[Dropped Project]

DystopicWorld · ファンタジー
108 Chs

Chapter 15: Deposit Rules.

Fiona put the thoughts to the back of her head and started attending to the patrons with great care and fitness. She understood that no place was safer for her than right here, directly under the Sire's watchful eyes.

Even if he wasn't looking over, she had that feeling that he was observing everyone in the bar in one way or another. How great it was to feel secure and protected once again.

"Give me two Blood Orchids and two Soul Rends, please."

Fiona had just passed a tray of drinks to a group of vultures in one of the dim corners when she heard that particular order. Her body shivered—that's 400 sacred coins in one go.

This amounted to an entire month of profits after subtracting the fees for the imported goods and the city tax. She couldn't believe her ears, but she also knew that whoever made the order wasn't a nobody.