
Ayanokouji in Shadow Slave

It is as you think . Ayanokouji in Shadow Slave . To be clear this is an 15 y.o Kiyotaka who have not yet entered Tokyo ANHS and he is in his physical prime . Updates: 3-4 chaps a day

Rick_playback · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Chapter 5

As Ayanokouji stood there , analyzing his newfound abilities , the spells soothing voice whispered .

[ All Power has a price ]

[You have received a Flaw]

'Flaw...all power has a price.., my flaw might be detrimental for my future'

As Ayanokouji thought that he carefully inspected the runes .

Flaw : [War Maniac]

Flaw Description : [ The will of war calls for you to battle , to kill and to defeat your foes ]

Kiyotaka stared at this words with contemplative gaze. The Spell, with its grace has effectively made him a battle driven maniacidal killer . The Flaw describtion didnt contain any details as to how does it regulate. Does it require for him to kill constantly? Or is there a time limit? Is there a daily quota? So many question was proccessed and analyzed in his mind , yet there wasnt any evident answer .

'The Spell is fair, at least thats how its perceived . It doesnt give one troubles that cannot be solved'

Thinking deeply about this he realised something : This flaw was a restriction of his freedom .

The freedom was something Kiyotaka always dreamed of . It was invaluable to him and today he lost it...again.

'The Flaw...i will destroy it....i will become flawless...unbound by the shackles that restrict my freedom. This is my goal. The goal that i will do anything it takes in order to achieve.'


It doesnt matter what has to be done .

It doesnt matter what needs to be sacrificed.

As long as i regain my Freedom...

Thats all that matters

With newfound resolve Kiyotaka silently gazed at dimming space, silently awaiting for his return to waking world

* * *

The desire to kill

The moment Kiyotaka opened his eyes as a Sleeper he felt it . His Flaw was calling for him to kill. He emerged from his sleeping pod and looked around , seeing a figure of an Awakened Human .

The Awakened looked at Kiyotaka with surprise as he was prepared to face off a Nightmare Creature , not to see a survivor .

The surprise was momentary as he smiled at the new Sleeper and said :

"Congratulations , you are a brave one! Hurry up, i will lead you to a van that will take you to academy"

Kiyotaka silently observed the man and nodded with his emotioneless look. At this moment his focus was mostly on his flaw and unnatural killing intent in his mind .

'The killing intent...its not strong , but i can feel its getting stronger by time . By my rough estimates it will become unbearable after a day ....Meaning i need to kill atleast once a day . '

As he let the man lead him , he experiemented on his flaw. Kiyotaka killed an unfortunate bug that was flying around but didnt feel his killing desire subside . Looking at an Awakened infront of him he felt his desire becoming strangely potent . As if his Flaw was telling him : this is someone you need to kill .

After severall more experiements he came to basic understanding of his flaw .

'Killing the bug didnt help at all, i assume someone that should be killed should have an essence, that must be why i have a strange feeling about killimg this awakened.'

As he thought that, he closed towards a van and entered it , leaving Awakened behind .

'The Academy must have something of use , but with my flaw it would be hard there...I must find a ways to hide my flaw effevtively'

With this thoughts the he silently made a plan in his head as van moved towards Academy