
Ayanokouji in Shadow Slave

It is as you think . Ayanokouji in Shadow Slave . To be clear this is an 15 y.o Kiyotaka who have not yet entered Tokyo ANHS and he is in his physical prime . Updates: 3-4 chaps a day

Rick_playback · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Chapter 42

The atmosphere around the castle was heavy. Many had lost their loved ones in the fight, many had developed traumas; all in all, the situation was not the best. But there was something that fueled them, something that made them live.


Hope that Changing Star would lead them out of this accursed place.

Hope that they would reach the Gateway.

Hope that they would return to the waking world, to their families, to safety.


Hope is such a beautiful yet terrifying tool.

It's borderline madness.

Hope drives us to achieve the impossible, to push beyond our limits. But it also blinds us to the harsh realities, makes us ignore the overwhelming odds stacked against us. It can turn into a dangerous delusion, making us believe we are invincible, that everything will turn out fine simply because we want it to.

I've seen it in their eyes, the desperate gleam of hope that refuses to be extinguished. It's a fragile flame, easily snuffed out by the cruel winds of this nightmarish world, yet it persists, flickering defiantly.

These people look to Nephis, to me, to Sunny and the rest of the cohort, as their saviors. They see us as beacons of hope, symbols of strength and resilience. But what they don't see are the cracks beneath the surface, the strain that weighs heavily on our shoulders. They don't see the doubt, the fear, the constant struggle to keep that hope alive, even within ourselves.

I have seen the weight of things on Nephis. She, as a leader of this all, was leading many people to their death, with only Hope as her tool.

In this desolate place, hope is the thin thread we all cling to. It's what keeps us from falling into the abyss of despair. But it's also a burden, a double-edged sword. For every moment of hope, there's a moment of doubt. For every step forward, there's the risk of falling back into darkness.

As I look around at the survivors, at their weary faces and haunted eyes, I realize that hope is all we have left. It's the last vestige of our humanity in this twisted nightmare. And as much as I want to protect them, to lead them to safety, I know that the path ahead is fraught with peril.

We are not just fighting for survival; we are fighting for our very souls. Every battle, every sacrifice, is a testament to our unyielding spirit, to the hope that refuses to die. But in the end, we are all just clinging to a fragile dream, hoping that it will become a reality.

Hope is madness. It's the madness that keeps us alive.

And I, Kiyotaka, am as mad as they come.


In the dim light of dawn, the gates of the castle opened for the last time. A long procession of humans walked through them, leaving the ancient citadel that had sheltered them for so long. They walked under the swinging skulls, not paying them any attention. In the aftermath of all the strife, no one had bothered to remove the ghastly things from their chains. It was not like anyone could have forgotten the hundreds of lives lost in the struggle, and thousands of deaths before that, even if the skulls were removed. Six hundred people descended the hill and entered the Dark City. A few Nightmare Creatures tried to attack them, and were eviscerated before managing to do any harm. These six hundred humans were not a defenseless crowd. They were a battle-hardened army, one comprised of exceptionally powerful Sleepers... the most powerful Sleepers to ever be born from the human race, perhaps.

Changing Star led them, her expression unreadable.

Under the grey sky of the Forgotten Shore, they ventured deeper and deeper towards the accursed Crimson Spire.

The army was divided in an orderly manner.

There were melee fighters led by Effie at the forefront. They included those with shields and spears.

There was also a unit of long-range support fighters, led by Kai.

Sunny was going to act as a scout, operating separately from all units.

Nephis would lead everyone into battle, as she should as a leader.

Cassie would command the army alongside me.


As the army marched, the landscape around them seemed to shift and twist, shadows moving in the periphery of their vision, always just out of reach. The dark, oppressive atmosphere of the Forgotten Shore was a constant reminder of the peril they faced. Every step forward was a testament to their resolve, their unyielding will to survive and escape this hellish place.

Effie led the charge with her usual ferocity, her imposing figure a beacon of strength for the others. Her spear cleaved through any Nightmare Creature foolish enough to approach, her movements a blur of deadly precision. Behind her, the melee fighters advanced in tight formation, their shields and weapons at the ready, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger.

Kai's unit provided covering fire from the rear, his arrows finding their marks with unerring accuracy. His commands were crisp and clear, his archers moving as one, their projectiles a deadly rain that decimated the enemy from a distance. The coordination between the melee and ranged units was seamless, a testament to the rigorous training and discipline instilled in them by their leaders.

Sunny moved like a phantom, slipping in and out of the shadows, his presence barely perceptible. His scouting reports were invaluable, giving the army advance warning of any threats and allowing them to adjust their strategy accordingly. His Echo, a silent sentinel, mirrored his movements, adding to their already formidable capabilities.

Nephis, the Changing Star, led from the front, her silver hair gleaming in the dim light, a stark contrast to the darkness around them. Her aura of authority and determination was palpable, her presence inspiring those around her to push forward despite the overwhelming odds. She was their guiding light, the embodiment of their hope and resolve.

Cassie and Kiyotaka worked together to coordinate the various units, their combined knowledge and strategic acumen ensuring that the army moved as one cohesive entity. Kiyotaka's analytical prowess and her foresight allowed them to anticipate and counter the threats that lay ahead, turning potential disasters into manageable challenges.


As the army approached the Crimson Spire, the air grew colder, the sense of foreboding more pronounced. The spire loomed in the distance, a twisted monument to the nightmare they sought to escape. The ground around it was littered with the remnants of past battles, a grim reminder of the dangers that awaited them.

From a certain distance, the Spire's true horror became evident. Hundreds of Nightmare Creatures surrounded its base, a seething mass of darkness and malevolence. The creatures moved with an eerie coordination, as if they were guardians of the spire, protecting it from intruders.

The final battle was upon them, and every step they took brought them closer to the culmination of their journey. The weight of their mission bore down on them, but the hope that had carried them this far refused to be extinguished. They would fight, they would endure, and they would prevail.

In the end, hope is what makes humans. It is the driving force that propels them forward, even in the face of insurmountable odds. It is what binds them together, what gives them the strength to carry on.

Hope is madness. It's the madness that keeps them alive.

The atmosphere around the army was heavy, but the hope that burned within the Sleepers was a beacon in the darkness. They marched forward, driven by the belief that they could overcome, that they could escape this nightmare and return to the waking world.

Hope is madness, but it is also salvation.

As they stood at the threshold of the final challenge, gazing upon the mass of Nightmare Creatures near the Crimson Spire, Kiyotaka knew that this was the end. Either they would achieve their goal or die trying.

This would be the End either way.