
Ayanokouji in Shadow Slave

It is as you think . Ayanokouji in Shadow Slave . To be clear this is an 15 y.o Kiyotaka who have not yet entered Tokyo ANHS and he is in his physical prime . Updates: 3-4 chaps a day

Rick_playback · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Chapter 24

As Sunny watched in grim fascination, he felt a sudden, chilling realization – Kiyotaka had noticed him. Those piercing, blood-red eyes locked onto Sunny's hiding spot, and in that instant, he knew he had to move.

Before Sunny could react, Kiyotaka lunged at him with an almost supernatural speed. Sunny barely managed to dodge the initial strike, rolling to the side as Kiyotaka's blade sliced through the air where his head had been moments before. The ground trembled under the force of Kiyotaka's attack, and Sunny scrambled to his feet, his heart racing.

Kiyotaka's movements were precise, calculated, and relentless. He attacked with a cold, mechanical efficiency, each strike aimed to maim or kill. Sunny used his agility and the shadows to evade, but Kiyotaka seemed to anticipate his every move. It was like fighting an unyielding force, an opponent who was always one step ahead.

Sunny ducked under a horizontal slash, feeling the air whizz past his head, and countered with a quick jab. Kiyotaka parried effortlessly, his eyes devoid of emotion, yet burning with an unquenchable bloodlust. Their blades clashed, sparks flying in the dim light, the sound of metal on metal echoing through the ruins.

With each exchange, Sunny found it harder to keep up. Kiyotaka's attacks were unrelenting, his precision terrifying. But Sunny was no ordinary fighter; he had survived countless battles in the Dream Realm. He used every trick he knew, exploiting the terrain, using his shadow to mislead and distract. Yet, Kiyotaka's relentless pursuit made it clear – this was a battle he couldn't win head-on.

Just as it seemed Kiyotaka was about to land a fatal blow, something changed. There was a flicker in his eyes, a brief moment of hesitation. It was as if a part of his sanity was clawing its way back. Sunny seized the moment, slipping past Kiyotaka's guard and creating some distance between them.

Kiyotaka staggered slightly, his breath ragged. The bloodlust in his eyes dimmed, replaced by a flash of confusion. He shook his head, trying to clear the fog of madness. Sunny could see the struggle within him, the battle between the monstrous rage and the cold intellect that defined him.

But the reprieve was short-lived. As Kiyotaka regained his senses, the backlash hit him with brutal force. His body convulsed, and he dropped to his knees, clutching his head in agony. The pain was excruciating, a result of resisting the Flaw's relentless grip. Sunny watched, torn between sympathy and the need to stay vigilant.

Kiyotaka's breaths were harsh and uneven as he fought to regain control. His eyes, now a haunting mix of red and their usual cold hue, flickered between madness and clarity. He gritted his teeth, a guttural growl escaping his lips as he struggled against the torment.

Sunny hesitated for a moment, then made a decision. He cautiously approached, keeping a safe distance. "Kiyotaka," he called out, his voice steady but cautious.

"Can you hear me?"

Kiyotaka's head snapped up, his eyes locking onto Sunny's. For a moment, the madness seemed to recede, replaced by a flicker of recognition. He nodded slowly, the tension in his body gradually easing.

Sunny let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding.

"This place... it's affecting you"

Kiyotaka managed a weak nod, his strength visibly waning. Sunny moved closer, ready to support him if needed. The fight had taken its toll on both of them, but they had survived. For now.

As they began to make their way back, Sunny couldn't shake the image of Kiyotaka in his blood-fueled frenzy. He knew that the Kiyotaka he saw today was a result of the Dream Realm's relentless grip and his own haunting flaw. And while Kiyotaka had regained a semblance of control, the threat of that monstrous side remained ever-present, a reminder of the fine line they all walked in this treacherous world.