
Ayanokouji in Shadow Slave

It is as you think . Ayanokouji in Shadow Slave . To be clear this is an 15 y.o Kiyotaka who have not yet entered Tokyo ANHS and he is in his physical prime . Updates: 3-4 chaps a day

Rick_playback · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Chapter 10

The perception of Dream world was very conflicting in the eyes of Sleepers. It was the world of wonders, yet it also harbored great dangers within . It is impossible to know where would one appear in Dream Realm .

To Awaken, one must reach the citadel and 'connect' himself to the Dream realm through the Gates. However, there wasnt many

places where one could comfortably do so. The vast Dream realm wasnt explored and conquered by humanity yet and many zones had been deemed dangerous and uninhabeted by humans.

Once Kiyotaka and others enter the dream realm they may appear within domain of humans, perhaps near Bastion or Ravenheart. But the chances of such easy journey is slim. Many Sleepers might find themselves in unknown lands filled with danger and corruption . Perhaps that is why the atmosphere in the Cafeteria was so somber .

The cafeteria was full of Sleepers, but no one was talking. Everybody was in low spirits and seemed to be uncharacteristically introspective. There was no usual laughter or boisterous conversations, only the Legacies remained calm and collected. However, even they kept to themselves.

Kiyotaka silently thought to himself .

'I am ready'

Last days he constantly polished his skills and even bought a memory from Academy shop by exchanging the soul shards from Dormant Beasts he killed everyday .

Memory : [ Tunic of warrior ]

Memory type : [ Armor ]

Memory describtion : [ The Armor forged by

forgemasters of valor in a form of tunic]

Memory enchantment : [ Temparature Regulation ]

Temparature regulation : [ allows wielder to manipulate temparature within armor, making it cold or hot ]

Yes, this blood red , awakened tier 2 memory wasnt something that one recieved from slain enemies , its something that was forged by humans . Unfortunately, this was the best Kiyotaka could get in such a short time .

There wasnt anything much to do , so he relaxed slightly and let his mind rest before leaving the waking world .

When the sun was close to setting, Instructor gathered them in the foyer of the Sleeper Center and led them outside.

In the snowy parks that surrounded the white building, other Awakened were leading their own batches of Sleepers to the same destination. It was the Academy's medical center.

The center looked more like a shrine than a hospital. Its interior contained both highly advanced technology as well as some of the best Healers among the Awakened. For the duration of their first journey into the Dream Realm, the bodies of Sleepers would be kept safe in specially designed pods and sustained by the magical powers of those Healers if anything unfortunate were to happen on the other side of the Spell.

Soon, they were designated to their own personal rooms .

In one of the rooms, the blind girl, Cassia, was helplessly trying to orient herself in the unfamiliar space, touching the walls and strange pieces of machinery with her hands. Tears were streaming down her beautiful, doll-like face.

In the other room, Sunny was conversing with his shadow before leaving the waking world.

Somewhere else, Changing Star Nephis, the last daughter of the Immortal Flame clan, was looking down at her hands. Underneath her skin, soft white radiance was slowly growing brighter and brighter. Her face was contorted in a grimace of harrowing agony.

And finally, there was a room where Kiyotaka made a step forward and entered his pot. A step towards his dreams, to the Dream realm, to the unknown.