
A Palace And Two Words

Avren opened his eyes and looked around. He found himself standing in front a gigantic gate.

'What happened? Where am I?'

Avren looked at the gate and found that it was the gate of a gargantuan palace. This palace was so huge that he couldn't fully imagine it in his mind.

From this palace, Avren felt an aura of oppression that could crush any being into nothingness. The strange thing is, this aura didn't affect him. He just felt it around him.

'This sensation again. How can I sense these things?' Avren was puzzled.

What made him more surprised is that he felt that this aura coming from the palace wasn't intentional. It was a natural aura.

'The natural aura coming from the palace just by existing is so overbearing! What is this palace? And how did I get here? I was in my room moments ago.' Avren became more and more curious and a little afraid.

When he looked at the giant gate again he noticed two words on the two sides of the gate. The left side has the word 'ETERNAL' engraved on it.

As soon as his eyes fell on this word, his body became numb and his eyes became empty. He was in a strange state.

While standing, his body began to emit a golden aura. This aura was neither forceful nor overbearing. Instead it gave off the feeling of being indestructible and inextinguishable. Everlasting and truly 'Eternal'.

A year...2 years...10 years...

100 years...

10000 years...

Millions... Billions...

Countless years have passed while he was standing like a piece of wood, not moving at all and staring at the word 'ETERNAL' on the left side of the gate.

After an unknown number of years, while he was still staring, a mysterious aura came from the palace, jolting him awake from his trance.

As he awoke, all the golden aura around him disappeared!

'what? I woke up? Why?!' Avren was very angry and a little depressed. He was actually about to comprehend something. He felt that if he comprehend it, a heaven shaking earth shattering change would have happened.

Avren tried to look at the word 'ETERNAL' again to enter the same state he was in, but unfortunately failed.

Although he was feeling a little resentful towards that aura that came from the palace, there is nothing he could do.

'What was that aura just now?' he wondered.

Feeling helpless, he moved his sight to the other side of the gate. There was also a word 'DESTRUCTION' engraved on it.

As soon as Avren's eyes looked at this word, he entered the same state he was in a moment ago when he was staring at the word 'ETERNAL'.

This time, his body emitted a purplish black aura. This aura was the complete opposite of the golden aura. This aura felt like the incarnation of annihilation, capable of extinguishing everything in existence. A pure 'Destruction'.

Time began to flow again...


In a huge hall inside the palace.

A young man was sitting cross legged in front of a huge throne. The young man's eyes and hair were blood red. If someone with a weak will or cultivation got near him, he'll feel as if drowning in a sea of blood.

"Phew, that was close. But as expected from him. If I haven't woken him and gave him a little more time instead, he would have comprehend it and achieved true Eternity! Or should I say 'regained' his true Eternity? If that happened, all of the effort will be lost." The young man muttered slowly and closed his eyes.