
Awakening the Ancestors

Ancestral spirits drenched the world in blood 1000 years ago, forcing people to choose between death and turning to ancestral spirits. Saido Kado, on the other hand, was the only swordsman in the world who could match up with the ancestral spirits and seal them away. However, after 1000 years, people became dissatisfied with the current world and desired the return of the ancestral spirits. Tahara Kado, a young swordsman and the last Kado of his generation, aspires to be the best swordsman in the world, but his peers mock him because he is an F-Rank. His wish was granted, and he was killed, but an awakening system reawakened him, allowing him to level up and unlock new abilities, power, and sword skills. His first inquiry is to find out who has the ability to seal and unseal ancestral spirits. Will he be able to stop the people from unsealing the ancestral spirits? If they are unsealed, can he stop the ancestral spirits? Will he be able to awaken his ancestors? Join Tahara and his friends on a journey full of challenges that will put his swordsmanship and determination to succeed to the test. ....... Volumes........ -Volume 1: Awakening (1-44) -Volume 2: First-Year (45–57) -Volume 3: Samon Kenji (58–78) -Volume 4: The Lost Maniac (79–114) -Volume 5: The Gray Soul and The Tombstone Teacher (115–138) -Volume 6: The Twelve (139–157) -Volume 7: Chandganuur Arc (158–187) -Volume 8: Unveiling the Nexus of Blades and Sorcery (188-212) -Volume 9: The Graveyard Devil (213-224) -Volume 10: Chadli Guelimja (225-

LegalWolf · ファンタジー
247 Chs

Chapter 5: First Mission

Damn it!

"I may die if I don't survive," Tahara said.


Survive the speeding cars

[Time: 0hrs 0min 3sec]

[Time: 0hrs 0min 2sec]

[Time: 0hrs 0min 1sec]


[Punishment Completed]

[Returning to base]

"What base?" he asked.

The surroundings around Tahara changed again as he returned to the hospital bed.

"I'm back," Tahara said, and he fainted.

"Come Tahara how long does it take you to....," Kunie said as she barged into the room and noticed Tahara on the floor.

"Tahara! Tahara! Tahara!" she yelled.


[Rewards are set for your punishment]


The next day...

Little River Medical Center...

"Have you noticed Tahara this morning?" a nurse asked.

"What do you mean?" her fellow nurse friend asked.

"Asahi asked me for skipping rope this morning and he is outside skipping and also running in and out," the nurse said.

"Is that true?" the nurse asked.

"I'm done, I'm I?" Tahara asked himself.


[Completed] Pushups [50/50]

[Completed] Running [5KM/5KM]

[Completed] Skipping [50/50]

"Whew," Tahara said as he used his shirt to wipe off the sweat on his face.

"I can't move my legs," Tahara said.


[Rewards are set for your punishment]



[Training rewards]

"Let me have a look at the rewards," Tahara said as he clicked on the accept screen.

[Training rewards]

[Please your rewards]

[Reward 1: Health Recovery]

[Reward 2: Mystery Box]

[Reward 3: Stats Info]

"I can accept all these rewards?" Tahara said.


As soon as Tahara selected a reward one, his whole body began to feel light as if he didn't do any training.

<<Reward 2>>

Mystery Box

Received the Faithkeeper

Note: Faithkeeper is a sword.

"Oh, I thought the faith keeper was going to be like someone protecting me?" Tahara said.

<<Reward 3>>

Stats Info

"Now let's look at this," Tahara said as he clicked on the stats info

Name: Tahara Kado

Age: 16

Level: 1

Title: None

HP: 100

Strength: 10

Intelligence: 10

Sense: 10

Swordsmanship: 5

Rank: F

"As I expected, still the weakest rank," Tahara said.

"It looks like anytime I do something either training or fighting, my level increases," he said.

"It looks like that game that I've played before, what's it?" he said as he began to think.

Now to look at the <<Punishment Reward.>>

Ring of Mordor

"A Ring!" Tahara said.

"Forget about it," he said as he cleared his system.

"Now then, time to go back to the clinic," Tahara said.

"Where do you think you are going?" a voice asked.

"Who are you?" Tahara asked.

"We are you," the voice replied.


Go To an isolated area.

"An isolated area?" Tahara yelled.

Tahara then began to walk to search for an isolated area where nobody can see him.

After 20 minutes of searching,

"Found one," Tahara said.

Tahara then went to hide in the darkness as a portal then opened and sucked Tahara from the darkness.

"Where I'm I?" Tahara asked.


<<Survive in the Lonrelorn Leth from predators and retrieve the Abhlcite>>

"Survive, Predators," Tahara stood there confused.

"What predators?" Tahara asked.

"And what the heck is this Abhlcite?"

Saliva then came to hit Tahara on his head.

Tahara then touched his head and noticed saliva on his head.

"Where the f**k is this coming from?" Tahara asked as he wiped the saliva off his hand.

Tahara immediately turned around and noticed the predator that was standing behind him.

"Is that the Predator?" Tahara said as his face turned pale and began to shake.

"It looks more like a beast to me," Tahara said.

The beast then roared as it echoed around the area.

Birds began flying away as the roaring echoed.

<<Polar Hippogriff>>

<<Rank D>>