
My Lady

The wyvern's question caused the battle to come to an abrupt halt. Upon realizing that the opponent possessed dragon blood, the wyvern’s demeanor suddenly changed. No longer did it exhibit any threatening behavior or show any desire to continue the fight as before. Instead, it simply stared at Farcia, awaiting an answer to confirm its suspicions.

“Yes, I am a dragon, but only half. The other half of me is human,” Farcia replied without any hesitation.

The fact that she was a half-breed, part flame dragon demon and part human, was not something she needed to keep secret, especially from a beast that would be dead in a few minutes. Answering one question wouldn’t hurt.

“A half-dragon… May I ask which dragon lineage you belong to?”

Upon hearing Farcia’s response, the wyvern’s eyes changed. In those eyes, a complex emotion appeared, one that Farcia couldn’t quite understand. The wyvern also altered the way it addressed her, using a more respectful tone.