
Awakening @end of the world

When Orion suddenly awoke in a mysterious Magical World, would his knowledge of 23rd-century technology help him survive this strange new world where magic replaces the Laws of physics as the science of the land? Or would he become an ultimate and powerful Magus himself and discover the reasons for the Event that brought him here?

Joyon · SF
243 Chs



While rowing the boat in the vast seas, I had plenty of time to kill and out of boredom and curiosity, Sara inspected the Eye of the Seas I took from the Temple.

Initially, I hoped to return the Eye to the authorities and report the crime of Mori and his bandits when I returned to civilization, but Sara found some magical circuitry or wiring inside the Eye of the Seas, not unlike the circuitry she found in the Temple which piqued my interest.

If the circuitry in the Temple was powered by a magical battery, it was logical that the Eye of the Seas could be powered too by a battery.

So, I took out the metal box I found inside the basement of the Temple and tried to link it to the Eye of the Seas.

As the Eye of the Seas touched the metal box, the box surprisingly lit brightly as the crystals inside the chain reacted and directed the energy into the Eye.


Suddenly the metal box exploded and threw the magic crystals all over my boat. The Eye of the Seas probably overloaded the battery somehow or perhaps the magical voltage was incompatible.

With the metal box destroyed there were no magical batteries around but there was one within me although I wasn't sure they were compatible.

"I'm definitely not risking linking my batteries to the Eye. You saw how the Eye destroyed the battery pack", I told Sara.

But Sara was eager to try out her theories.

"You are a little too eager for an AI program", I told Sara.

"I learned it from you, we must take risks sometime", Sara replied to me.

AI programs don't think by themselves, but they learn to think like their subject. In Sara's situation, she was thinking like me.

I waited a day more before my curiosity and spirit of research overcame me as I placed the Eye of the Seas on my chest while Sara allowed the Eye to sink into my body.

My nano-bots created wirings that connected it to my battery and surprisingly a power connection was successfully established.

"The current on the Eye of the Seas is compatible to our battery", Sara informed me delightedly.

There were similarities between the Neutronium charges in my battery and the magic of this world and if it was true then theoretically, I could make use of the magical technology available here if I don't end up killing myself by trying.

"What does the Eye of the Seas do?" I asked her.

Although a magical circuitry ran through the Eye, I didn't know what the Eye was for. There were complex wiring pathways within the Eye, and it would require some testing to determine if something was workable from the item and I had to be extra careful if I didn't want my battery to explode as the metal box did.

"I will find out about it after some testing", Sara told me.


After weeks of sailing in the wide oceans, I finally glimpsed a large mainland or continent ahead, when suddenly a long and large tentacle-like arm grabbed my boat and pulled it under the sea, together with me with it.

"Damn you damn squid", I shouted out to the creature who sunk my boat.

I found the culprit to be a Giant Octopus more than 10-meters in width with many long tentacles which were almost four times its width.

Sara scanned the creature and found rich magic inside its large head where possibly its brains resided but there was nothing that I could use to penetrate so deep into its head.

So, the best thing for me to do was to leave as quickly as possible.

However, my movements inside water were greatly impeded, and no matter how I swam the Octopus was still not far behind me.

"Damnit, the stupid squid is still chasing me", I complained to Sara.

The Octopus was intent on making me its meal and before I knew it, one of its tentacles wrapped and coiled around me and squeezed hard with the intention to crush my body.

The Octopus' tentacles grappled strongly onto me, as I struggled to break free from it, but I wasn't the match of the creature in strength.

"Is this finally my end?", I asked myself as I succumbed to the strangulation of the octopus.



Suddenly, a powerful laser beam which was accompanied by a high-pitched sound appeared before me which disintegrated the tentacles around me, and projected all the way through the Octopus' head, instantly killing it.

"What the hell happened here?" I asked Sara.

"The beam came from the Eye of the Seas on your chest which I installed earlier but hadn't the opportunity to test", Sara informed me.

Sara suspected the Eye of the Seas was a weapon of some sort but the experience with the exploding metal box gave me extreme caution when testing the Eye. However, I was out of options when the octopus was killing me, so Sara had no choice but to fire up the Eye.

Luckily for me, the connections we made to the Eye went to the right circuitry as an energy beam was generated and expelled from my chest.

If my memory served me right Sharkman which I encountered in the Obelisk space once shot a similar laser at me with his eye which looked like the Eye of the Seas.

"Is it possible that my Eye of the Seas once belonged to Sharkman which could well have been his missing eye", l asked Sara.

"It is possible", Sara replied to me simply.

"I hope so", I added to myself because if that was the case, then I don't need to trouble myself to return the Eye to its owner and I would appropriate the weapon for my use.

The Eye of the Seas was the strongest weapon I encountered since I arrived here in this world. It would be extremely useful to me, and the laser projected from it was equivalent to a mining craft's laser and I couldn't believe such powerful energy was projected from such a tiny package on my chest.

Aside from burning a large hole in my shirt every time I used it, the only real drawback to the Eye of the Seas was the drain on my batteries.

"We only have the juice for one shot", Sara told me.

My batteries could power at most one firing, before it needed a full recharge, so the Eye would only be used as a last resort.

My batteries were mostly exhausted from the use of the Eye, so I took out some crystalline stones found in the metal box battery and held it in my hands, as my nano-bots reached into the crystals and absorbed the Neutronium fuel from it.

"These crystalline stones must be a refined Neutronium source, with an absorption rate that is dozens of times faster than from a Dragon's heart", Sara told me.

So, without waiting for long my batteries were fully charged again.

The encounter with the Giant Octopus made me lose the last of my boat, so I was left with no other choice but to swim toward the unknown mainland.


When I reached the shore of the mainland, I couldn't find any signs of Kay, but I found a rail track. It was strange to find rail tracks in a primitive world, so I ran along the track to see what was at its end.

I guessed if Kay ended up in the mainland, he would have noticed the rail too since the track was laid along the entire shoreline and he might have followed the track to the city or whatever place it led to.

"Choo choo"

Suddenly a train appeared along the track, and I was surprised and for a moment, I wondered if Sharkman had teleported me to another world, a more modern world perhaps.

But we were still in the same world that I awoke in, Ouamua. I could determine that by looking at the sky which was the same.

I jumped to the top of the train to hitch a ride and rode along it to find out what lay at the end of the rail, until eventually, it reached a city, Kotonia.


In a city reminiscent of pre-modern city on Earth, the streets bustle with a vibrant energy, blending the enchantment of magic with the allure of towering billboards. Traditional wooden structures and lantern-lit streets coexisted harmoniously with the awe-inspiring display of mystical powers.

As twilight descends upon the city, the neon glow of billboards casts a colorful sheen on the bustling streets. Towering high above the buildings, these massive advertising boards were adorned with intricate illustrations and animated displays.

Among the billboards, machines and ships hovered in the air, their engines pulsating with vibrant hues of light. These magical devices serve as living advertisements, captivating passersby with the animation of the wares being promoted.

As I wandered the bustling streets of Kotonia, I encountered street performers who command the elements with their magical performances. Fire dancers manipulated flames, twisting and twirling them in intricate patterns, while their audience gasps in awe. Acrobats performed gravity-defying feats, seemingly defying the laws of physics as they leap and somersault through the air with an elegant agility that can only be explained by the touch of magic.

Amidst the enchantment, traditional tea houses and bustling market stalls line the streets, offering glimpses of old-world charm. Artisans display their craftsmanship, carving intricate wooden sculptures and weaving vibrant tapestries. The aroma of freshly brewed tea and savory street food fills the air, enticing both locals and visitors to sample the culinary delights of the city.

In this cityscape where ancient traditions meet the modern world, the clash of billboards and magic creates a mesmerizing spectacle. It is a place where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur.

In the skies, there were many balloon airships which rushed to get to the city or out of it but the traffic in the sky wasn't chaotic at all. The airships queued in an orderly manner, coming and leaving the busy city which spoke much for the efficiency and organization of the city of Kotonia.

"This city must be the most advanced civilization since I came to this world," I told Sara as I planned to explore more.