

ZOE: Things in my life were supposed to flow smoothly... It was my final term, last paper of high school and I was about to pursue a life in the liberal arts. Instead of that I have a target on my back that demands a payment, my life. Safe to say nothing is going according to how I imagined it because this world although scary, it is beautiful and this is the world I found love. CHISTIAN: I finally found my fated and she is everything that I have imagined. The fact that she's sucked into my complicated family drives me insane especially because she refuses my protection. The son of the devil can even think of a way to keep his destined. Zoe is this last thing in mind when there's a war that defiantly threatens the very ground she stands. You guessed it, this world is in Africa... you don't get many stories that involves fantasy in here so I'm changing that. This world my dear friends has everything. Werewolves, Witches, Angels, Demons, Necromancer, and breeds. This book is a fiction of my imagination, the characters, the story and the background of all these characters written for your pure enjoyment. Welcome to the outcome of my overthinking.... People that loved and supported me through his book are my best friends Wanya Smith and Thembi Khumalo

ZinBlac · ファンタジー
21 Chs



In the many years of pointless existence and I am yet to comprehend, love. Love, reason too many down falls. Love an emotion I am most frightened of although in deep envy. Love an emotion for the weak, the man I have become have led many to fear me. I don't blame those weak, pathetic cowering souls though… their misfortune is that I own them and their worthless wasteful souls lie in the balance of my whim, don't call me the devil.

It was soon to be the time where is need to find his soul bond… the constant desperation for blood bond, a mating of sort between two souls. Without one the most rational after a certain period he will slowly be driven to a brink of insanity. The doorbell ringing drew me out of my stupor.

"What is a witch doing at this side of the tracks?"

Perfect wicked company, green eyes sparkled in greeting and no instincts indicated foul play. I opened the door wider my own eye a clear message of my power. Wearily she entered walking anxiously although confidently to the dining table and sat down on the wooden chair. Sitting opposite her the only thing separating us is the endless magic seething around the space.

"I had a vision."

Her voice elegant but powerful her, her dark skin a perfect concealment of age and her grey hair was evident of how much wisdom an enchanted goddess.

"And pray tell how your vision involve me?"

I sit comfortably with the sole intention to study the witch, I have no problem with witches hell one raised me but I does not mean I particularly like them. Witches with visions are extremely special especially in their world of magic and perhaps the fae but one here, this is bound to be interesting.

"I need you to protect my daughter."

She says with a reserved urgency and he has no doubt that this woman is reading him, whatever she must be reading is nothing if she is interested in a story.

"I would wish to do that because?"

He asks drinking the pure liquid he placed on the table, she held her hand out to me indicating she wanted to show me something. Stretching out my hand to her, she cupped it her own her eyes glowed. At first was complete darkness before an image of her. MI destino. Dark skin, natural hair perfectly styled, stunning green eyes and luscious physique to die for.

Next to his gorgeous interest was beautiful woman who seems older, perhaps she is her late forties. She was caught off guard an unidentified demon, her shock and terror as the demon slowly scorched her insides. Everything shifted from the location to what has to be her father. The same greater demon appeared while the elderly defenseless man slept. The monster gutted from the inside leaving no evidence, human forensic scientist could ever detect.

Depressed she had gone through immense pain and suffering, he feels like he is ready to let go. I thought the witch was done but the final vision appeared… Her awakening was, grief thrown into so much sadness. Her features are more beautiful as she reached womanhood her power outstanding.

It still left him heart broken, to think after one hundred and twenty-five years of existing never have I ever had to think about a dreadful past. Blurred figures surrounded her; she looks exhausted but what truly fascinated him is her iron will to survive. My eyes fluttered open, immediately pouring a full glass of water he gobbled it down.

"She is your fated and I beg you protect her from those demons."

Those demons? Does she not know who she is currently speaking to? I cocked an eyebrow before giving her a shrug of no offence.

"I would rather take my chances with you a demon that would never be able to harm her, than the demon that plan to feed off her energy."

Reality slammed with its mighty claws of rage. She created a portal and vanished without a trail leaving me with more questions than answers.

Her radiance allowed me to give her the name Vita. Knowing she is out there brought boyish excitement, a purpose for his meaningless being.

Walking past his bedroom, a picture long forgotten caught his eye. My parents. A family picture, just the three of us. Memories drowned me, clutching me in its grip. I remember that day like I lost them yesterday.


Hunters were at foot killing those of demon blood, before people were 'woke' those with gifts were classified as witches and burn on the stake. Villagers got suspicious with my irregular Heterochromia eyes, they thought I would grow out of it but at the age of five they came… Those damned villagers gathered hunters, monsters supported by wolves, dogs that murdered innocent babies once a woman grows ill.

My mother gave me her hand as she knelt opposite me her blue eyes watering. Her hand in mine, she showed me everything. The ample love she has for me and dad. The way she fought for me when they demanded she get rid of it, cast her to the higher power in heaven.

Judgment day. They all told her to get an abortion and when she refused again, she was exiled from heaven. Although she was never alone, she was heartbroken from being casted out from paradise. Especially after all she had done as an angel of forgiveness and guidance. She guided the lost and dammed to a path of riotousness. Cast out for being one in love and desired to bring the darkest soul in the eyes of many to redemption.

She made a new home with my father she chose us, a fallen and abomination. All the memories of bedtime stories, she always managed to make feel normal when kids gossiped and scattered away. From my unusual amber eyes, his iris black rimmed and my social awkwardness.

One dreadful night the hunters burned our one-story log cabin. Mom pulled me trying to find a way out, the smoke was not a threat for immortals but the fire could kill demons and of blood. Mom shielded my shaking frame her attention on finding her fated satisfied she turned course and out the door.

Hunters had some poison that could immobilize demons before they could bath them in some flames that's why the urgency to get away was painfully strong. Running through the woods my dad carrying me as a sudden halt took over and dad dropped down screaming in pain, fixed.

"TAKE OUR SON. Keep him and yourself safe. I will hold them off!"

Mom fell to her knees she screamed begging God to stop the seething poison disintegrating cells. Nothing. Although he got on his feet facing the humans, the lack of blood could kill him unless…


I sobbed and I felt his power and willingness to keep us safe forced a reaction.

"RUN! I will fight them off."

Shaking her head her dark hair refusing to let him go.

"My love I will find you."

A promise mom knew he could never keep.

"My love, I will find you."

Sealed with her own vow one she was determined to keep. Lifting me on her gentle soft arms, she swooped up as her wings blue pure burst open and soft as a feather although served like a shield. Both of us drowning in tears as we fled, holding onto the small bag stranded by memories she said.

The trauma broke me but what's worse is not knowing what happened to them. That night my mother took me to a witch begging her to protect me. Kissing my forehead, she ran off destroying the trail she left. Facing Mrs William seeing her soft brown eyes, she assured me my mom and dad would find me when the time is right.

He slowly spent years practicing his abilities, his power, until he was certain that he is dangerous enough destroy earth if he wanted to. In time Mrs Williams's mortality took her away but at the age of nineteen I was old enough to make it on my own. Small bag in hand I was ready the brave the world infested by humans and the rest is history well as old as time.


Okay I get this book happen to be a tad dark, depressing but it is just where the story starts. Like it ? Add to library!

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