

ZOE: Things in my life were supposed to flow smoothly... It was my final term, last paper of high school and I was about to pursue a life in the liberal arts. Instead of that I have a target on my back that demands a payment, my life. Safe to say nothing is going according to how I imagined it because this world although scary, it is beautiful and this is the world I found love. CHISTIAN: I finally found my fated and she is everything that I have imagined. The fact that she's sucked into my complicated family drives me insane especially because she refuses my protection. The son of the devil can even think of a way to keep his destined. Zoe is this last thing in mind when there's a war that defiantly threatens the very ground she stands. You guessed it, this world is in Africa... you don't get many stories that involves fantasy in here so I'm changing that. This world my dear friends has everything. Werewolves, Witches, Angels, Demons, Necromancer, and breeds. This book is a fiction of my imagination, the characters, the story and the background of all these characters written for your pure enjoyment. Welcome to the outcome of my overthinking.... People that loved and supported me through his book are my best friends Wanya Smith and Thembi Khumalo

ZinBlac · ファンタジー
21 Chs


"Stop this!"

I cried in agony as my entire body felt like it was being specially burnt by tiny lesions attacking my every nerve and skin cell. I forced out those weak words before I was covered in darkness cold blanket.

No more agonizing pain, no I don't like pain. I'm warm and comfortable, this feels nice. Curled up on the couch, with my fuzzy blue green socks. A small town romance book in hand, a larger shadow approached but oddly comfortable having it around. Dropping the romance novella on my lap not forgetting to make an elephant ear, I smiled at the very warm hand. The sense of familiarity instantly ignited with sparks the fire crackling in the fire place jealous. He handed me a cup of hot chocolate, marshmallows and whipped cream.

Hmm, this is the life. His face came to concentration and I saw him in all of his rough beauty. He had his wings extended, pulled me closer to his hard naked chest his wing enveloping me in its comforting softness. Watching the crackling, protected and loved in his embrace I wanted to stay in this moment forever. Warm, safe and with a man I love. Love? I guess it was, love at first sight. Fate bringing us together did not allow to forget what happened but healing me to the process of moving on. His head lowered and he whispered, real smooth in a seductive way that made me shiver in anticipation.

"Wake up."

Even if this was a dream, I would never give it up for sad reality. Then instantly the world changed and instead of comfortable cuddling with him, I watched his defeated form holding me. Darkness once more and I am frightened, I am not able to move. Panic.

"Common, please. I need you."

Everything happened at one, I needed the dark but Christian.


Banging on invisible doors, praying someone would get me out of the confined space. I banged. Hyperventilating I banged. I wanted to tell him, I'm here. Just as I was about to give up, heart tired, mind tormented and tears giving me a massive headache.

My eyes shot open, surrounding blurred till the cleared the sleep with the back of my hand groaning at my stiff bones.


Taylor hugged me, squeezing me tighter than necessary.

"Ah, too tight."

He loosened his grip and apologized, his feature questioning what got me here. Honestly my memory is still foggy but that was not important.

"Where is Christian? Take me to him, please."

His face hardened, I got up from the unfamiliar bed and stretched tort muscles.

"He almost killed you."

He reasoned and I nodded in understanding.

"He could have."

I ran to my appointed room, grabbing everything I will need to freshen up and find Christian.

"He almost killed you, Zoe."

His tone was a tad impatient.

"He didn't."

I brushed my teeth, the taste and breath bothering me.

"Tye, listen I knew the risks."

I faced him once more.

"And you still went through with it?"

His judgment, irritation and aggravation fuelled my own.

"Yes. It was my decision, I was at risk not you. So please stay out of my god dammed business, I'm a grown ass woman I can handle myself."

I saw the shock, confusion and hurt cross his expression. I regret my harsh words and I willed him to see how much I fell for my ark angel.

"Tye I'm sorry. I know you just concerned and for that, I love you. His my mate, fated, however you want to put it. Believe me he never wanted to hurt me, I just reacted to his blood or whatever."

I kissed the brink of his nose and entered the shower a clear indication of the discussion ending.

My phone rang and the caller ID said, Jordan. Picking up at the tired ring after styling my hair in a protective two liner."

"Hey Jay. Jayyy."

I answered suspecting something to be off when I did not immediately hear he loud chipper voice. I was not completely certain, it was just a raw gut feeling that I just ignored it and still placed the phone to my ear.

"If you ever want to see your little friend again you will come to Pennsylvania, to the Centre County. Alone."

Hearing cried in the background and Jordan screaming obscenities to her captors the phone dropped.

Alone? I was not stupid enough to go alone, dressed I rubbed the ring Asia gave me and Hanna appeared. Her friend looks startled, paintbrush in hand and I hugged her concealing my worry.


I called out. When he entered I knew they had a lot to say to each other, enough my presence would go unnoticed for a while.

Creating a portal, I allowed it to suck me in to it uncertainty to save someone an innocent. The darkness sucked me into its cold, I was wary and one of the most powerful witches, certainly my training wouldn't fail me.

Finding Jordan laying there in an unnatural angle, a cry broke and I ran toward her perhaps if I… Nothing... Sill dead… Who did this!

"Jay I'm so sorry, you got mixed up-"

I cried holding onto her limp body, shuddering in grief. I felt something heavy and hard and cold hit the back of my head. Holding on to crippling dizziness, desperate to not give in to the spinning darkness, I turned to see my assailant. A dark and foul odor suffocated my vision. I fell. Darkness, my old friend.

This time darkness did not last long, my energy was being drained by monsters. Even if I did fight back it will make me weaker, stealing a small amount of energy from myself and storing in so far. None of the demons would find it I succumbed to the allure of darkness again.


"Guess who came to visit?"

Turning around I faced the door from my position in front of the fireplace placing book down. My attention focused on the person entering. This time Christian was nowhere to be seen but I smiled at Taylor who welcomed my mother in.


I jumped running towards her, hugging her my tears fell. I did miss her touch, her energy, her love.

Drawing in back I saw her wounded expression and I immediately held on to her hand. Nothing. I closed my eyes and focused, on nothing.

"My baby girl. Allow me to explain to you, why these demons are after us."

Tears dropped and I brushed them away, planting a kiss on her cheek. Her hand lively and firm, grounding me in her story.

"I am of African descent, back then in African we did not believe in gods and goddesses. We believed in nature, survival and family. Those who past would guide, protect and teach the new generation. Once they passed they were called ancestors, they protected us and guided the lost. Those with gift of magic would only use it for good and of pure intention."

I remembered the history lesson, of how the Africans got colonized and escaped slavery for the next generation. Holding my tongue I sensed there was more to the story than triumphant victory.

"Years later in Oregon, your father's third great grandfather pleaded with the demons and later struck a deal. A sacrifice many might call it, promising every first Mabaso female bloodline born would belong to the demons. At the time he thought his bloodline was cursed or in this they were case blessed to only produce male children. That's until-"


The sacrifice was being stripped off your life-force and energy. A process supposedly so painful the only way to stop it was death.

"Yes. You are our baby. There is no way in the depths would I ever allow anyone to sacrifice you and Hendry agreed to wipe you out of the sense of life. So we ran away with you, a five years later we were found and it was too late to run. Hendry faked a new trail and got killed buying us enough time to disappear."

I know the rest of the story, but why now? She noted my unspoken question overwhelmed by roaming thoughts.

"Your energy now, is more powerful than when it was in the process of maturing… Christian performing the bond is like making you awaken for the second time to your true potential."

Holding her hand, I was not connected in machines although I was still stuck in this beautiful haven.

"Mom. Am I dead?"

Void the door opened to an intense light.


She confirmed and I slowly walked closer to peace. This was the end, end of the chapter and book. Walking towards my end I glanced back at mom, when her hold stopped my walk to finally being with her.

"Your journey is not over, you still need to awaken magic's destiny."

The overwhelming Fundum of energy cornered me from all side and I submitted to the magic. The different lights fighting with the white drawing me closer, nausea spinning my world until unconsciousness pulled me to a supposed death.

I have been making words up like Fundum in this book mean a powerful surplus of energy. Pannak is something relatively close to family or pack and Oregom is a place only witches and warlocks can find... At this point i am just creative writing. Like it ? Add to library!

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