
Awakened to hunt beast

Beast has started to appear in the human world and killed humans lots of them. But the humans had brought to light new knowledge of how to fight these beasts using their Ki energy. Somewhere on the planet, there was a boy named Steven. He was a young boy who lived in the town of Azua with his family. One day, a beast attacked the town, killing Steven's family. After the attack, Steven discovered that he had awakened with a special power. He vowed to use this power to rid the world of beasts by killing them. follow Steven's journey to complete quests and achieve his aim

Oluwatoyise · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Level 5

A while ago, Steven and Elijah had just slain a beast and were heading out of the forest and Elijah was carrying the head of the beast as proof that the beast had been slain.

 After a long walk through the forest, they came out of the forest with Elijah dragging the heavy head behind them. They were covered in blood and sweat, but they felt proud of their accomplishment. They wondered how much Jacob would pay them for their service.

Immediately they came out of the forest, they were greeted by Jacob himself and he was with some other villagers. Jacob looked at them, and his eyes widened when he saw the beast's head. He quickly made way for them letting them pass. He shouted to the other villagers, "The beast hunters are back! They have slain the beast that has been killing the people of Tampa!"

 The villagers gathered around Steven and Elijah, cheering and clapping. They thanked them for saving them from the beast and praised them for their bravery and skill. "This is amazing, with what you have done, Tampa Village is grateful so we are going to feed you food and drinks," Jacob said.

Steven and Elijah felt happy and satisfied, knowing that they had done a good deed. They were soon escorted to Jacob's house, where the village head was waiting for them. He was an old man, with a long beard and a stern face. He looked at the beast's head and nodded.

With what Jacob said you have just killed an advanced-tier beast He said, to which both Steven and Elijah agreed with it

"You have done well, beast hunters. You have fulfilled your contract, and rid us of the beast menace. You have earned your reward." The old man handed them a bag of gold coins. "This is your payment, and we will also provide you with food for your journey back to Glmpton. We are grateful for your service."

He smiled and added, "Why don't you stay for the rest of the day and leave tomorrow, all expenses on me? You deserve some rest after your hard work."

Steven and Elijah exchanged a glance and nodded. It was a long journey from Glmpton to Tampa so they were tired, hungry, and in need of a good night's sleep.

"We would love to," they said in unison.

"Excellent. Jacob, give our guests a place to sleep tonight, and prepare some food and supplies for them for their journey back to Glmpton."

Jacob led them to a cozy inn, where they were given a warm welcome by the innkeeper. They showed them to their rooms, where they found clean beds and fresh towels. They also brought them some hot water and soap, so they could wash off the dirt and blood from their clothes and bodies.

Steven and Elijah thanked them and closed the door behind them. They quickly stripped off their clothes and washed themselves, feeling the tension and pain melt away from their muscles. Steven's wounds were tended to and they both put on some clean clothes that the innkeeper had lent them and then headed downstairs to the common room, where a feast was waiting for them.

They joined the old man, Jacob, and some other villagers at a large table, where they were served with roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, bread, cheese, salad, and wine. They ate with gusto, enjoying the delicious food and the friendly conversation.

Wow, so much to eat, this is quite amazing; Steven said as he wasted no time and started to eat.

They learned that the old man was the father of the mayor of the village which was Jacob. He was the one who sent a message to the Ironclaw for their assistance.

They told the villagers about their adventures, how they had lured out the beasts by using Steven as bait, and how they had fought it with their swords. They described the beast and told them its capabilities.

The villagers listened with awe and admiration and thanked them again for their bravery and skill. They toasted to their victory. They spent the rest of the evening chatting, laughing, and singing.

While Elijah was busy enjoying himself Steven had left the place to check out his new skill and hoped he could try it out.

"OK, it is time to check out my stats".

[Name: Steven Grayson]

[Level 5]

[Hunter's rank: recruit]

[Exp: 0/1000]

[Strength: 13]

[Agility: 16]

[Stamina: 11]

[Ki energy: 50/50]

[Stat points: 5]

Well, my Ki energy has increased a little and I have five available stats points to use. Damn, and the system was giving me five points at the beginning of all this after every quest. was it giving me a newcomer bonus?

"Now let me check the new skills that I have obtained". Automatically the screen switches to the skill tab and Steven was amazed by what he saw.

[New skills obtained]

[Poison Resistance lv 1]

[This skill grants the user a slight resistance to the effects of poison, such as damage, debuffs, or status ailments. The user can endure low-level poisons without much harm, but may still suffer from moderate to high-level poisons. 

Increase skill level with skill points and skill can also increase when the user is at level ten]

[Blade Mastery lv 1]

[This skill increases the user's proficiency and damage with any type of sword. The user can wield swords with ease and grace, performing swift and precise strikes that can pierce through armor and flesh. The user can also parry and counterattack with their sword, deflecting incoming attacks and creating openings for retaliation. The user's sword skills are enhanced by their level, experience, and attributes, making the user a formidable swordsman in any situation. This skill can be improved by practicing with different swords, learning from masters, or facing strong opponents]

These skills are better than I thought, this is wonderful. let me head back to Elijah it is already late.

The next morning, they woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the smell of bacon and eggs. They got dressed and went downstairs, where they found a hearty breakfast waiting for them. They ate and thanked the innkeeper for his hospitality. They then packed their bags and went outside, where they found Jacob and the old man waiting for them. They had prepared two horses and a cart, loaded with food, water, and other supplies for their journey back to Glmpton.

They hugged and shook hands with the old man and Jacob, and thanked them for everything. They mounted their horses and drove the cart out of the village, waving goodbye to the villagers who had gathered to see them off. 

They rode for several hours, following the road that led to Glmpton. They enjoyed the scenery, the fresh air, and the warm sun. 

"We are almost at Glmpton, I can't wait to try out my new skill with Jake," Steven said