
Avery Graves: The Arcane Conqueror

Avery Graves lived a life marred by hardship and injustice. Each trial only hardened his resolve to survive, until a final betrayal robbed him of everything he held dear. Driven by vengeance for his slain sibling, Avery's life ends in pursuit of justice. Yet, fate grants him another chance, casting him into a realm where magic reigns supreme and monsters roam freely. As he navigates this new existence, Avery's journey unfolds from a grieving brother to an otherworldly warrior. From infancy, he grows into the formidable figure of the Arcane Conqueror, mastering the arcane arts to forge his path. However, Avery is not a typical hero; he is a fractured soul, cynical and mistrustful, driven solely by self-interest. Join Avery Graves on his odyssey through a world of sorcery and strife, where survival demands cunning and strength. Embrace a tale of transmigration, where the journey from broken man to Arcane Sovereign is fraught with peril and power.

KimJihyun25 · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter - 1 A New Dawn

Chapter 1

A New Dawn

Creator note: the story begins in part 1. The preface presents the MC and makes sense of his experience. Go ahead and skip it on the off chance that you are not intrigued, however as the writer, I suggest understanding it.

*"He is alive! I did it! I figured out how to save your kid's life."* (if it's not too much trouble, recall that * implies words that Avery isn't fit for understanding.)

After the maternity specialist victoriously said those words, the room detonated in cheers and bittersweet tears bliss. Individuals in the room were embracing one another and the mother reciprocally.

In the mean time, Avery lied limp in the birthing specialist's arms, looking left and right attempting to decide how awful his ongoing circumstance was.

'Alrighty then. What do we have here? The disabled lady is plainly this body's mom. She most certainly needs a shower.' After conveyance, the sheets were stained with blood, pee, and defecation.

'The crying, unpleasant looking man ought to be the dad. I keep thinking about whether he is weeping for the good of I or in light of the fact that he feared losing his significant other. I bet everything one. It's possible for me to have a more

established kin. This doesn't look good.'

Out of nowhere, another lady entered the room carrying with her a young man and a young lady who dashed to the disabled lady.

'Gracious darn it all! This is much more terrible than I suspected. Up to this point, I just have two potential options. Choice one, develop into this enormous family, battling consistently for the couple of accessible assets. Malnourishment is undoubtedly guaranteed.

'Then, at that point, when I'm mature enough, I would be compelled to work with my family members, get hitched, and have youngsters. Choice two, hold on until I'm sufficiently tall to get sharp items, shut down my hopelessness, and take one more twist at rebirth, expecting an improved result. I think I'll go with choice number two.'

While Avery was thinking, the room had become calmer. The maternity specialist had previously wrapped up cleaning the infant and had enveloped him with a perfect fabric. During all that time, Avery neither moved nor cried.

*"Nina, what's going on with the child? For what reason would he say he is not crying? It has never happened before!"* The mother was stressed to the point that she overlooked the agony and attempted to get up.

*"Shush kid! Don't even think about moving. I actually need to mend you."* The maternity specialist's tone didn't leave space for an answer. *"I've conveyed many kids. A quiet one is uncommon yet not a big deal. Would you like to perceive areas of strength for how is? There you go!"*

She opened up him from the material, and keeping in mind that holding him tenderly, she gave Avery somewhat hitting to make him cry.

Avery snorted a short time gazing at her with consternation.

'Would you like to play harsh, old witch?' He thought. 'Fine! You just set off my snare card! Twin Flood, enact!' Avery alleviated the two his insides and bladder onto the birthing assistant.

The indirect access aggressors splattered all around her feet, while the front entryway flood struck her on the face and chest.

Avery began laughing boisterously.

*"Indeed, this wasn't the very thing I was expecting, yet as you can hear for yourself, this little pixie is breathing just fine."* The maternity specialist gave the child to one more lady to clean him.

Avery continued to laugh, glad for his work. In the wake of cleaning up with warm water and a fabric, the old witch moved her left forefinger attracting a circle the air, striking it through in the center from right to left. Then, at that point, she articulated a solitary word.


A dark energy appeared on at the tip of her finger. She continued to point it over her wet dress and afterward over her shoes. The smell of excrement and pee out of nowhere vanished alongside their source.

With his mouth agape in shock, Avery looked as his crap dried and disintegrated, transforming into dust. It was much the same as watching one of those quick sent recordings where in brief you could see a seed turning into a bloom.

'Heisenberg's facial hair! She isn't simply an old birthing assistant! She is a genuine entertainer, in person! I have never been so cheerful in my entire three lives to be utterly misguided'

Avery was overjoyed, and in light of the fact that this world had wizardry, yet additionally in light of the fact that when he heard the word Ekidu, he had felt something clicking within him.

As though something somewhere within him had begun flourishing, and out of nowhere he had become imbued in the actual texture of his new reality.

He began fanatically rehashing the enchanted word to him, and attempted to imprint everything about the round finger development in his memory.

*"Now that I'm spotless, let me stop that dying, dear."* The healer moved toward the mother and put her hands over her lower areas.

'Is it time for more enchantment? Show me, please!' Avery asked to him.

Nina originally spread her fingers wide then begun to move the two arms in a roundabout movement, first up over her head. Then, at that point, she opened her arms however much she could prior to joining her hands, palm against strike, at her navel's level.

"Vinire Lakhat!"

Regardless of being undeniably wrapped up, Avery attempted to mirror every last bit of her developments, a large number of steps, retaining each and every detail he could get a handle on, regardless of how little.

A circle of light wrapped Avery's mom's lower body and she immediately recuperated her tone. The fair skin returned to a solid pink, while every one of the hints of torment and weariness vanished from her face.

Once more something clicked inside him. After the dull enchantment, he could plainly feel that essentially by hearing the power word, an association had been laid out among him and light sorcery. Avery couldn't quit smiling.

'On the off chance that, and I say assuming that I have sufficient otherworldly ability, it would mean there is really a third secret choice." He thought. 'I can turn into a performer and live free without precedent for my life! No shackles, no obligations! In any case, it's better not to get overenthusiastic. With my karma I could simply have unfortunate ability or… '

His thinking was unexpectedly hindered when the one who had held him until that second, gave him to his mom.

*"Nina, would you say you are certain he is good? He still can't seem to cry, or snicker. He is excessively calm. With everything that has occurred, I'm truly apprehensive that something is off with him."*

After those words, the room turned miserable. Terrified of being to some degree answerable for the difference in state of mind, and very anxious to investigate choice number three, Avery gave a valiant effort child impression. He laughed, grinned, and produced raspberry sounds.

Such claims hurt Nina's expert pride, however it wasn't her most memorable time with a restless mother.

She knew Alisa since she was as yet a kid, and had conveyed every one of her children. Nina couldn't reject that this conveyance had been one of the most troublesome in her profession.

The work had endured hours and she had been compelled to project recuperating spells on different occasions to stop the dying. At the point when she at long last could see the child's head, she realized something was off-base.

Alisa was battling with her entire being nevertheless the child was limp. In this way, Nina had hurried and utilized her hands to take out the child as quick as possible, just to find that he was being choked by his own umbilical line.

Subsequent to cutting and eliminating it, Nina had attempted every last bit of her best spells, yet without much of any result. For a long horrible moment, Nina had accepted the kid was lost.

However at that point the mending light had at last initiated, compelling the child to vomit, clearing his aviation route. Then, at that point, and really at that time might Nina at some point bear the cost of the advantage of unwinding.

Recuperating wizardry was no supernatural occurrence. It could improve the existence power of the patient, making it more straightforward for them to recuperate from a disease or mend from a physical issue, however it couldn't make life.

Nina was touchy, so she comprehended that Alisa didn't require an example about enchantment. She simply needed to be consoled about her kid's wellbeing.

*"Stress not, my kid. I can demonstrate to you that everything is well."*

Nina touched Alisa's cheek while grinning energetically and took Avery from her arms, taking off the fabric as though she was uncovering a fortune.

Nina painstakingly changed Avery in the hoodlum of her left arm, then, at that point, she circumnavigated her open right hand around him and said:

"Vinire Rad Tu!"

A little wisp of light emerged from her palm, moving around the child prior to entering his chest.

The light spread from head to toe, causing him to emanate a faint light.

*"Could it be any more obvious? Even if there was only a scratch on his body, my physical issue identifying spell would leave that region depressing. Your little sun is fine."*

The energy coursing through his body was causing Avery to feel enabled. During his previous lifestyle, he had felt like that a couple of times.

At the point when he earned his college educations, when he at long last deserted his parent's home, when he beat up the harassers. In any case, that large number of times it had been a transitory inclination, enduring a couple of moments, best case scenario.

Presently it was unique, it wasn't simply adrenaline. Genuine sorcery, genuine power was flowing through each fiber of his being, causing him to feel strong.

Thus, when the spell began disappearing, he was unable to acknowledge that.

'No! Return to me! Give me my power back!' Avery thought.

He zeroed in on the last strands of energy, willing for them to remain. He was unable to project the spell all alone, however he might in any case feel the waiting power and began taking care of it with his own.

Avery's light quit darkening and on second thought developed further and more grounded.

Nina was puzzled. She had never seen any such thing. That was not the way in which the spell should work.

Avery believed it should endure forever, yet after a second he nodded off due to mana depletion, and the light vanished rapidly.

Nina wrapped up the child once more and returned him to his mom's hug.

*"Nina, what was that?*" Alisa requested full from wonder.

The old healer had no clue about how to reply. Numerous conceivable outcomes sprung up in her mind, and every one of them would require long clarifications that would unnecessarily make Alisa stress and perhaps force Nina to rehash the spell.

It had been a drawn out day and she in no way wanted to delay it even a second more than needed, so she acquired a line from her life as a youngster's number one fantasy.

*"My kid, I figure the new-conceived might be honored by the light. There is compelling reason need to stress, just to rejoice."*