

Shouts of encouragement resounded throughout the Arena. Many supported Gabby, who quickly became her admirer, not least the support that Concubine Yona got from among the Aristocratic Girls under Concubine Yona's auspices and who were jealous of Gabby.

Concubine Yona grinned thinly. "Just because you possess the Light Element you can boast about, that doesn't apply to me." said concubine Yona wanting to embarrass Gabby in the middle of the crowd.

Gabby just smiled. Concubine Yona, who saw Gabby was still able to smile, made her angry as high as possible. Kasim signalled that the fight was starting. Gabby still seems to be standing quietly with a big smile.

Concubine Yona bit her thumb so that it bled. "Come out, Vein!" shouted Concubine Yona dripping her blood onto the Arena floor.

Instantly the wind picked up. Concubine Yona's drops of blood gave off a strong wind Aura that wrapped something within it. When the wind faded, a wolf appeared three times its usual size.

People started shouting in amazement to see the contract Beast Concubine Yona saw that had finally appeared. Vein is the Wind Wolf contracted by Concubine Yona, and no one knows that Concubine Yona got the wind wolf from Prime Minister Redrick's black market.

They know that Concubine Yona made a Contract with the wind wolves on the border of the Empire-Forest of Death, so they assumed that Concubine Yona conquered the wind wolves in the Forest of Death. Gabby tilted her head at the dashing-looking wind wolf.

Concubine Yona grinned widely at Gabby's reaction, which she thought was afraid. "How is Your Majesty looking dashing, don't you?" Concubine Yona mocks Gabby

"I'm curious about your Contract Beast. They said a dragon. I guess you're just bragging." continued Concubine Yona mocking her again.

"Vein, finish her off!" Concubine Yona pointed at Gabie.

The wind wolf slowly approached Gabby, still silent and didn't budge a bit. They were not hearing the wolf's roar made the whole Arena amazed.

The wind wolf, who was less than a step ahead of Gabby, lowered her head. 'Please, Your Majesty's servant, I'm tired of being tormented,' the wind wolf's inner words brought tears to his eyes in front of Gabby.

Gabby stroked the wind wolf's head gently, making the whole Arena stand up in surprise. Likewise, Concubine Yona, who jumped to see Vein, even looked down at Gabby.

'Too bad for you, great wind wolf,' Gabby thought to Vein. 'Is there anything you ask of me? I hope I can grant it,' continued Gabby to Vein.

Ven nodded his head slowly. 'Let me leave this world in peace,' Vein licks Gabby's hand.

'Well, I hope you meet the rest of your family', said Gabby.

Gabby snapped her slender fingers, and instantly Vein slowly turned into dust that flew in the wind.

'Thank you', Vein thought for the last time.

Everyone in the Arena fell silent, watching Gabby snap her fingers, making the wind wolf disappear like dust.

"Y-you..." said Concubine Yona, unable to believe what she saw.

Yona's concubine was dripping blood again. "Vein… Vein… Come out!" shouted Concubine Yona, trying to summon her contract animal.

Concubine Yona clenched her fists as she saw Gabby, looking up at the remnants of Vein's dust that was flying in the wind.

Concubine Yona took out her three Aura Elements and began to lunge at Gabby with a barrage of attacks. But Gabby, who was still looking up, didn't receive the slightest bit of attack from Concubine Yona.

Gabby began to lower her gaze to Concubine Yona. She strolled towards Concubine Yona. Yona's concubine that Gabby visited was getting frantic and couldn't believe her attack didn't touch her at all. Concubine Yona took a step back, getting scared, seeing Gabby coming with a smile.

Gabby stopped exactly one step in front of Concubine Yona. Yona's concubine, who was about to attack Gabby, seemed suffocating. Her body did not comply with her heart's orders. Concubine Yona's legs began to shake violently when she saw Gabby standing in front of her with a smile, and she felt a strong aura enter every pore of her skin.

Concubine Yona knelt, vomiting fresh blood. She looked up at Gabby in front of him, Gabby who was still giving her a sweet smile made her even more scared to death.

Gabby snapped her fingers and…


Concubine Yona's body was scattered on the floor of the Tournament Arena.

The whole Arena screamed hysterically, seeing Gabby easily finish off Concubine Yona. Emperor Blaise and the others stood up instantly, looking at the situation in the Battle Arena. His legs shook so badly he fell and sat back down. The whole Arena started to panic seeing the body of Yona's concubine scattered.

Not long after that, Gabby snapped her fingers again. "Release," Gabby muttered.

A circle of light appeared around the floor where the body of Yona's concubine was scattered. Slowly Concubine Yona emerged from the circle of Light, cowering in fear.

Everyone in the Arena was again shocked to see Concubine Yona coming back to life even though in a chaotic state.

Lili, who saw the incident jumped from her seat. Her heart skipped a beat seeing all of this. She turned to Shushu. "I hope you don't disappoint Miss," said Shushu looking at Lili. Lili was only able to swallow her saliva heavily.

The Emperor and the others were also surprised to see Concubine Yona back alive. He was silent, unable to speak. Alejandro, who saw that trembled violently. His forehead and back couldn't stop sweating cold seeing all that.

"You saw it? She is Envy, one of the seven great sins of man, Envy." Gabby saw that Concubine Yona was still cowering in fear.

Concubine Yona looked up at the voice she heard. Her eyes widened when she saw Gabby standing in front of her. Her face was full of cold sweat dripping down.

"How was your experience in hell?" asked Gabby, smiling sarcastically at Concubine Yona. Concubine Yona huddled back slowly.

"Forgive me, I am guilty, please forgive me," said Concubine Yona with trembling lips.

Concubine Yona fell unconscious. Kasim, who saw Concubine Yona unconscious climbed the battle arena. After checking the state of Concubine Yona, who was declared unconscious, she stopped her fight.