The Avatar stood on a tall hill, looking at the gate of Ba Sing Se slowly being opened. Armies poured out of the gap, with endless soldiers and steeds readied to march upon the corpse of a fractured realm. If a divided Earth Kingdom must bleed to rectify the mistakes of a nation torn asunder, so be it. -Special thanks to Kkachi95 for the cover art! -Feel free to visit ( for earlier notifications on latest chapters.
"Here you go, miss." The cook laid down a plate of roasted fish on the table. With Firebending, cooking ingredient requires a great degree of control. Even just slightly overusing it will burn the food.
"Thank you," the young woman ate it with a bowl of rice.
It has been a long time since the two sisters have left. Commotion within the town made the situation even more tense. Many armed guards patrolled the streets. With the exception of the United Republic ship, all vessels in the port are forcefully inspected.
Just as she was about to use the chopsticks again and taste some fish, a hand suddenly snatched onto the handrail. Two figures lunged upward, jumping on the deck near the table. The young, frightened woman almost falling off the seat.
"Don't worry it's us!" Satchiko reassured.
Both she and Mayumi are soaked in water. Yet, their face paint is somehow unaffected.
"Where were you two?" The Fire Nation woman asked frantically. "Guards are everywhere!"
"That is precisely why we cannot just walk back here," Mayumi clarified while trying to squeeze her hair dry. "We had a dispute with the local governor, a feud he will not overlook easily."
Realizing the gravity of the situation, the Fire Nation woman is terrified. Mayumi also explained that they intend to travel to another town inland. Since this vessel can no longer sail to Ba Sing Se with the intended route, they decided to request the help of travelling monks.
"We are back here to tell the crew that they may leave without us," Mayumi continued. "If possible, we do wish to purchase some supplies. A group of travelers in a nearby town may be able to help us go to Ba Sing Se in a much shorter time."
While the older sister is focused on the logistics, Satchiko expressed reluctance on this rather reckless idea.
"Mayumi, are you sure this is safe? We don't even know who they are."
"Worry not, the ascetics who rode on great flying beasts are monks that resides in the temples near our island." Mayumi realized that Satchiko is clueless on the matter. According to the texts in their father's collection, it is believed that the monks would occasionally travel around the world on giant creatures known as the Sky Bisons. What further ingrained Satchiko's curiosity would be the tradition of using toys from previous Avatars to identify the newest incarnate. Since every Avatar have memories of their previous lives, this method has proven to be consistently reliable.
"They are the ones that control air?" Satchiko uttered in awe.
"Indeed, but those monks are more than that," Mayumi said. "They are paragons of spirituality. As devotees to Avatar Kyoshi, I am certain our request will be reasonably received."
Although Satchiko is still wary about this change in their journey, she reminded herself that mastering Earthbending is one of her mother's wishes. They can't just give up the quest now.
Additionally, the Fire Nation woman also updated the sisters about nearby battles. Just last night, the captain received news that hundreds of battle ships have already sunken. It was a bloodbath. Local fishermen brought news that the warlords of both sides continue to send more fleets in order to wrest control over the strait. There is no sign of it dying down. Wars between Earth Kingdom states are often bloody and ridden with attrition. If this trading vessel dares to sail through the strait in question, then they will be caught be in the crossfire, a very literal experience that no one would want.
The young woman then offered to resupply the sisters with some food provision. Although their journey to another town is not long, replenishing sustenance is still very important.
"Remember, monks do not eat meat, you might want to stock up on some dried fish," Mayumi said to Satchiko.
This casualness immediately drew of the ire of Fire Nation merchant, who insists that the two sisters must pay for the supplies. Just as Mayumi is about to use their limited copper coins, their new acquaintance offered to resolve this issue.
"It's a way for me to repay your help," she presented a few angular silver pieces, ban currencies from her homeland. "The captain should have some additional stocks for sell."
Mayumi bowed, expressing gratitude. After both sisters purchased some dried fish for their detour, Satchiko exchanged some final words with the woman.
"By the way, you never told us your name."
"Call me Deokman," the woman replied. "May we one day meet again, Kyoshi Warriors."
As swiftly as they arrived, both left the port in a similar manner. But since they are departing from the vessel itself, there will be less guards facing this side of the port. It will certainly not be easy when leaving this town, but years of training in the art of stealth have prepared them to overcome such restraints.
"Hey, where are you all going?" The ship captain called out to four cloaked individuals. "The situation in the town have not calmed down yet, don't go."
The four figures did not heed this warning. Deokman watched with a wary expression. The mysterious group walked off the deck stepped onto the port, intending to enter the town itself.
"Get back, it's not safe out there." Deokman tried to stop them from doing anything dangerous, but she received a very strange response from one member of that entourage.
"Do not defy his will, the likes of you cannot comprehend a fracture of what is to come."
It was from a young woman with dark hair. Her eyes stared coldly before departing the area.
A contingent of spearmen are assembled in the barracks. Despite the lack of good maintenance, the general still tried to compensate for the scarce resources by drilling the troops in a professional manner. Equipped in secondhand armor and blunt weapons, these soldiers are conscripted from rural farming communities. While they may not be as effective as the governor's personal guards, no state can function by relying on powerful benders alone. There is still a need for quantity, both to engage in major pitch battles and guard the borders.
"The men are ready, general Wu Yi!" One of the troops yelled.
"Good." The old commander then inspected them.
While old lamellar vests and malnourished faces, all the men here do appear pitiful. Discipline is thankfully somewhat adequate. The previous conflict with their neighbor has been devastating, resulting in the loss of manpower and their most competent generals. The state of Yi's unresolved bandit uprisings is still a constant thorn. All of this compelled the governor to relocate to their new seaside capital, distancing themselves from the border regions.
These new but poorly equipped non-benders may not have the raw power of the elite units, but they will be essential if a neighboring state decides to violate the previously established treaty. Although their numbers are slowly replenishing, there is still a problem of poor equipment. Using only lightly armed soldiers with blunt spears scavenged from the battlefield is a major disadvantage.
"Men, your efforts in pacifying yesterday's commotion have exceeded my expectations." The general stated. "I absolutely understand the predicament, it is not every day you are summoned to perform a task as unusual as this one."
To increase morale, he also reassured them that the rumors of the governor increasing taxes are false, at least for now. While these soldiers may have varying degrees of allegiance to Liu Yan, they are still loyal enough to not rebel themselves. After all, most common foot soldiers came from the peasantry. Understanding their heart is essential for an officer that leads them.
"I thank you for your hard work," the general said. "The state of Yi has experienced many calamities over these years, but its existence lies in your dedication."
While he may be part of the governor's inner circles, gaining the trust of the army's backbone is a skill that no sane individual should forsake.
After the initial inspection, the general announces the purpose of their assembly. Although vague, it is translated that Govenor Liu Yan has an important task for this contingent.
"Speaking of the governor, here he is," the commander said.
An opulent carriage entered through the barrack wall's gate. It is escorted by mounted cataphracts composed of Liu Yan's elite unit. Unlike the regular non-bending spearmen, those Earthbenders are heavily armored in full suits of metal lamellar. The engraved swords they wield are clearly only used to demonstrate the governor's prestige, as most mounted warriors would prefer longer weapons such polearms.
The doors of the carriage snapped open, out came Liu Yan in a new silk robe. The attendant in grey clothing followed closely, exiting with his liege.
"Attention!" The general barked. All the spearmen straightened their backs and pointed their weapons to the sky. They expected the governor to inspect them. Yet, this protocol was not followed. Instead, Liu Yan chose to skip this formality and immediately state his own intention.
With a scrawl on his face, he whipped out two scrolls of painting. Both the general and the soldiers are confused. The parchments depict two individuals in white face paint, yet one cannot help but notice the impressively terrible art.
Before the commander can request a clarification, Liu Yan unexpectedly exploded in a furious manner.
"Listen up you lot! If any of you nitwits saw these two lowly courtesans, capture them! They have committed heinous crime against the people of the GREAT state of Yi! I will not stop until they are placed behind the bars and rot for eternity! From now on, every single one of you must search for them!"
This immediately sent confusion amongst the ranks. It is already difficult for them to be suppressing their own people instead of fighting to defend Yi. But this demand from the governor feels even more unfitting for their roles.
Fully aware of this bizarre situation, Wu Yu bowed and tried to resolve the friction. "Governor Liu, with all due respect, I believe the task of apprehending criminals should be reserved for the town's lawmen. The men here may not have the expertise suited for intricate problems like this one."
Most of the soldiers are eager to use their training on those that threatened the countryside. Recent news about marauders attacking rural villages have instilled a sense of urgency, many have families living in those areas. Since most of the troops are concentrated in the capital, they can be deployed to quell the bandits. Instead of addressing more pressing problems, this petty request from Liu Yan was not received well.
But Wu Yi's reasonable statement is immediately countered by Liu Yan's closest advisor, Gwai. While brushing his exquisite mustache, the attendant emphasized the importance of justice and fairness. Capturing the two young women from yesterday's commotion is important to safeguard the state's sovereignty.
"Wu Yi, I sense laziness from your voice. They have attacked a valuable person. As soldiers, it is your duty to obey what is good for the state. Governor Liu Yan shall impart justice upon those that does not place the interest of Yi first."
"And what specific transgression was exercised against the governor?" General Wu Yi challenged, eyeing Gwai with deep suspicion. While everyone else is wearing green or brown, the stall lifeless grey on this outsider's suit is an eyesore.
"They violated our dear governor's sovereignty. Do I seriously need to elaborate? Perhaps you should leave the intricate details to me while you put that brawn of yours to actual good effect."
Liu Yan is pleased to hear that. But general Wu Yi clenched his fists while still maintaining a bowed posture. Despite serving as an officer for a longer time, he never earns the governor's trust. Yet somehow, an outsider upstart from Republic City managed to become Liu Yan's closest advisor. Most annoying of all is that man's always present smirk, an irritating label for the governor's clear favoritism.
"Fine, if that is what my liege demands, then we shall do our best." Wi Yu replied in a disgruntle manner, yet he did not openly voice the objection. "However, me and the troops will not be able to identify the culprits with such vague sketches."
"Are you questioning my ability to draw?" Liu Yan glared intensely.
Gwai deliberately allowed the tension to grow for a bit. A few local lawmen soon arrived at the barracks, reporting that they still have yet to capture the two criminals. As expected, the governor's short temper did not receive this news kindly.
"Useless!" Liu Yan yelled.
Everyone watched as he kicked the lawmen for their failures. The rage of the governor grew to a higher level. Finally, Gwai pulled out his hidden trick. It is surprising how a man with uncontrollable temper can be easily pacified under the right circumstances.
"My dear governor, I have stayed up late last night to complete these ample portraits," Gwai presented two scrolls from his own pocket. The paintings of the two young criminals are very realistic, instantly impressing Liu Yan.
"My goodness, Gwai, you have gone above and beyond for this one! These drawings look almost exactly like the real ones!" Liu Yan reacted with delight. "You should have gotten proper rest! I cannot allow your health to even suffer the slightest trouble!"
"Your concerns gave me strength," Gwai replied with a warm smile. "I shall dedicate every fiber of my futile existence just to serve the great state of Yi."
General Wu Yi watched all of this with utter disgust. Eloquence and charade mean nothing when there are more urgent problems that threatens the land of Yi. Ingratiating words cannot protect the villages from marauding bandits.
"Governor, what if the two culprits escaped outside the town?" Wu Yi asserted. "I propose me and my men to be deployed outside the walls to conduct reconnaissance while the city patrol continue their investigations here."
Of course, sending the whole army out just to catch two individuals is illogical. But Wu Yi believes that someone of Liu Yan's shortsightedness would be easily convinced into this reasoning, which will allow the general to use this pretense and wipe out a few bandit strongholds. Obviously, the commander does not believe his own words. But what other way can the governor be persuaded into deploying the capital troops for actual threats? "Those who assaulted you may also have ties with the same brigands that threatened the villages. Your servant is ready to lead the men on a punitive expedition."
All the soldiers are eager. But what happened next surpassed all expectations. Their hope to protect their families have been coldly insulted.
Gwai, this outsider who knows nothing about local traditional customs, managed to convince Liu Yan to issue a different order.
"So irresponsible, to think you would risk the capital just for a few insignificant settlements," the attendant said casually. "I have a better plan. Instead of sending most of the garrison outside, we can just issue fugitive notices."
Liu Yan instantly agrees to the course of action is proposed by Gwai. He then chastised general Wu Yi, accusing him of being incompetent and wasteful of state resources.
"See that? You all could learn a thing or two from this fine gentleman!" The governor lectured the general and the demoralized troops. "When you rely only on blunt force to solve your problems, this is what happens!" In hindsight, sending most of the soldiers out to protect a few villages will likely endanger the governorship. The restless peasants might rebel again with a weak garrison. But that doesn't justify complacency when the rural population are living in fear.
"Governor, I implore you to hear my plea!" Wu Yi said. "No state can exist without people. If we allow those unruly bandits to do as they please, then the foundation of your reign will be at jeopardy!"
Liu Yan ignored it. It is rather surprising how he did not explode in anger. He turned to Gwai, showering the advisor with praises.
"My dear governor, there is still one problem, what should the bounty be on the criminals?" The grey attendant asked prudently. "I do think a higher price would be better, this can attract more people who are willing to serve your righteous cause."
"Ten thousand gold coins!" The governor yelled on the top of his lungs. "For people like them, I would spare no effort and resources on them! In the name of justice and for the people of Yi, I will bring them to jail!"
There was not even the slightest hesitation. For ordinary peasants, even one gold coin is almost impossible for them to acquire. Years of poor harvests meant their situation is already dire. While the soldiers can endure poor equipment and terrible rations, the governor's own hubris unwillingly insulted everyone here.
"Governor, I strongly advise against expending such an unnecessary expense!" General Wu Yi clasped his hand together into a palm and fist gesture. "Resources should be used on urgent matters!"
"Insolence!" Liu Yan immediately berated the outspoken general. "How dare you try to lecture me on how to rule my own domain! Since when does the house of Yi ever listen to the advice of foolish men like you?"
Unlike Wu Yi, the man named Gwai rarely ever goes against the governor's wishes. Despite being an outsider, he quickly rose through the ranks and became this state's second most influential figure. Discontent amongst the soldiers have its own limits on the matter.
"My ore trade with the United Republic made me rich, you think I would cry for the loss of a few coins?"
Liu Yan insensitive words caused a silent stir amongst the men, unbeknownst to the state sovereign. General Wu Yi, despite being older than the governor, can only accept this with an expressionless face. But as for the ranks and files that actually fought for the state of Yi, essentially all of them hail from impoverished backgrounds. Even though the Earth Sages preaches the importance of maintaining social harmony, these moralism and ideals cannot stop starving men from entertaining very dangerous ideas.
"Then it is decided then. With this handsome reward, we shall send wanted posters of those two fugitives across the lands!" Gwai captivated Liu Yan's interest with a grand speech, much to the irritation of the commander. "Soon, they will be brought back and face justice."
The governor is elated. Like an excited child appeased by ingratiating words, he promised Gwai with rewards and titles.
"If only I can replace all my ministers with great men like you," Liu Yan stated in delight. "Men cultivated from Republic City is just as good as they claim, reliable and efficient."
With this conclusion, the governor ordered the capital's army to remain within the walls. Although Liu Yan still believes that the two culprits are within the town's boundary, Gwai's suggestion to send wanted posters around the continent can justify the army being stationed here.
"Wu Yi, I suggest you learn a thing or not from my advisor here, at least he knows how to get things done." The impact of those words did not immediately register in his mind. The governor and his most trusted attendant boarded the carriage. Protected by the cataphracts, they left the barrack grounds.
It is only after their departure can the soldiers somewhat relax their tongues. Based on their murmuring, it is clear that simply standing in the governor presence will decrease troop morale. Many voiced their displeasure towards Liu Yan's questionable priorities. Instead of being deployed to fight the bandits and safeguard the volatile borders, they are stationed here to some random ruffians. Under normal circumstances, such an intricate task is reserved for the town's regular lawmen. The threat of rural marauders threatening their home villages demands a higher attention.
"We can't be here while our families are in danger!" One of the spearmen cried. This sentiment is prevalent amongst the whole contingent. Many poor peasants do not enjoy the protection of walls, making them easy targets for pillagers. Yet, here they are, having the will to fight but lacking the jurisdiction.
It is even more frustrating is that the governor's elite guards do not share their plight. All of those cataphracts are from wealthy landowning families inside the capital. While their speedy Ostrich-Horses and status as Earthbenders would be very effective, they appear content by serving as mere bodyguards to the state's sovereign. Safe and secure behind the capital walls, those men do not concern themselves with the peasants living in rural areas. Many poor infantrymen can only sigh at this lack of solidarity.
"General, is the governor seriously not giving us the chance to fight the bandits?" One of the soldiers asked.
All of them looked to the commander for some answer. They are anxious for their families. But even illiterate peasant militias can understand that the governor's orders are final. All troops within the capital shall remain here, disobeying this decree will mean defiance against their liege.
General Wu Yi looked to the heaven itself, uttered his displeasure in a dry tone. Despite having a larger army than the lowly bandits within Yi's territory, they have consistently been humiliated by poorly armed marauders due to a variety of issues.
The greatest insult for this general is the governor's overly amicable reception towards an outsider instead of his own people. Just thinking about it makes Wu Yi's head sting with pain.
Without any warning, the commander made a loud cough. It sounded abrupt, forcing its way out of the lungs. A handful of blood spewed from the mouth as he cannot comprehend the folly of their governor. Serving three generations of the house of Yi has taken a great toil. His body slowly fall sidewards, nearby men tried to catch him.
"General, bear with us!" A lieutenant called for the physician, even though the whole army does not even have one in the barrack.
In their arms, the visibly frail Wu Yi tried to say something in a voice similar to a man on his deathbed.
"Call off the physician." Wu Yi requested, now acting more sentimental than before. "We helped the house of Yi survived the tyranny of Kuvira and outwitted the Avatar. We did all of this to fulfil our moral duties in preserving the last remaining vestige of the once glorious Liu clan. Since our ancestors have benefited from a past dynasty's bounty, we are honor bound to emulate their examples. But I am afraid servants like us will not survive the rot within our court."
A state's subjects remaining loyal to a benevolent ruler is a sagely virtue. The act of filial piety towards the family and to their liege is highly emphasized to be a cornerstone of civilization.
But even if Governor Liu Yan dies unexpectedly, his offspring will not be a worthy successor. Unfortunately, the adolescent son will likely be even worse than his father.