
Avatar The Last Airbender: Spirit

Mc voice in Azula's mind. The Fire Master is preparing a special gift for the coming of age of his perfect heiress. By undergoing one of the old rituals, devised long before Azula was born, she gains even more power, along with an extra inhabitant in her head. What will such consequences of the ritual lead to? With an unknown housemate constantly commenting on her every action, either to the point of gnashing her teeth or suggesting the best way out of a situation? patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

FanFictionForge · アニメ·コミックス
70 Chs

The Road to Master

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The princess's ship continued to sail through the expanse of the sea. Despite the absence of clouds, lightning flashed. They kept bursting out from the deck of the ship, shooting far into the heavens. This was the princess' lightning conquest training. She trained every day for the entire journey, taking minimal time to rest. Alternating lightning conquest training with fire conquest training, and consolidating her theoretical knowledge. Azula did not forget to keep her body in perfect condition. Two old ladies who held the honourable positions of councillors, Lo and La, helped her with all her studies. They always watched over Azula's training, sharing their wisdom and helping in any way they could.

"What a beautiful day it is today. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. With the weather as clear as it is, young men like you should be enjoying life instead of exhausting yourself with training. You're doing well, though, not wasting time. We'll soon be on dry land," the spirit said as the girl stopped her lightning training.

Azula, drenched with sweat, felt tired and pleasantly sore from her daily training. She was satisfied with her job and her own training. Breathing fully, she watched as the island visible on the horizon slowly approached. The view from the bow of the ship, where the princess had decided to rest for a while and catch her breath, was beautiful. It was the one the spirit commented on, while Azula herself simply took note.

There was land visible in the distance. The ship was inevitably approaching her, soon she would be disembarking. However, the princess' mind was loaded with thoughts, and did not appreciate the surrounding beauty in the slightest.

"Perhaps you should wash up and make yourself look your best? Or are you going to meet the master like this? I realise the sea range is beautiful, but still, you're a bit overawed by the sea. It doesn't look like you, are you up to something?" - the spirit inquires with a touch of sneer, having caught the princess idling.

Blinking twice as a negative answer to the invisible interlocutor, Azula stops looking away and thinking. Turning around, the girl headed towards the pagoda (a special superstructure made only on her ship). As she climbs the stairs, she is confronted by the counsellors sitting on the sides of the entrance, who always watched her training from a small elevated position.

- That's enough training for today, I should get ready for my meeting with the master," the girl said as she walked past the counsellors.

- Your progress in conquering lightning is rapid and beautiful. Do not abandon it until you reach the desired ideal," one of the sisters said sternly.

- Success is closer than you think. Some things take time. We will see that your orders are carried out in your absence. Your ship will wait for you as long as you wish," her sister replied, who was who the princess could not make out even with all her powers of observation. So perfect twins were the old sisters.

Azula silently walked past the elderly mentors, heading for her chambers, where she took a bath, honouring the spirit's request to transfer her body to bask in the warm water. The girl knew very well how pleased the spirit was with such a small thing on her part. Immediately afterwards, the princess went to the maids' quarters, where the girls made her look perfect. An hour later, Azula stood on the deck of the ship with her hair combed, her body clean, and her face stern and stern, looking at the nearing land.

- Madam, I'm afraid the tide will prevent us from entering the harbour before dark," the ship's captain addressed the princess.

He was a plain-looking middle-aged man, black hair with a little grey, tanned skin, and a captain's uniform. He was distinguished only by a thin long moustache and a light goatee. There are millions of men like him, if not more. Adding to his standard appearance was the absolutely standard name for the Fire Nation - Lee, Bruce Lee. That was the name of the captain of Azula's personal ship.

Hearing his words, the princess didn't even honour Bruce with a glance.

"Maybe it's me who doesn't know much about sailing, but how will the tide prevent me from entering the harbour?" - The spirit voiced his no-one's opinion.

- 'I beg your pardon, Captain, but I don't know what the tide is. Can you explain something to me? - Azula began in a cool and commanding voice, after briefly reflecting on the information she had received.

- Yes, Mistress," feeling guilty, the captain lowered his head faintly. He had already guessed what would follow such a chilly tone.

"Oh, what's about to happen..."

- The ship is commanded by the tide? - Azula began to press Azula without even turning to the captain. It was as if the girl sensed his weakness with some sixth sense.

- Erm... I don't understand the question...

"Destroy him! Humiliate him! Trample him! Insult him! He's some Bruce Lee, some unknown loser that you don't know how he became captain of your ship. Come on! Boost your self-esteem at the expense of a subordinate who can't object or respond!" - The spirit continued in his manner. His words had no effect on Azula.

- You said that the tide would prevent the ship from entering the harbour. Does the tide command the ship?

- No, Mistress," the captain lowered his head.

- 'And if I threw you overboard, would the tide begin to think whether to throw you on the rocks or not?

- 'No, Princess,' Bruce Lee lowers his eyes to the deck.

- So maybe you shouldn't worry about the tide, which has already decided to kill you, but think about me? For I haven't decided anything yet," the princess turns round, her stern golden eyes piercing the trembling captain.

- We will enter the port... - Bruce replied discreetly, who only had to bow and run to do his princess's bidding. He ran very fast for his age, as if he had forgotten all about the grey in his hair. Azula could strike fear with her mere presence, not to mention the subtle hints in conversation.

"You know, we're in a hurry, but if the ship runs aground, it'll be entirely your fault. I hope you know more about sailing than Bruce," Spirit shared as the conversation ended with the frightened captain fleeing.

Blinking once, Azula confirmed the spirit's words with her agreement.

The princess had managed to be well trained in both military and sailing. With the best navy, it was the Fire Nation that was considered the rightful master of the seas. As the princess of her country, she was well versed in this field. This was the reason why she was confident that the ship would be able to enter the harbour at high tide. Standing on the bow of the ship, she saw all the possibilities of the task and knew perfectly well the capabilities of her own ship.

The ship entered the harbour, and then following the princess's orders, left and waited for a more suitable time to stop. The crew was ordered to stay in this port for twenty-four hours, waiting for further orders from the princess, which she was going to send through the mail hawk she had brought with her on the journey. Azula herself slung her bag of personal belongings over her shoulder, grabbed a small purse of gold, and set off for the city that was a little further away from the port.

Of course, the imperial motorcade tried to stop her. Reminding her of her duty as protectors of the imperial family. However, the girl waved them off with the words that they were all wimps. And if anyone doubts, she is happy to confirm her own words with the skill of conquering fire by sparring against the entire imperial motorcade. Despite the thirty fire magic masters that were members of the elite elite, there were no doubters among them who doubted the words of the blue flame conqueror.

Azula safely disembarked from the ship and together with the inseparable spirit went on her first adventure together....


A young girl was walking alone on the road that led inland to the city through the plains and hills. On her shoulder sat a post hawk. With his small eyes he looked with great shock at the girl who was composing verbal rhymes to him about forgiveness.

I beg you to forgive me,

♪ Take the anger and let it go ♪

Give me a chance to make it right

And everything will be all right!

I'm sorry, I'm begging you

¶¶ You mean a lot to me ¶¶

¶¶ Tell me how can I make it right ¶¶

¶¶ How do I make it up to you? ¶¶

How can we start from scratch?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

"That's much better. It's either your genius is kicking in or we're getting closer to each other. That's impressive,' came the voice of the spirit, in the girl's head in response to her rhymes.

- Will you forgive me? - Azula asked with mild interest, turning to her interlocutor.

- Curlew? - The bird perched on the girl's shoulder still didn't understand anything. The hawk looked apprehensively at the princess who was talking to who knows who. As if he understood every word she said. Perhaps it did, dragonhawks are extremely intelligent birds.

"No," the girl exhaled disappointedly at her interlocutor's reply.

- How long do I have to compose various poems to you? - Azula took the next refusal with calmness. It was probably the hundred and first poem she had composed for the spirit. Except he still didn't appreciate her endeavours.

"Don't bother, focus on master Piandao. And yes, go slow down, I want to examine the beauty of this place, I think I hear a waterfall. Shall we go take a look?" - the spirit who was watching the mountain valley decorated with green meadow through which Azula had to walk on her way from the harbour answered her enthusiastically.

- You are impossible to understand. You should decide what you want from me. I don't like doing useless things," Azula replied calmly, frowning her eyebrows and wrinkling her brow.

"Piandao, but there's nothing to stop you from looking at the beauty of nature along the way, and you'd better stop talking to me, the hawk is already looking at you too strangely, and you can see the city buildings up ahead," the spirit appealed to prudence.

"Let's go to the sound of the waterfall, there's no hurry, and I'm very interested in seeing the local beauty," Azula still agreed to such a small thing and turned off the road, walking through a field.

The city of Shu Jing was located amidst a mountain valley dotted with meadows. The road to the city was very crooked, leading up and down the hill to the crevices. Green meadows adorned everything. Not a single tree could be seen amidst all this beauty. It was a quiet and peaceful place, the likes of which were few in the land of fire. Nature was especially beautiful here. After climbing the nearest hill, Azula saw a river that flowed through a rift in the rocks. There were many rapids and waterfalls on the river, and underground streams flowed into it from the depths of the earth.

"It's beautiful, I've never seen anything like it. Too bad I can't capture such beauty on canvas," the spirit in the princess's head said excitedly. He could see the beauty of nature through her eyes. Only such a picture did not impress the princess at all.

- Remind me, why am I composing poetry if you are unwilling to forgive? Have I told you? I don't like doing stupid and useless things," Azula tried to return to the old topic, paying no attention to the beauty or the noise of dozens of waterfalls.

"Possessing a beautiful word is very useful. To be able to properly present thoughts to the interlocutor, to interest a crowd of subordinates, to inspire soldiers to exploit, to raise the morale of the army, citizens, society. To instil in them faith in tomorrow, not to let them despair. Poetry is only a way to train the power of your word, so that you can not only inspire fear, but also plant seeds of respect in the hearts of your subordinates. The power of words is more powerful than lightning, you know that yourself. Or am I wrong?" - The spirit spoke in an instructive voice.

The girl listened to him calmly, not showing any negative emotions. After thinking about the spirit's words, Azula spoke with a slight smile.

- I will agree with you on this one. The word is man's strongest weapon.

'I'm glad our opinions agree,' the spirit replied happily, savouring the moment.

- Well. Have you seen enough? How much longer do I have to stand here?

"Yes, thank you, you can go to the city to find your way to Piandao," the girl replied, heading towards the city that was already visible on the way.

The city was located further down the river. The buildings, made of white stone with red tiles, were built right on the hills. The settlement suited the area, it was peaceful and tranquil. The princess had never travelled to towns like this without a proper escort. She was curious about literally everything happening before her eyes. The life and routine of ordinary people, farmers, peasants, merchants and other citizens.

Walking through the town, Azula watched people live their lives, unaware of worries and problems. The market was selling produce grown by local farmers, various shops were selling their wares, and craftsmen were taking orders. The streets were full of people, and the closer to the market, the more civilians walked the streets. The princess' gaze was drawn to the young couples walking together, holding hands. She averted her eyes, not allowing herself to stare at them.

Little children were playing in the meadow with sticks, imagining themselves to be brave soldiers of the Fire Master. There were even a few girls who were actively beating the boys with sticks. Involuntarily Azula looked at their game, they were not really fighting, trying not to hurt, but their smiles, their laughter.... They must have been having a lot of fun. The girl was pulled away from contemplating the kids by the spirit's voice.

"How cute, they've been wanting to kill and die for strangers since they were little, patriotism in all its glory," the spirit commented as Azula watched a dozen kids playing with wooden swords. She could not reply to the spirit. Such a thing would arouse suspicion from passersby, and she didn't need that.

The princess silently went on exploring the city further.

"Wow, that's a triceratops, sure, I knew there was a lot of different wildlife in this world, but a dinosaur? Do you breed them or something?" - After inspecting a couple dozen Komodo rhinos grazing on the large lawn, Azula found nothing strange about it and went on her way, blinking slowly once as a response to the spirit.

With such an action, she directly answered her interlocutor: yes, breeding.

"I see, well there are lawns everywhere, it must be a great place to raise all sorts of herbivorous livestock. But I have to admit, they look pretty powerful. Beautiful animals with three horns, I've never seen them with my own eyes, I'm still looking at them with someone else's eyes though, ha ha," another attempt at a joke was ignored.

Azula set off to walk further around the city.

Just walking among her own people like this, without bowing, false flattery, guards or anything else... it was so unusual for Azula. Such an unfamiliar and undoubtedly new feeling for the girl. Despite her rich robes and armour, she had taken the spirit's advice not to take anything that would give her away as a princess. And no one noticed that right now a member of the imperial family was walking among the citizens through the streets of the city. All this was mesmerising, the princess was even interested in taking a longer walk around the city, trying to be an ordinary girl. Secretly enjoying the new sensations.

"You look at young families too often. Remembering your childhood?" - The spirit noticed the oddities in the princess's behaviour.

Azula lazily blinked twice, expressing her denial.

However, it was a lie. She was indeed gazing at the happy families, contemplating her own, including her family. The spirit did not insist, allowing Azula to be alone with her thoughts for a while. So she wandered around the city, looking around at the people and their lives, taking her time to inquire about the road to the master.

- 'Mum, look, an auntie with a bird,' Azula passed by a woman and took great interest in the child she was carrying in her arms.

- Curlew? - came the voice of a dragonhawk on the princess's shoulder. The animal quickly realised that he was the one she was talking about and he wheeled his chest out, looking as proud as possible.

"So that's what you really are, aunty. Hee hee."

- Don't point your finger, it's uncivilised," Mum gently reprimanded her child.

- Birdie! Birdie!

This picture made Azula stop for a while, and just stare at the child and mother's relationship. Something about this situation moved the princess' heart, something she didn't know, didn't understand, or simply didn't remember. The girl just continued to stand and stare at the young woman and her child, not understanding what she was feeling right now or why she was looking at them.

- Please forgive my daughter, she is too curious," the woman turned to her, glimpsing Azula's rich clothes.

"I hope you're not going to reprimand her as your captain? I would be deeply ashamed of your behaviour and boorishness towards the young mother," the spirit spoke up in a serious voice, fearing Azula's further actions.

His fears could well have come true, knowing Azula's character, but the princess managed to surprise the spirit with the following words:

- It's no big deal, can you help me find my way? It's my first time in this city and I'm looking for Master Piandao's manor.

- Sure...