
Avatar The Last Airbender: Not Avatar

Everything has an end. Everything has a limit of strength. There is a ceiling beyond which it is impossible to grow. But at the end, you can find a new path, repair or reshape a broken object, and break through the ceiling. Weaknesses can be overcome, and shortcomings turned into an advantage. I know that well. I learned it on myself. {Author: Шэтэл-Соркен (shatal-sorken)} https://ficbook.net/authors/1711049

Vandalizer · アニメ·コミックス
65 Chs


Dear Readers!

It is with great excitement that I want to share with you the news about the release of a new book in the world of "The Witcher", where the main character is none other than Dovahkiin. The book is titled "Gift and Curse" and promises to be a real eye-opener for all fans of the genre.

I suggest you dive into this world by reading the first two chapters of the book. Your opinion is extremely important and I will be immensely grateful if you share your impressions and feedback after reading.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.

I look forward to reading your reviews!

"You can read by going to my webnovel profile."