
Avatar: The discarded blade.

Ever since Kye could remember the Dai lee was her only home, her only family. She lived for the Dai lee, trained until her body was riddled with scars for the Dai lee, killed for the Dai lee and was willing to die for the Dai lee. And eventually she did, but not in the way she wished for... She dreamed of the day she would fullfil her duty and die in service to the Dai lee, giving away her life to complete her mission. And her dream almost came true, after successfully assassinating the vermin that got in her lord's way she was besieged by a group of powerful earth benders whom had been under her target's employ. After fighting tooth and nail she miraculously managed to escape at the low low price of her left arm. Once she came back, instead of being praised for her impressive feat, she was ordered by her lord to end her own life, he had no use for a broken tool. She pleaded with her lord and knelt at his feet, her only wish to continue serving him till the bitter end. Her pleas fell on deaf ears however and she was ordered to end her life once more, this time a cold dagger thrown at her feet. Grasping the dagger and bringing it's cold edge to her neck, she felt unwillingness, sadness and fear bubble up from the depths unknown. Before she knew it she was fighting and killing her comrades, she had sworn to die alongside them yet she was now the one cutting them down. In a way her wish had been fulfilled, she had fought to the bitter end and had died on the same earth as her comrades, What a tragedy that they had died in her hands and she had died in theirs. That should have been the end of the story known as the life of kye, and maybe it was, after all the thing that rose from the grave certainly knew things Kye should have never known. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Felt like writing an avatar fanfic. upload schedule is whenever I have time. I don't own the cover (obviously) Bla bla bla gimme power stones. Bla bla bla mc won't be op from the start, tho she'll get there eventually.

Lustful_Death · テレビ
4 Chs

Naked forest girl shenanigans.

[1556 Words]

This chapter is written, Proof read and edited by me, Your only god and savior



"That ussy got me sick" -Spiderman.

(Here's a detailed Map of the avatar world. You'll fucking need it.)

Kye crouched down so that she could be at eye level with the old woman. She felt her heart beat accelerating, a sign of her fear and anxiety or maybe just rage. Kye hadn't done this enough times to be able to tell.

However if her shallowing breaths and dilated pupils were of any indication, then Kye would go with the former option. That or she was aroused by having Kye's naked body in such close proximity to her.

Kye slightly hopped for that, seduction is a reliable way of gathering information although Kye herself wasn't sure about how reliable it would be as most people find face scars unattractive.

"Alright, first question. Why did they have such an extreme reaction to my appearance?" Kye said while pointing up at the impaled corpses that still hung in the air.

The old woman just looked down and didn't say anything.

"Hmmm.....well, when I see about two dozen people living in isolation in a few wooden huts instead of a village it gets me thinking."

Kye grabbed the old lady by the chin to force eye contact. Cold amber eyes met vacant black ones.

"So what are you exactly? hmm? cannibals? no you don't seem the type. Army deserters maybe?"

The old woman tried to free herself from Kye's grip but Kye simply tightened the restraints around her neck, choking her. Only when she was on the verge of passing out did Kye loosen her hold.

As the old lady gasped for air Kye said "I can tell you're pretty stubborn, even if I torture you from now untill dawn you probably won't say a word just to spite me. I mean what's the worst I can do? kill you? you're not of afraid of death. No, correction you're not afraid of your death."

Kye got up and walked towards the small spike field behind her under the piercing gaze of the old lady who seemed to want to melt holes through her back.

'Looks like I've successfully garnered her attention.'

"Have you ever seen an earth bender in action?" Kye asked but received no response, it was alright as she didn't expect one anyway.

"Well if you have then you would have a hunch that I am no normal earth bender. If you remember, when I made these spikes my vision was completely blocked by the earth wall I used to block these men's arrows. But even with my vision entirely blocked I somehow managed to accurately hit every single one of them, not a single spike missing it's mark. How do you think I managed that?" Kye asked with the only answer she received being the crackling of the camp fire near by.

"Well to put in simple terms I can see through the earth itself, it's how I was able to kill them and it's how I can tell that you're planning to sneak attack me with that stone you just grabbed." Kye said as she observed the old woman's body slightly tremble and her heart rate shoot up through her seismic sensing.

'This time it's definitely fear.' Kye thought.

"But that's not the only thing I can see, I can see your rapid heart beat right now and a weak heart beat right over there." Kye said as she pointed towards the field where the corpses of the women and children were strewn.

The old woman looked towards where Kye pointed, her gaze seemed to have changed.

Kye walked back to the old lady and crouched Infront of her. "You know, It won't be beating for much longer if you keep prolonging this."

The old woman looked at Kye for a few moments before speaking slowly "How can I trust that you'll let us go."

"Us?" Kye raised an eyebrow. "Us would imply that I'll let more than one of you go. I can swear on everything dear to me that I'll let the small one go, if you tell me everything I want, but you. You won't be leaving this place."

The old lady was silent for a few moments before she finally agreed. "Okay, as long as you agree that you won't kill them and that you won't let them die then I'll tell you as much as I can."

"I swear on my life that I'll never kill them, I'll even take care of them." Kye swore solemnly with one hand over her heart.

"Very well, you can ask me anything, as long as it won't endangered the life of my people I'll tell you everything." The old lady said.

"Great. First question. Why did all of you respond in such an extreme way to my appearance?"

"We are being chased by the fire nation because of something we did. You're probably not part of the fire nation though considering your earth bending." The old lady said in a way as if she was almost lamenting.

"Oh? What did you do?" Kye asked in interest.

"We attacked some fire nation colonies and a bunch of their warships." She explained.


"What's our current location?" Kye asked.

"We are at the forest near the mountain pass."

(The mountain pass is the place where Toph figured out earth bending after getting captured.)

'Oh, makes sense it's the forest nearest to Lake Laogai where the headquarters is. Though I am a bit surprised I only reached this far after a month of travel but then again I did travel blind.'

"Never heard of it. Do you know of any well known land marks near here?" Kye asked. She didn't know much about the world's geography beyond the places near Ba sing se and some earth kingdom cities. And of course the places in her vision, but she didn't know their exact locations or the route to get there.

"Well....there's the Si Wong desert to the south west and Ba sing se to the north." The old lady answered after a moment of thought.

"Any other interesting places you know of?" Kye asked

"Well if you're looking to sight see then there's one of those temples those air nomads used to live in before. All you have to do is cross the ocean heading south east and you'll find it."

'That's too hard to reach'

"Are you sure you don't know of any other places?" Kye asked again. Feeling as if her life would end after this question the old lady searched her mind for all the places she knew of.

After about an hour of the old lady listing off every place even slightly interesting she knew of, the questioning was finally over.

"Those are all the places I know of." The old lady said.

"Ok last question. Is there anything valuable, rare or interesting in this camp." Kye asked.

The old lady looked Kye in the eye and said "None."

'That's a lie. But if she didn't hesitate to lie over it then there's definitely something very important here.'

"Ok, looks like we're done here." Kye got up and pated some dust off her hands.

The old lady looked at the ground and then slowly looked towards the south. Maybe reminiscing about her life or just admire the beauty of nature. She then looked up at Kye who stood over her.

"Do what you have to d-"


Before she could finish her sentence. An earth spike emerged from the ground and pierced through her lower jaw all the way through her skull before receding back into the ground and letting her limp body fall to the ground.

Kye walked away and towards the second heart beat from earlier. She soon arrived Infront of a relatively intact body of a small child.

Kye kicked the child's body away to reveal something far more important hidden under it. It was a small turtle.

(I fkn love these things)

Kye gently picked up the small shell that contained infinite cuteness and said. "From now on you'll be my son. I'll love you like a father. I'll call you Adam."

Kye joyfully hopped through the field of corpses and entered a hut, once she did so she put the turtle duck on a bed and tucked him in so that he wouldn't catch a cold.

Having fulfilled her part of the agreement with the old lady she got to work on burying the bodies.

Kye didn't use earth bending to finish the job quickly however. She grabbed a shovel and dug a grave for each of them by hand and collected all their remains and buried them. Dawn had arrived by the time she was done and she was soaking in sweat and was about to double over from exhaustion.

'I had no right to kill any of these people but I did so anyway. A proper burial is the least I can do for them.'

Kye lit up an incense stick she found. 'I don't dare dream of your forgiveness but I wish from the bottom of my heart for you to have a peaceful after life.'


And on that humanitarian note I'll be ending this chapter.

Fuck you.

Lustful_Deathcreators' thoughts