

WSA 2024 Participant---- Please Vote for me! [Warning - Idiot Foolish Selfish Lazy MC. if you like cursing at MC for his laziness, if you want to squeeze the life out of the MC for his stupidness, if you want to pray for MC to die in every chapter for wasting potential and opportunities then this is the story for you.] "Is Automation Cheat Enough? No? I guess I will have to Automate Cheating too." Lu Sheng said standing above a sea of dead bodies as he looked at the very Heaven with a scorn. He's been scammed in hell and now need to work for Hell Guardians. However, his laziness made him gain the power of System, an Automated System. He does not want to work at all, would he survive the fires of Hell or become an Enlightened One? Even his fate is lazy enough not to know. -------------------- #ACTION #ADVENTURE #SYSTEM #WEAKTOSTRONG #CULTIVATION #OVERPOWERED #TRANSMIGRATION #ISEKAI #KINGDOMBUILDING #XIANXIA Sorry, guys, no smut, no harem, no romance, no slice of life, no power of friendship. I would like to Thanks my Top 10 Fans - @Saverius, @caio_henrique, @Urben, @Daoisth3B2ho, @Gideon_Salvatore, @Hyde_Zyn, @xoley, @Puddinggg, @An_Closet and @YourAverage_Reader. Cover art AI generated.

WoodenPaw · 東方
320 Chs

0023 - Chad Chadington.

Smoke and fire clouded the sky as the book found itself in a landscape of chaos—fire, lava, and explosions consuming everything in sight. The air crackled with heat, and the ground trembled beneath the force of continuous eruptions.

"What? Where am I? What is this domain?" The book panicked believing that he was not in a dream but in a real place. "This dream is so lifelike that I almost fell into its illusion. The mental strength of this buffoon is strong…I am glad this is not a waste of time and effort for me, but why is he dreaming about such a place?"


"Huh? Someone coming?" He stopped floating and put himself on a secure, not burning piece of rock.


A while later a person emerged from the smoke in full armor. His boots seared the red, cracked stones beneath him. It was Lu Sheng, taller and more handsome, with a spiky hairstyle.

"Oh, here he is. What is he wearing?" The book noticed the unusual shiny, painted, dark metal armor which was glowing or pulsating with blue energy in the joints and gaps. A large circular hole in the middle was the source of energy.

"Chad Sheng looked to his right and found an unlikely item in this realm of brimstone and fire." 

A voice echoed everywhere as if someone was narrating.

"Chad Sheng?" The Book wondered in his mind.

"Intrigued by its presence, Chad Sheng picked it up."

As the narrator described, Lu Sheng bent down and picked up the book. His armor made a smooth sound of wheezing and humming as if it was not made of metal at all.

"He inspected the book."

Lu Sheng did the same.

"Finding nothing much on the cover, he opened it."

Lu Sheng did the same.

"To his surprise, it was empty, which instead of disappointing, intrigued him more. A singular book intact in this domain of fire. He decided to keep the book and search for his secrets later, right now he needs to face the Demoness Empress for his quest."

Lu Sheng nodded in agreement and tied the book on his waist with a glowing rope that came out of nowhere. After that, he resumed his slow and methodical walk as if he was not walking but posing on each step.

"What is going on? Is this the most narcissistic dream I have seen?" The book was not an idiot and started to understand the personality of the person who was dreaming right now. However, that armor intrigued him so he decided to stay for more, these small clues are what is valuable.

"Chad Sheng walked for months without any rest in search of the Demoness Empress domain for his revenge."

The Narrator's voice echoed with a melancholy tone.

"What? He didn't even take three steps yet." The Book was baffled by the amount of exaggeration in the narration.

Far in the distance, the land shook which attracted the attention of Lu Sheng, it felt as if a massive army was coming towards him. He lifted his left hand and looked at his gauntlet and it lit up with a square construct.

"What kind of formation is this?" The book was again baffled by this unique detail.

"Chad Sheng frowned seeing the amount of dots on his sensors." The Narrator continued.

"Sensors? Huh?" The book can't get a break from bafflement.

"Infested Orc's!"

"Chad Sheng excitedly called out the name of the foes waiting for him." The Narrator's voice was also filled with excitement. "He punched some instructions and his Vulkan Bolt Shotgun Machine Gun which shoots miniature rockets materialized in his hands."

As the Narrator described an oversized gun with at least 10 barrels materialized in his hand.

"Shotgun? Machine Gun? Is this a weapon? What kind of weapon is this?" The Book wanted to be over with his bafflement but somehow Lu Sheng kept giving him something interesting.


"A horde surfaced at the end of the horizon as Chad Sheng smiled, welcoming them," the narrator praised Lu Sheng like an enthusiastic fan. "He stood alone against unimaginable odds as the horde charged over. These mindless fools know no bounds of what they're up against. He may be alone, but he is a one-man army. Our hero, CHAD SHENG!"

The book had never felt such embarrassment, cringing at the exaggerated praise bestowed upon the Chad Sheng by some voice in the sky.

The land thrummed with the thunderous beat of their split hooves, echoing the approach of these green-skinned, grotesque ape-like creatures with mutations. 

Multiple arms waved spiked axes and clubs, their eyes ablaze with rage, glowing a fiery red. With each roar, vile liquid regurgitated from their mouths, splashing onto the cracked, red-hot earth beneath their feet, sizzling as it made contact. A relentless force of destruction driven by primal fury.

With a quick move, he lifted his Vulkan Bolt Shotgun Machine Gun, its many illogical barrels hummed with bright light, and it crackled with power, ready to unleash.

"Come on, you ugly motherfuckers!" Chad Sheng's voice boomed across the battlefield, cutting through the noise of the approaching horde. "You're up against Chad Sheng, your worst nightmare!"

The book rolled his eyes at the cheap warcry.

As the first group of Infested Orcs got close enough, Chad Sheng pressed the trigger, it beeped for a moment, and then an explosion which the book never expected. Explosions after explosion unleashed from the end of every barrel but nothing happened to the weapon in his hands.

Lu Sheng laughed like a maniac as he directed the mouth of the explosions towards the horde, all around him. The book was confused at first but then he noticed the explosions were actually propelling or shooting or more like spewing an enormous amount of projectiles as those projectiles shot towards the horde with deadly accuracy.

"Oh, fireworks?" The book quickly deduced. However, he was not ready for what happened next.

More explosions but not near him but near the horde as each projectile exploded like multiple sacks or drums of fireworks caught on fire. That was not the end of it either, the book noticed that each projectile also flew through the air and hit their targets accurately, causing explosions among the crowded enemies.

Explosions sent Orcs flying and set them on fire, their bodies exploded like a confetti of gore, but they kept coming, still eager to fight.

"Not giving up, Chad Sheng kept shooting at the enemy, laughing maniacally, cursing, and kept on shooting, moving smoothly and hitting his targets one after another. With each shot, he cleared a path through the Infested Orcs, showing no signs of backing down despite the tough odds." The Narrator returned with praises.

The Horde kept pushing as they kept getting closer with each step sacrificing hundreds to gain an inch.

Suddenly a large one flew up high in a surprise attack. "Is that all you got?!" Chad yells, roundhouse kicking that orc's head clean off. "I do this stuff in my sleep!"

"You are asleep!" The book can't help it.

"You call this an attack?!" Chad snorted, dodging an axe aside casually. "My grandma hits harder than you losers!"

"Grandma? Patriarch Lu's deceased wife?" The book wondered. "No, that would be his great-great-grandma."

He fired off more rockets while performing a dramatic spinning jump, taking out the orcs who had nearly surrounded and tackled him. "That's what you get for trying to mess with Chad!"

The book recoiled witnessing a close explosion as severed orc limbs flew past its cover. "Merciful heaven! This is a level of carnage beyond even the vilest battlefield!"

"Get some!" Chad yelled as he unleashed more barrages of rockets setting the entire battlefield with explosions and more fire.

The book shuddered. "What is this twisted parody of warfare?"

However, that was not the end of it as a fresh battalion of hulking orc berserkers erupted from the flames, Chad Sheng cracked his knuckles.

"MORE??!" The book can't stomach this anymore.

"Guess it's time to go All Guns Blazing!" Chad Sheng cocked a lever hidden in his oversized gun and suddenly the number of barrels split in half as they suddenly got mounted on his shoulders. His armor suddenly started to morph and not sure from where but more parts and bulk got added to his already bulky armor.

His shoulders now have more barrels than what the original gun had, his both hands are now holding two massive single-barreled weapons. 


The book has never seen or read any depiction of any armor like this so he wondered about Lu Sheng's level of imagination.

The horde seems to get taunted by his words.

Barrels exploded and so did the battlefield. The previous scene of exploding gore and explosions returned as each explosion drowned the previous one drowning the agonized screams of the horde. 

The Book started to get numbed by all these mindless, senseless depictions of violence. 

"It seems, I would have to interfere in this, or else, I would waste a lot of my time here." 

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