
Author System: In My Own Novel With A System

Angry Otaku God reincarnated a young man out of displeasure in the world of a novel. A world filled with monsters and incomplete knowledge of the future where unknown dangers lurks in shadows. It is our MC's duty to write novels and earn money enough to survive in this world full of dangersbut thankfully he isn't alone in this journey. ******** I don't own the cover art, if the original owner has any problem please tell me I will immediately remove it.

Lucifer_Mors · ファンタジー
2 Chs

1. Prologue

"So just for this you killed me"(Ian)

A figure of young man shouted at the figure of a fat man in front of him.

Both were standing in a completely white room which was filled with a litter of junk food.

"Just for this? do you know how much time you take to update a chapter"(???)

"But that isn't enough of a reason for you to kill me"(Ian)

The young man shouted at the top of his lungs at the fat figure in front of him and suddenly felt crushed by a force.


"You are forgetting I'm a God I can do anything I wish to"(???)

"Argh...you ugly bastard"(Ian)

"What did you say?"(???)


The pressure increased once again and the young man felt like a mountain has been placed on his back.

"So do you know your place now"

"Yes yes sorry..pant sorry I was being rude to you please stop this..urgh"(Ian)

The fat figure took the pressure back and the young man started to pant heavily.

(Ian's P.O.V)

My name is Ian Mors, an 18-year-old teenager who was pursuing his future in the field of medicine.

In my life, nothing was exciting, a normal orphan life where you need to rely on scholarship money for pursuing higher studies.

I spent my whole life living under the books and just a few months ago started a new hobby of reading web novels online.

A pretty bad habit, but I enjoyed this very much.

In just a few months I read almost all the good works present on the internet.

After reading almost every good novel I was disappointed not to be able to find any good work so I took the responsibility of writing some good stuff on my shoulders.

I started to write a few novels by myself and the response from the readers was also very good.

Today I was very happy to receive an invitation for a contract from the site I was posting my novels on and to celebrate it I went to a restaurant to eat my dinner.

But to my bad luck on the way to the restaurant, I was hit by a truck which was driven by a drunk driver.

The last thing I remembered was the worried faces of the strangers who gathered near me calling an ambulance and when I open my eyes back I was here with this fat otaku god.

After some time the situation between them finally calmed down.

'So he is a God.'(Ian)

'I thought beautiful goddesses were the ones responsible for reincarnation'(Ian)

"Sorry to disappoint you but that was just some fiction some dickhead started with"(???)

"Wait you can read my mind"(Ian)

"Duh obviously I'm an omnipotent and omniscient being for nothing"(???)

"I can read your thoughts very well"(???)

'Oh shit'(Ian)

"Coming to the main topic, so do you admit your crimes"(???)

"What crimes?"(Ian)

"What crimes? you ask Hahaha"(???)

"Ok Ok let me count them for you, first not uploading chapters for weeks"(???)

"Second the short chapters are just like your dick"(???)

"Third the grammar errors, man you went to an English medium school for 15 years, even if it is your second language you should probably able to write a decent chapter with it"(???)

"Fourth and the biggest crime of all you never complete a story"(???)

"I can't believe I was killed for just this"(Ian)

"You said that just a few minutes ago"(???)

"You dic- I mean my good sir, don't you think killing me for this going pretty much too far"(Ian)

"You know I also have my studies to take care of it's kind of hard to deal with them both at the same time"(Ian)

"Do you think I care about it? And even if you have your studies to deal with why are you writing so many novels at the same time"(???)


"I don't mean the plot is bad, they are excellent but you know how much we readers have to wait for updates"(???)

"You fucking write 5 novels at the same time"(???)


"And you write such short chapters with so much of grammatical errors and never complete them"(???)

"And also why do your novels don't have any romance in them?"(???)

"Romance? I'm just a virgin eighteen year old what type of romance do you think I can write"(Ian)

"Even the things I know about romance came from novels"(Ian)

"So what? majority of your readers are virgin shut-ins like you who can't even talk to a girl properly"(???)

"Write whatever you want just to please their little heart"(???)

"Ok Ok I get it I get it, It's all my fault"(Ian)

"Hmm it's good that you get it"(???)

The Otaku God nodded in satisfaction after hearing Ian accepting his fault.

"So what now? Are you going to send me back to my world or something?"(Ian)

The Otaku God didn't answer back but smiled at Ian which made shivers run down Ian's back.

"H-hey wait I-I don't swing that way "(Ian)


"What the hell are you thinking idiot? I will be reincarnating you into another world"(???)

"Ouch..wait reincarnating me? like in the novels"(Ian)

"Yes exactly like the novels"(???)

"You said reincarnating me into another world but what about the world I came from"(Ian)

"Oh that I'm sorry but I can't reincarnate you back in your original world"(???)


"It's a contract of mine which truck Kun and I made"(???)

"Contract? Wait Truck-Kun he is real"(Ian)


"What kind of Otaku are you to question the existence of truck-Kun"(???)


"Shut Up! I don't get it how can a loser like you write such nice novels"(???)

"And yes Truck-Kun is real, after his debut in the novels he had discussed with me that no one once hit by him would get reincarnated back into his world"(???)

"He says it would be a waste of his time that's why you can't get reincarnated back into your original world"(???)

"That's bullshit"(Ian)

"Did you say anything?"(???)

"No No"(Ian)

Ian shook his neck sideways in panic as he feared that this Otaku god will hit him once again if he said something.

"So will I reincarnated into a world like Marvel or DC like in the fanfic "(Ian)

"Or become a rich second-generation villain as in the villain novels"(Ian)

With an evil grin on his face, the Otaku god looked at Ian.

"Oh you are excited about your reincarnation"(???)

"Hahaha I can't say the world you are going in for now as it will be a surprise for you"(???)


"Hmm do you have any problem with it"(???)

"No No I don't have any problems I love surprises very much I can't wait to see that world myself "(Ian)

"Good Good"(???)

"Uhm So will I'll be getting any wishes"(Ian)

"Wishes? Is it even a thing to question obviously.."(???)


"Yes I a... Wait what did you say No"(Ian)

"Yes, I did. You won't be getting any wishes but yes you will be getting a system for yourself"(???)


"I'm already doing a big favor by letting you reincarnate even after the sin you committed so be grateful, you mortal"

The Otaku God once again released a little bit of his pressure on Ian and out of fear Ian shut his mouth tightly.

"You won't be getting any wishes but yes you could change your appearance as you wish"(???)

"Oh can I?"(Ian)

"Yes go ahead"(???)

A blue holographic screen lit up in front of Ian and a holographic model of a human was projected in front of him.

The original Ian's face was average but now that he got himself a chance to change his appearance he made sure to make it as handsome as possible.

Blonde hair, beautiful red eyes, perfect face, and the most important thing his little brother...no...his big brother.

"Are you done now?"(???)


"Ok, you will unlock your system and memories after your 16th birthday now go"(???)


Ian wanted to say something but suddenly a big black hole was formed below his feat and Ian was sucked in.

"HAHAHA Now enjoy your new life in that boring world, Ian"(???)

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